Monday, April 13, 2015

Italicum, showdown in the House. Napolitano: “You can not go back … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published April 13, 2015 at 21:03.

Showdown final sull’Italicum, this week. Wednesday there will be a meeting of the Democratic Party, called after the request to change the electoral law advanced by eighty deputies dem on 310.

Napolitano: “Do not undo what has been built”
A placet authoritative arrived by former President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, who called for “not undo what has been painstakingly built.” “You can not go back,” warned Napolitano. “Woe if it falls into a start over.” The life senator recalled the genesis of Mattarellum: “It was elaborated and discussed in a few months, because there was a climate of collaboration and awareness of the elementary fact that the electoral law can only be a compromise bill. So was the
Mattarella law, which worked extremely well. ” Liquidate “was a serious mistake.”

Tensions in the Democratic Party, will meet tomorrow Area reformist
The estate of the group Pd will be decisive, numbers in hand, to approve dell’Italicum. The parent Fi in the House, Renato Brunetta, betting that 100 deputies dem not vote, and promises to his request for a secret ballot for a trap to the premier and secretary Pd Matteo Renzi. Tomorrow morning there will be a meeting of Area Reform, the component of the parent company Robert Hope, who last week issued the appeal of 80 MPs, asking a couple of changes (via the list headers blocked, chances OF AFFILIATION the ballot).

The numbers required
The unknown is what will happen Wednesday the meeting of the group. The majority of Parliament dem is in favor of the approval dell’Italicum without modification, and ask minorities to adapt. Some, like Stefano Fassina, has already responded spades. And the defection of a dozen deputies certainly not afraid, as the parties supporting the law (Pd, Ap, Sc, Pi-Cd, SVP,) have about 380 votes, well above the absolute majority in the House that is at stake 316

The rock in committee
The first hurdle will be examining in constitutional affairs committee, where amendments and Friday will be deposited where they sit ten members of the minority. Someone has already said that he will ask to be replaced. Someone else, such as Alfredo D’Attorre, ordered Renzi of “clear up” hypothesis confidence, “otherwise my part there will be no step back to committee.” At that point in the event of breakage to be the leader to replace him imperiously.



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