“As further evidence of common sense and reasonableness in the light of the situation of the last hours, the possibility of a surplus ticket Schittulli-Poli Bortone, combining all the best energies.” And ‘the proposed Raffaele Lease in day dell’autoconvocazione loyalists in Lecce. “Of course – adds the former minister – must drop all the vetoes on our candidates in the lists of our party Forza Italy and set up, as is logical, lists strong and competitive. Who does not accept even this solution, is playing another game that has nothing to do with the regional elections. This is my personal contribution to the proposed policy, of reasonableness, also to remove all every possible excuse or alibi and to have a coalition united and winning. Puglia, the electrical and the voters of this region deserve. “
But the mediation of Lease unconvincing Luigi Vitale:” The hypothesis of a ticket Schittulli-Poli Bortone is not on the table. At the most we could analyze the hypothesis of a ticket Poli Bortone-Schittulli, in the sense that she is the presidential candidate and his vice president, “said Commissioner of Forza Italy in Puglia. “It is not possible for Fi support – he added – Schittulli as candidate for president of the Puglia region because he has hunted Fi out of the coalition and instead of joining split. But because we are Catholic-believers we can consider putting a ticket yes, but Poli Bortone-Schittulli “. The direct question poses a problem which is upstream. “” Why talk about the ticket? – Asked – no one asked the ticket. The problem was the unity of the center. E ‘together? If the center does not joined the fault of the exorbitant demands of Lease married for Schittulli. If these problems are not resolved what we talk about? “. And speaking of misdirection.” Why talk of a ticket? The problem is he is Lease. And ‘he who along with Schittulli broke the unit. His proposal is the usual screening of who is cornered and changes the subject, all of those who want to distract from the real problems that are all within his party. “
” And Lease them solved these problems ? If you solved them – ga added Poli Bortone – then do not need a ticket, we have a candidate is Francis Schittulli. All together we have a candidate. “” And if this is no longer the candidate of all we owe it to Raffaele Lease that made demands beyond the possible. “So, I go back to ask: Why Lease speaks of a ticket if the problem is him? And ‘him – said the former mayor of Lecce – who must solve the original problem and the original problem is represented solely by its exorbitant demands “.
It is now open war in Puglia between Lease and Berlusconi. No holds barred. After the surprise move of former Lieutenant Knight in Puglia Luigi Vitali to nominate Adriana Poli Bortone, not long to wait for the response of the loyalists of the former “prosthesis” of Berlusconi. “To democratically elect the national coordinator and the steering of FI, following the disputed commissioner ordered by Luigi Vitali”, the “majority of party members has Autoconvocate morning in Lecce Congress citizen.” To open the mayor of Lecce, the President Province, MPs and councilors.
“Lecce is one of the few cities – say MPs salentini Forza Italian Roberto Marti, Rocco Palese and Francesco Bruni – where Forza Italy governs the City and the Province for years and get the percentages of votes, the highest in Italy. The commissioner of the Party is therefore an act of incomprehensible and politically illegitimate even before the bylaws. The logic in Forza Italy commissioners who wins and awards the loser is absurd and is leading us to lose every day consensus and credibility “.
“Today in Lecce – continues – we start by members, which are the heart of the party and the only ones to be entitled to choose the leaders and the political line.” The meeting was opened by the Mayor of Lecce Paolo Perrone, the President of the Province Antonio Gabellone, parliamentarians Roberto Marti, Rocco Palese and Francesco Bruni and councilors Regional. The seats will remain open until 18 hours in the hotel Titian Lecce.
READ Interview with Adriana Poli Bortone
Lease & amp; Co. fear that the coalition might crumble. Giorgia Meloni, president of FDI, for now declines the offer but did not slam the door. “For us to Adriana Poli Bortone is obviously a proposal to consider if you want to put Adriana Poli Bortone in terms of playing a game and win and not a proposal to consider if Adriana Poli Bortone be the instrument with which Silvio Berlusconi thinks fight his battle against Raffaele Lease, “said the microphones of Gr Rai. “To date we have no reason to withhold support from Schittulli” says Meloni, “then all together if the center were to evaluate any other application that can regroup and Schittulli was willing to take a step back, but he would speak to us today we supported the candidacy of Schittulli objectively and we are still supporting this nomination. “
READ Doubts League. Lease: “Cupio dispel”
The same Poli Bortone, in an interview with the Republic, says he is ready to accept the challenge, as five years ago when he was the preferred candidate of Berlusconi but Lease insisted nominate his dolphin Rocco Palese. The former mayor of Lecce, then, took to the track alone with the UDC and coin vows sotratti the coalition of Forza Italy paved the way to a Nichi Vendola. “Lease maybe, he pulled the rope too. But you, Schittulli, you can not get your feet together in a party that is not yours and put you to dictate terms: you have to put on the list this and that …”
explains in the interview to the Republic.And there are those who do irony. As Francesco Storace, national secretary of the right hand and vice president of the Regional Council of Lazio, who writes on Twitter: “In Puglia Farce Italy. Thanks to the dignity shown bygiorgiameloni andadrianapolibort Mr Berlusconi no longer plays with the Italian right.”
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