Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Tear in the Democratic Party, the leader leaves Renzi: “Government related to … – BBC

Milan , April 15, 2015 – 18:20


The announcement dreaded has arrived: the leader of the Democratic Party Roberto Hope announced shortly 22 before his resignation to the Assembly of Deputies on electoral reform because “there is a profound disagreement.” “Do not change the electoral law – explained Hope – is a very serious mistake that will make very weak the challenge that the reformist Democratic Party has launched the country. There is a clear contradiction between my ideas and the function that I do and that I would be called on to play in the coming hours. ” “I will be loyal to my group and to my party but I want to be just as loyal to my deep convictions,” said Hope. After the announcement of Hope, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has invited the assembly to discuss “in a most appropriate venue” and to continue with the vote sull’Italicum. But the dissident minority left the meeting. The weather is imminent breakthrough: “You can not go on like this. See you in the Chamber. And personally I have said what I will do, “says Pippo Civati. “It was not considered the political fact of the resignation of Hope, ‘insists Stefano Fassina. “It ‘a matter of style,” says Rosy Bindi. “Proceeding of tear in tearing do not know where it ends,” says Alfredo D’Attorre. “If you choose to go on like I’m not there,” thunders Pier Luigi Bersani.

The attempt in extremis

Renzi has tried until the last ward off the tear:” This government this is related to the electoral law for good or bad, “said the secretary in an attempt to convince the” dissidents “- talking about a hundred Deputies ready to vote against Italicum that after the green light given by Senate in January is back in the House for the definite yes. “Who will vote on the proposal from the secretary – said the secretary of the Democratic Party – with the understanding that there is no perfect law. Who will decide to vote against should still recognize a work of mediation and change long 14 months. ” A mediation work which “is in line with the debate within the Democratic Party,” and that led to outline a law “that works, in line with the proposals of the Olive.” Now, however, stressed the Prime Minister, “our discussion must be purified by tones of Armageddon” and must keep away the many “Tabaqui ‘, or the many jackals that there are’ out of here.” The prime minister is ready to put on the plate his currency trading “are possible further changes on the Constitutional reform,” he said, confirming that they are willing to give change on the reform of the Senate in exchange for a compact vote in favor of the electoral law.

The unknown Pd

The meeting on Wednesday night the group of Democrats in the House is a crucial step for the journey dell’Italicum the House and to the relationships within the Democratic Party. A split on the electoral law ratified by the resignation of the president of the deputies, not good for the Democratic Party and consequently to the premier, but has decided to move forward without changing the Italicum. “The electoral law must be voted on as it is,” he reiterated to Members at the meeting Renzi. Who would want to avoid the vote of confidence, also watched with concern by the opposition.

The opposition: “A coup”

The hypothesis of the government to put confidence all’Italicum to lock the electoral law is rejected as” an attempt on the life of the Republic “by Forza Italy. “A tear free which is likely to mark a point of no return,” said Sel. A decision “troubling,” says the League. A common front, which pushed all three parties, separately, to apply directly to the President of the Republic to avoid that to happen what is called a real “coup.”

The appeal to the head of state

“Our initiative, and that of other opposition forces, not a way of pulling the jacket for the head of state, but an appeal because it guarantees a free debate Parliamentary without force and shortcuts authoritarian flavor, “says the leader of the deputies of Sel in the House, Arturo Scotto. According Scotto, trust a measure so important, which is likely to be blocked by a possible vote against the minority of the Democratic Party, “it would be a serious act, which is unprecedented in the law only scam of 1953. A weakened role of Parliament reduced to pusher, a true institutional coup. ” Even forzisti, with Renato Brunetta, have to Sergio Mattarella several criticisms of the new voting system explaining that according Forza Italy its approval “forced” would be “an attack on the democratic life of the Republic.” More cautious the League’s leader in the House Massimiliano Fedriga, who sent a letter to the president to submit to the chief of the “concerns” of the entire group League. The message remains the same: “no confidence.”

M5S: “Premature”

you duck instead the Five Star Movement, “We will not write any letter to Mattarella, we believe that the President has all the tools to assess the situation,” says parent M5s, Fabiana Dadone which states: “The other political forces have decided to write although it is still too early to know whether or not there will trust. ”

The stages of the vote

Approved by the House in March 2014, with 365 yes, amended by the Senate, which has given the green light in January, the Italicum is back in the House for the definite yes. 8 April began the examination of the text in the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the House. The Italicum should arrive in the House April 27, but the vote in favor is not granted. There would be at least one hundred deputies Pd ready to get across.

April 15, 2015 | 18:20



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