Thursday, April 16, 2015

Italicum, passes the line of Renzi. But Bersani raises: “No … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published April 16, 2015 at 13:35.
The last change is the April 16, 2015 at 13:56.

“There is no retreat of the minority Democratic Party, I saw an idea of ​​combat. Not finding a risk divisions “in the minority. And again. “I will not even consider the possibility that Renzi put trust on the electoral law.” The day after the fiery night meeting of the group on the Democratic Party in the House election law (with the approval of the line of Renzi and the resignation of the leader Robert Hope in “profound disagreement” sull’Italicum) former Secretary dem gives voice to the discontent the minority. While 21 senators of the minority Democratic Party hope “shooting a comparison» sull’Italicum before the vote in Parliament. But the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, departing for the US, where he will meet Barack Obama, wants to turn the page, considering closed the game on ‘ italicum. It focuses on other priorities, beginning with the central themes of the meeting with Barack Obama: growth, employment, Libya, the fight against terrorism. Yesterday the line of premier on the electoral law (on without changes to the text) was approved unanimously. At the time of the vote, however, the minority did not participate: about 310 members of the group, the yes were 190.

Bersani: minority united and combative
In Day After, the minority did not retreat. “I read in the newspapers about strange reconstructions Assembly yesterday. I have not seen a retreat of the minority Democratic Party, I saw an idea of ​​fighting. ” So today today Pierluigi Bersani, who has ruled out divisions in the minority (“I do not see this risk ‘). But if Matteo Renzi puts confidence sull’Italicum the vote? “I will not even consider this hypothesis,” was the laconic reply of the former Democratic Party Secretary.

Minority divided Pd
Despite the reassurances of Bersani, the minority Democratic Party is divided, however, as it is devoid of an alternative strategy, since Renzi said clearly that in case of rejection dell’Italicum the road to take is that of early voting. A lack of a common strategy that starts from the behavior in the classroom once legitimately expressed their dissent in the assembly of the group. Hope and other more “dialoguing” accept the principle of loyalty to the decisions of the majority, while the same Bersani as Alfredo D’Attorre and others have announced their vote against anyway. Even the choice of last night’s Area reformist not participate in the final vote in the assembly, instead of voting against, can come to suspect that opponents dell’Italicum, on paper more than a hundred, not actually have all this interest to be counted .

Fassina: go forward with two amendments
Who does not riuncia to do battle is Stefano Fassina, for whom “yesterday the Prime Minister went straight, a numerical victory for granted, but a political defeat for the whole Democratic Party. ” Hence the announcement: “We will go forward in committee with a couple of amendments because we want the electoral law goes into port quickly – added Fassina – One concerns the award of the prize to the majority coalition, another face so that citizens can choose who elect not to have an appointed chamber. “

Renzi: Pd than discussion, but now other priorities
Renzi considers however closed the speech sull’Italicum, expected in the classroom to the House on 27 April. Are you satisfied with the outcome of the meeting of the group of the Democratic Party of the House last night on the election law. Sources close to him explain that Renzi feeds “great respect for the discussion that developed yesterday at the meeting of the group and for the different dynamics at work within the minority Democratic Party.” But, today, departing for the United States to meet with US President Barack Obama, the prime minister is focused on other priorities, beginning with the themes that will be the focus of the meeting with Obama, “based economy growth and work against the idea that austerity and rigor are the only recipe, Libya, the fight against terrorism, Iran’s new course. ” Renzi must only decide whether to trust or not sull’Italicum, who wants to be approved by May, so before regional. But many are in the majority think that confidence in the end will not be necessary.

Orfini: Hope? I hope you think back
As for the resignation of Hope, an invitation to reconsider came from Matthew Orfini. “A Hope I already said last night in public and then in private reflects on his decision – said the president of the Democratic Party – I think it is a mistake to dramatize. It seems to me an exaggeration to say that democracy is at risk because there are 100 list headers blocked instead of 80 “. An invitation to reconsider was also arrived yesterday from Renzi (“We ask Hope to reflect”).

21 senators minority Pd: reopen comparison
Meanwhile, 21 senators of the minority Pd hope “shooting a comparison» sull’Italicum before the vote in plenary. And define the resignation of Hope, “a gesture linear and consistent, the more valuable in times of transformation and opportunism.” Among the senators: Miguel Gotor, Maria Cecilia Guerra, Corradino Mineo, Maurizio Migliavacca, Massimo Mucchetti, Walter Tocci.



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