Thursday, April 16, 2015

Prodi: “torpedoed the Hill because it feared, 120 snipers” – The Republic

Rome – There’s his non-election to the Hill and the relationship with his political enemies, the defeat of the Olive and the birth of the Democratic Party, the offer of Matteo Renzi of an application to the secretariat of the United Nations and the future of Berlusconi: Romano Prodi, in the interview book Romano Prodi, Mission unfinished Mark Damilano, now in bookstores, tells the His version of the non-election at the Quirinale and traces throughout his long political career.

Not only 101 . The 101 snipers of the Democratic Party that stopped the race Prodi to the Hill in 2013 “actually were almost 120. I know that you have received a concrete number of votes scattered outside of the Democratic Party, among centrists, grillini and scattered troops . And I know who voted for me a number of my former students, “Prodi said in the interview. “The result of the secret ballot – confides Prodi – I had rigorously planned, despite some negative vote less,” he admits. “Many are afraid to vote for me. They need – said the former prime minister – someone who guarantees a ‘controllability’ absolute. I controllability not garantivo and not the guarantee neither the Democratic Party nor and Forza Italy and even to grillini “.

UN. Prodi said then that he had received from the President of the Council Matteo Renzi, the offer of a possible bid to the UN. In the meeting of 15 December, Renzi “kindly mentioned to one of my possible candidacy for the next secretary of the United Nations. I thanked him, but I pointed out the substantial inability to realize this proposal, both for the age I will have when this position will become vacant so demanding (77 years), both for the strong political support enjoyed by other candidates, who already are gearing up. “

Criticism Renzi. Although it does not refer explicitly to the Prime Minister, Mr Prodi does not spare criticism of the government: “The political horizon of rulers is growing short,” There is, he insists, a ‘barometric democracy’ in which the rulers follow the mood of voters: “If we are caught by the need to win the upcoming elections and always follow the fashions of the moment, it’s over.”

Olive and Pd . For Prodi, the Democratic Party there would be if it were not for The Olive Tree, as if the first is the son of the second: the Democratic Party, for the former prime minister, inherited by UL “aims to bring together all reformism … but the Pd enhances it every other day. ” Then, on the idea of ​​a Nation Party, Prodi is more than skeptical: “It is not compatible with the bipolar. It is a contradiction in terms. In mature democracies, there can be a Nation Party.”

Berlusconi still on track. For the former President of the Council, it is not yet time for an exit from the political scene of Silvio Berlusconi: “The weakening of Berlusconi is a strong insurance for the life of the government – said Prodi -. The its disappearance would make it too many problems. “

Romano Prodi
Matteo Renzi


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