Friday, April 17, 2015

Renzi goes on, the minority at the crossroads – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published April 17, 2015 at 06:37.


For Matteo Renzi dell’Italicum the game is closed, and does not include extra time. Before leaving for Washington, where today he will meet Barak Obama, the prime minister calls for a focus on the “priority” of the economy and foreign policy. As for the internal minority, after inviting during the Assembly of Deputies on parent Robert Hope to withdraw the resignation, betrays his “satisfaction” with the outcome of the meeting night and his “great respect for the dynamics involved to ‘ interior of the minority of the Democratic Party. ” An elegant way to highlight the divisions of the left.

And in fact in the House the views are varied: on the one hand there are people like Alfredo D’Attorre and Francesco Boccia who keep saying they will not vote the Italicum without modification; the other is a large slice of reformist Area (including Hope) which is of a different opinion: after the vote at the meeting you have to respect the decision of the majority. Hope the same, just as he replaced his term, has ensured loyalty to the party and to the group. Some, like Dario Ginefra, speaks explicitly of “unease” among the ranks of the minority to the “theoretical guerrilla.” And Financo a Bersani like David Zogg says that if the amendments are rejected you must vote yes all’Italicum. On these divisions leverages Renzi, convinced that a piece of the minority of the Democratic Party has already decided to follow the line dictated by the majority: the dissidents are considered pure 30-40. Sure, there is always the risk of the amendments in the shadow of a secret ballot, but for this there is the weapon of confidence: despite the official statements (“it is only the last resort ‘), the hypothesis remains very much alive on the table .

On antirenziani and not scattered renziani is the former secretary of the Democratic Party Pier Luigi Bersani trying to give the charge, and who asks the “retreat” of the minority responds: “But what retreat … The minority has shown a combative attitude. That of Hope is a consistent and strong, there are young people with the principles. ” Here, the case Hope. It is he who could draw a line in one direction or another in the party. Bersani himself makes no secret of considering the future of anti-Renzi, one who could challenge him at the next congress of the Democratic Party expected in 2017. It goes without saying that such a role can not be covered by the leader in the House. No coincidence that the “danger” is sensed immediately by the staff fer, that the number two Lorenzo Guerini President Matthew Orfini invites the parent to consider resigning. Hope minority leader in full-time, in fact, could strengthen the entire area by breaking the pattern of the Prime Minister to divide the diehards from the large group of dialoguing. And he, Hope, is at this time really at a crossroads: Do you know that has nothing to think about, and that is that Renzi should give a signal. “If there are no new facts by Renzi – is the ragionamneto of Hope – I can not withdraw my resignation.” The new facts may be changes to the reform of the Senate and of Title V, in the view of the minority closely linked all’Italicum. But changes must be ‘substantial’, tells Bersani, and not “sweeteners.” Guerini but warns that “it makes no sense to interpret the hint of Renzi to discuss some changes to the reforms as a bargaining chip.” And in any case there seems to be for now willingness to touch up the heart of the reform, Article 2, which otherwise has been confirmed by the House and is therefore technically inemendabile. But some also from here, for Renzi, passes the decision to put or not the trust. At the risk of losing some of the minority who perhaps can still be rescued. Hope the same notes as many as 21 senators (including Gotor and Migliavacca) yesterday signed an appeal in his support and to reopen the comparison. In the Senate is gone, at least on paper, the support of Fi, and the majority is held by a number of votes under 10.

Meanwhile, the M5S rides the latest controversy by claiming that the ‘ italicum, as well as being a bad law, it is also “written with his feet” as a result of a miscalculation would elect 10 MPs in most of the 630 required by the Constitution. Ready replication Rapporteur’s Gennaro Migliore: “It’s a lie.”




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