Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Municipalities: Anti-Mafia, unpresentable names – BBC

18:38 (ANSA) – ROME – i am 14 dall’antimafia candidates reported to the Municipal 5 June. 7 in Battipaglia: Carmine Fasano, Daniela Minniti, Lucio Carrara, Francesco Procida, Bartolomeo D’Apuzzo, Demetrio Landi and Giuseppe Del So. 5 in Rome: 4 in the sixth Hall: Antonio Carone, Domenico Schioppa, Giugliano Antonio and Fernando I sold; one unpresentable in the city council, Mattia Marchetti. Two in Calabria: Scalea Carmelo Wet; San Sostene Alessandro Codispoti. In particular, Alexander Codispoti, Giuseppe Del So and Domenico Schioppa, signals the Anti-Mafia, are not eligible and should therefore resign if elected. Fernando I sold, Mattia Marchetti and Antonio Giugliano, have applications that meet the criteria of the Code of Self voted unanimously in Anti-Mafia. Finally, Demetrio Landi, Bartolomeo D’Apuozzo, Francesco Procida, Lucio Carrara, Daniela Minniti, Carmelo Wet, Carone Antonio and Carmine Fasano are incandidabili under the law Severino.


The candidate ‘renziano’ slips Greek prosecutor in Milan – Il Giornale

Anna Maria Greek

Rome was already the superfavorito, but to ensure a large majority vote of the CSM to the new Milan prosecutor Francesco Greek, was the decision by Giovanni Melillo surprise to withdraw from the race three , leaving only the other as an antagonist added Milanese Alberto Nobili. The chief of staff of the Keeper Andrea Orlando has pulled out with an email, avoiding exposure to an expected vote of the plenum against him. So, on the former prosecutor of Clean Hands, 64 years of which 37 in the judiciary, the head of the Milan pool on economic and financial crimes, have concentrated 17 votes, groups of Area and Unicost, lay center-Casellati and Zanettin, center-Fanfani and Balducci, Sc Balduzzi. Large majority, but it had been no unanimity for the predecessor Edmondo Bruti Liberati, who retired in November. A Noble went the votes of three professional of me and that of A & amp; I. And Claudio Galoppi stressed the need for management “more participatory” of the prosecution, no magistrates’ Series A and Series B ». Disappointed and abstained the first president of the Supreme Court and the pg, Gianni Canzio and Pasquale Ciccolo that, as the Ncd Leone layman, pointed out Melillo and pointed out that his position out of role, experiences now the ministry and before the Quirinal, do not can be a problem, but rather a test of “service to the institutions’.

no delays in the appointment of the CSM, said Vice President John Legnini, who has not participated in the vote, and it was absent the lay M5S Zaccaria. “It is difficult to trace a practice so mailed and urges.” A response to the controversy about the fact that the summit of one of the most important courts of Italy was discovered by almost seven months. Legnini has also ensured that the selection committee was based on professional profiles of the candidates, no “internal or external reasons that have been able to condition it.”

The extraordinary plenum yesterday was also attached to refute rumors of a postponement wanted the nomination, pending administrative action. It is understood that the road to Greek was leveled when Legnini informed that Melillo had retired and the rapporteur who supported him, Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, announced the vote for Greek. Whose candidacy has come to the plenum in pole position: 3 yes in committee, one each for the others.

No distinction ‘ideological’ between the candidates, all the cartel of the left currents Area, but Melillo it would represent an external choice of attorney, breaking the tradition. On him, though, he weighed the proximity to the government Renzi, unwelcome to togas especially after friction Holiday, liability and various reforms, also fed by President ANM Piercamillo Davigo. Tangentopoli old star, just like Greek, always promoted yesterday by the CSM president of Cassation section.


Migrants, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, “Petty speaker of invasion” – the morning of Padua

ROME. “We save as many human lives as possible, knowing that there is no invasion. The numbers are always the same, more or less. ” After the last shipwrecks that have made hundreds and hundreds of deaths, Matteo Renzi dedicated to the drama going on in the Mediterranean large space in his eNews . He does it to remember that those boats are loaded with men, women and children but also to respond to attacks by Matteo Salvini, that in view of the June 2 speaks to Radio Padania “Republic Day invaded and unemployed “.

But the prime minister is there and replies point by point. “What a little ‘stride, and sometimes it seems petty, it is the attitude of one who cries and screams. Of those who use the media, and not only words like: the collapse system, emergency, invasion. The numbers in the media perception seem much larger. But they are on average with the past and not superior to other countries. ” Migration, says the president of the Council, represent a phenomenon that will last years and requires action in Africa to do as the European Union. “Until we will help them for good at home, we will continue to seek to buffer, but a buffer is never the solution. Finally something is moving and the European Union seems intent on actually bet on the Migration Compact proposed by Italy, “says a satisfied Renzi. And the League? Replication Salvini arrives via Twitter: “Renzi defines mean those who speak of invasion. #iosonomeschino but not slave, an accomplice or a fool. “

On immigration, from Berlin, also intervenes Maria Elena Boschi:” Germany supports the Migration Compact in its structure, as Angela Merkel also said in his recent visit to Italy. ” The Speaker of the House, Laura Boldrini, explains that there is no invasion and defines the Migration Compact a “good basis for work.” After the local elections, the Interior Ministry will return to discuss with regional and municipal authorities to seek a common solution. Undersecretary, Domenico Manzione speaks of a number of ‘incentives to allow 800 of 8,000 municipalities that make hospitality can become a much more significant number. “

The fact remains that at sea rescues continue. And the budget is worrying. On May 26 last year, off the coast of Libya, there was a single shipwreck, with a budget of about 300 missing. This was established by the Coast Guard, who listened to the approximately 150 survivors arrived on board of ships operating in the Strait of Sicily some in Taranto, others in Pozzallo, others in Porto Empedocle. And even taking the first restrictive measures. Two men believed to be smugglers boat loaded with migrants sank in the Strait of Sicily, killing at least 45 people (including three children) were fallowed Police after disembarking the survivors two days ago. Instead moored in Pozzallo yesterday morning the ship “ Dattilo ” carrying 321 migrants. Among them many children, it is estimated to be 130. And again.

The Irish patrol vessel L.E. Roisin did land at Brindisi 346 migrants of African origin rescued in the Sicily Channel and arrived in the port of Corigliano Calabro the ship Doctors without borders with 403 people on board.



Monday, May 30, 2016

Greek new Milan prosecutor – Il Sole 24 Ore


It is the sign of “continuity” the appointment of the Prosecutor of Milan Francesco Greek. The plenum of the CSM chose him by a large majority: 17 yes (the stipendiary Area and Unicost, the lay of the center and of Forza Italy), 4 no (the stipendiary of me and of autonomy and independence, the current that makes head to Piercamillo Davigo, favorable to Alberto Nobili) and 3 abstentions (the leaders of the Supreme Court and the Ncd Antonio Leone secular). Higher numbers of those who foreshadowed the eve, when the board there was still the candidacy of John Melillo, chief of staff of the Minister of Justice Andrea Orlando, who retired in the morning. This was announced at the opening of the meeting, the vice president of CSM John Legnini, explaining that he had received an email Melillo, candidate proposed by Alberta Casellati (Fi), which then voted Greek. The withdrawal, however, came in games played when Unicost – the balance of this painful game – had already indicated that he would support Greek, not without pain inside stomach, overcome thanks to the relentless work of the Legnini mediation to expand consensus on a symbolic office guide what is the Milan prosecutor’s office.

the neoprocuratore Greek – who happens to Edmondo Bruti Liberati retired in November 2015 – is also a symbol, having been one of components of the pool clean hands, in the ’90s. But his name and his fame, are linked to the most important inquiries of the Milan prosecutors in economic and financial matters of the past 30 years, from the case Montedison tangential Enimont, from Parmalat crash the bank takeover to the most recent surveys on the Mount of Paschi di Siena and sull’Ilva.

the decisive element – declares Maria Rosaria San Giorgio di Unicost – it was the professional profile of Greek: expert magistrate on economic issues and, therefore, more suitable to Leading the prosecutor of the city that is the “economic capital”. Explains Paola Balducci, secular Sel, which serves Greek “In a context where the economy qualifies all illegal activities, some more of Greek is able to guide and accompany the office in the fight against this crime?”. Underlines Fabio Napoleone, robed Area from the Milan prosecutor’s office, noting – even compared to the Nobles – that “Milan did not need an expert in the fight against organized crime, otherwise it would include the exclusion of Ilda Boccassini.” Remain isolated voices in favor of Noble, proposed by Claudio Galoppi (I), with an emphasis on its organizational plan of the prosecutor, that “covers a wide collegiality and values ​​the contribution of all.”

the first president and the Pg of the Supreme Court, Gianni Canzio and Pasquale Ciccolo instead declare their preference for an “external”, and then for Melillo. Canzio denounces a “cultural drift”, namely the “preliminary, undisguised mistrust” for those who exercise functions “out of role”, where “it is an honor that a judge plays the head of the Ministry of Justice Cabinet functions. I do not consider eligible – adds – ethical doubts on the institutional value of this experience. ” Replicate stipendiary Area: “We never thought that Melillo was not up to the role but the profile of Greek was superior,” says Nicola Clivio; Lucio Aschettino closes thus: “No prejudice of Melillo; its profile is excellent. I choose Greek for his professional experience, but also for a positive judgment on criminal proceedings of the Milan Public Prosecutor in the last 10 years: a season of Greek which was a major player. “


Milan prosecutors, CSM chooses Greek pm The evasion of war | Video – BBC

ROME Arriving at the last minute in the early afternoon, after the current” centrist “Unit for the constitution had chosen to focus on alternative candidate stronger, the resignation of the chief of staff of the Ministry of Justice John Melillo has opened the way to the wide majority for the appointment of the new public prosecutor in Milan. Francis Greek, former prosecutor in the pool Clean Hands and until recently deputy prosecutor in the same office, has collected 17 votes in the plenum Council of the judiciary, compared to 4 for Alberto Nobili (also a deputy prosecutor until a few months ago) and 3 abstentions.

the analysis of the vote

A close result unanimously , as called for by vice-President of Cam Giovanni Legnini that, respecting the practice, did not participate in the vote.

To Greek have voted those who had proposed more than a month ago, that is, the left togata Area and the “secular” center-left Paola Balducci, plus the 5 councilors Unicost two “lay” center-right (Zanettin and Alberti Casellati, the latter initially favor Melillo) and another center-left (Fanfani). For Noble, which also has the reputation of toga “progressive,” he voted the right of an independent judiciary and the Autonomy and Solidarity (the new Piercamillo Davigo current, another former PM of clean hands), while the abstainers are “lay” of center-right Leone and the two components of law: the first president of the Supreme Court and Attorney general John Canzio Pasquale Ciccolo. Would vote for Melillo (also attached to Area), which, however, has run he marched when he heard that the internal debate at Unicost had concluded with the decision to vote compactly Greek. By that time, deemed to be lost the game and probably to avoid cracks in the CSM on its name and its current role, sent a email to Legnini to announce his resignation. On him he weighed the veto (politely explained by only Zanettin) linked to direct from a position of close collaboration with the Minister of Justice in charge. A question of inappropriateness linked to issues of image and appearance, but has become “a sort of preliminary and undisguised mistrust ‘: so put it,” a worried bitterness, “President Canzio, who preferred Melillo for its’ excellent professional biography undocked from prolonged stay in the same office and territorial context “; something that can not be said of Greek nor of the Nobles, always in service to the Milan prosecutors. Where there is need to “innovations” that the chosen “will certainly be introduced, ‘he emphasizes Canzio: like saying that the management of the former prosecutor Edmondo Bruti Liberati has left some cracks. Thesis that the stipendiary Morosini and Aschettino Democratic Judiciary wanted to challenge and topple: the appointment of Greek is also a certificate of recognition to the work done by a judicial office often at the center of “polemics and exploitation”, characterized by “moments of fibrillation, also institutional, perhaps physiological when the prosecution is incident on interests’ strong ”.

The role of Unicost

The decisive choice was however, to Unicost, where initially the Greek position was supported by only one councilor in five: former ANM president Luca Palamara, who managed to convince both those in favor and those Melillo geared for Nobili. On the grounds of an internal appointment, that would give continuity to the leadership of a prosecutor so important and would enhance the unique experience in financial crimes. “But ours is also a response to allegations of illicit trade of the vote and eterodirezione of the CSM choices,” explained Councillor Sangiorgio; although in the Marshals already there is talk of an exchange palace corridors for the future: the support of the candidate to Unicost Area will be returned at the time of the imminent appointment of the President of the Court of Appeal of Milan.

the interruption

But beyond the more backstory or less truthful, remains the appointment of a judge who “has gained a wealth of unrivaled knowledge in economic criminal law ‘, as stressed by the rapporteur Balducci:” it’s the perfect prosecutor in a context in which, sadly, the economy affects almost all criminal activity. “ About hoped to rupture and discontinuity as solutions in other Procure, from Palermo to Turin via Naples and Reggio Calabria, will have to wait for the next round .

May 30, 2016 (modified May 30, 2016 | 23:06)



Milan prosecutor Francesco Greek again: the request for the arrest Longo (PSDI) to the fight against tax havens – The Daily

“For the next five or even ten years, the attention of the prosecution, in particular that of Milan, has to be focused to the activity of contrast to tax havens .” And ‘the calling card of Francis Greek, appointed today by the CSM Public Prosecutor of Milan, instead of Edmondo Bruti Liberati , retired in November. Corruption , tax evasion , recycling , autoriclaggio and capital flight and heritages are the major themes of his career.

born in 1951, son of an admiral, Francesco Greek has entered the judiciary in 1977. After the listener in Rome, arrived in Milan. Him you start talking in the eighties, when calling for the arrest for the then secretary of the Psdi Piero Longo , accused of having pocketed a bribe. A few years later he joined the pool Clean Hands , but not right away. His contribution is necessary to the pool of colleagues when, after an endless series of incidents of bribes cost the jail politicians and businessmen, inquiries arrive at the top of the industrial giants. These are the years of the tangent maxi Enimont , the investigation and the Raul Gardini , the process Cusani . The preparation of Greek on the financial fronts emerges at that time. Does not like to resort to handcuffs and prefers to unravel the economic interweaving and get to the “spoils.”

A lover of skiing and sailing, Francesco Greek has been part of different ministerial committees : the first assignment received him when he was Keeper of Giuliano Vassalli in the commission that dealt with economic criminal law. He later served as president of two committees under the former ministers of Justice Clemente Mastella and Paola Severino dealing with Fug (the only justice fund), of ‘ Agency of the goods seized from the Mafia and self-laundering, new offense introduced in 2014 which also punishes those who reuses the proceeds of a crime personally committed.

With a target linked “not so much convictions – as stated by the same Greek-but effectiveness of the activity. ” Ie ‘hoards’ recovered and reported to the State. And over the last decade highlights with a touch of pride, the department led by him over the last five years he has treated in Milan 14 thousand dossiers “of money in the state coffers has brought them many”. More than 3.6 billion euro finished the Treasury following the findings of the investigative pool of which he was leader.



Migrants, Renzi: “Petty who screams invasion for votes”. Salvini: “I mean, no fool” – The Republic

Rome – It ‘been a weekend of intense activity for the forces engaged in the relief activities of migrants Hundreds of lives saved but hundreds even those lost. Matteo Renzi dedicated to the drama going on in the Mediterranean large space in its eNews. To remember that those boats in precarious navigation between hope and the unknown, between life and death, are full of men, women and children.

So, “are not just numbers,” insists the prime minister, presenting the fulcrum around which the Migration Compact, the Italian proposal to the European Commission: “I say: let’s help really at home, with international cooperation and a different model of development aid. Meanwhile we save as many human lives as possible, knowing that there is no invasion the numbers are always the same, more or less. There is a great humanitarian crisis in the Mediterranean, and not only in the Mediterranean: we propose to deal with medium-term determination and vision, not chasing the fears or votes, “as one who “petty words screams like: system to collapse, emergency, invasion.”

the Minister for reforms, Maria Elena Boschi , in Berlin meets Peter Altmeier, Minister of the Chancellery and coordinator the German government for the refugee crisis. “Germany – reports the minister after the interview – Migration supports the Compact in its structure, such as Angela Merkel also said in his recent visit to Italy. On some profiles, such as Eurobonds, there is an open discussion” and, recalls Woods, Renzi “said he can identify any different solutions provided remains the overall system.”

eNews Renzi sounds immediately as the answer to Matteo Salvini, who ahead of the June 2 speaks to Radio Padania “invaded the Republic party and unemployed”. And that, after the release of the premier’s eNews, replication via Twitter: “Renzi defines mean those who speak of invasion. #iosonomeschino but not the slave, an accomplice or a fool.”

” our emergency management model, unlike other countries – says the prime minister – did not uncomfortable situations such as Idomeni fields or Calais. Italy c ‘ is, with its values ​​and its strength. Waiting for the rest of Europe will realize the way of the political and human of this challenge. “

migration, says the president of the Council, represent “a phenomenon that will last years and requires action in Africa. from being as the European Union, as we have proposed. Until we will help them for good at home, we will continue to seek to buffer, but the buffer is not never the solution. Finally something is moving and the European Union seems intent on actually bet on the Migration Compact proposed. “

” In the meantime, “Renzi addresses applaud” the Italian and those Italians who every day, risking their own, saving hundreds of lives. How does Dr. Pietro Bartolo in Lampedusa, whose story I recalled at the G7 table as an example. How do women and men of the navy, coast guard, law enforcement. “” What a little ‘stride, and sometimes it seems petty – bitter notes the prime minister – is the attitude of one who cries and screams, in these cases. Of those who use the media, and not only words like system to collapse, emergency, invasion. “

” We are talking about – concludes Renzi – numbers that are more or less, depending on the weeks, same the last two years. A tenth of those who took Germany last year. Numbers in the media perception seem much larger. But numbers are averaged with the past and not higher than other countries. The point is that they are not just numbers. But are children dying in the holds. Mothers who agree to risk their lives and risking it to their children, so great is their desperation. “

A Radio Padania, Matteo Salvini speak of” the system of lies ‘renziano information “, but” there is a major part of Italy that has had enough. “the Northern League leader does not even spare the Church:” I’m surprised some bishops, thankfully few, who open the doors to illegal immigrants especially Muslims, who come here not to integrate but to impose, in the context of planned invasion. A position that will end up damaging them. I do not understand if there are or do. “

At this time Salvini responds Federico Gelli , Democratic Party deputy and president of the Commission of Inquiry on migrants, calling on the leaders in the League take “as the pastor of Ventimiglia, father Francesco Marcoaldi, which today opened the doors of the hall of the church to accommodate migrants, having understood, first and best of Salvini, the emergency and the need to give support. While on one hand it works to help the other Salvini, sitting comfortably on any chair, straddles the difficulties. “

At this point of controversy erupts League’s Vice President of the Senate Roberto Calderoli , to urge the pastor and bishop of Ventimiglia to use “their resources and not those had through the 8 per thousand”, donated by citizens that “perhaps” meant to “help our poor, our orphans, our unemployed and our seniors. “While the governor of Liguria Giovanni Toti , Forza Italy, reminded themselves” pastors and bishops “that the host can not be” extra legem or contra “, or,” Italy can not accommodate people who refuse to identify themselves within its borders. “

the leader of Forza Italy in the House, Renato Brunetta , attacks the prime minister who denies’ emergency and gives him the ultimatum “either Europe adopts the Migration Compact or Italy will have to do it alone.” But Italy “has so far alone” and “putting one Alternatively Renzi does not show strength but weakness. It does not say what it intends to do if Italy were to be left alone. It is suspected that the flexibility granted by the Commission and certainly endorsed Germany has an unstated subtext: overshooting of public accounts in exchange for a substantial ‘

from the minority Democratic Party, this time comes the support of Gianni Cuperlo to the prime minister: “on immigration policy the government is doing well, investing in Europe of its responsibilities. It ‘a great humanitarian emergency than political or strategic and Italy can not be left alone. It must be admitted to the government and Prime Minister consistency and also courage. the Migration Compact is a hypothesis on which converge Thumbs by international institutions. the road is the right one, we must continue. “

the President of the Chamber, Laura Boldrini , speaks of “strategic investment” and “great Marshall plan” to “stabilize the countries of North Africa, or they will destabilize us” and “Migration Compact is a good base to work on and I apparently there has been attention by European institutions “. The increase in landings “is an invasion nor an unexpected phenomenon – adds Boldrini -. As long as there are wars and violations of human rights there will be leaks.”

Arturo Scotto , leader of the Left Italian Chamber, asking the government to restore the operation Mare Nostrum “to dramatically reduce deaths at sea and take all possible initiatives to address the obvious inadequacy of the operation Triton . the face Italy, although Europe traccheggia. Immediately. It would be a signal of profound humanity and concrete response to migration issues, in view of the anniversary of the birth of the Republic. “


Sara, burned and strangled Investigated ex-boyfriend, a vigilante – BBC

a video – filmed by security cameras of a concrete factory in via della Magliana – has taken over part of the phases of what happened Saturday night, shortly after 4:30: Toyota Aygo young stops on the roadside flanked by another car, an individual who goes by the latter, on the other halls vehicle on the passenger side, fumbles in the cockpit, then returns to his car and part. A few moments and the flames flare up from Toyota. On these pictures there is’ strictly confidential by the investigators, but would be convinced that he recognized in that video the former boyfriend of Sara. In those frames there would be other scenes. Physical aggression to the girl, forced to stop after his car had been joined by someone who was chasing her.

shadow carousel


Rome, Via della Magliana yellow: girl found charred


Start Here the tragic death of Sara , passionate about dance and music, student economics at the university Roma Tre, girlfriend until a few weeks ago with the young man stopped by the police. A report over the investigation on which they concentrate. Vincenzo Paduano, long questioned was first entered in the register of suspects, then was taken the restrictive measure.

the reconstruction of what happened in via della Magliana is full of chilling detail. The girl, terrified after stop, the car would run away chased by those who wanted to kill her. After about 300 meters on foot would have been reached in the parking lot of the restaurant The German, on the opposite side of the road, and there beaten, strangled perhaps – as shown by the marks on her neck – and found herself behind a wall with unbuttoned blouse. Then the killer would come back to erase the traces: Before burning the Toyota (as seen in the movie) and then setting fire to the girl still on the ground, next to a wall. The coroner who conducted an initial examination of the body the two fires were not connected to each other, but separate incidents. Flames – especially those that enveloped the car – were noted by some motorists. It was they who call the fire department. A team of firefighters intervened after a few minutes to put out the burning car. Operation was also attended by the three flying officers who have appeared shortly after. The policemen took a few minutes to climb all’intestataria Toyota: Tina, Sarah’s mother, who had already put in the car with his uncle of the student, worried because her daughter had not returned home.

At 3:30 the woman had received the usual sms from the girl. “Mom, I’m coming back,” he had written the twenties. A habit when he was out to reassure the mother, in this case after spending the evening together with a friend who lives near his home and he had just taken back. From there, to get from Sarah’s mother would have put us very little. It was not like that.

Twenty minutes later, as the girl did not answer the phone, her mother decided to go and look. And, when the police managed to contact her, she headed straight Via della Magliana, where the firefighters were finishing to extinguish the fire. But the horror was not over yet. In the distance, another outbreak has attracted everyone’s attention. A race with my heart in my throat, then the grisly discovery. A burn was just Sara. The fire has devastated especially the shoulders, face and head, until it becomes almost unrecognizable.

May 30, 2016 | 00:43



Berlusconi criticizes Confindustria “They behave as subjects aspirants” – Italian News



 Once existed Communists. Those with whom Silvio Berlusconi did take it, the more or less obscure antagonist from which to defend the Italian population. Yes, it is joked a lot about this, in fact the Communist sentence is always present at meetings of the former premier. Now, however, things are not quite so. Who would have thought that in the viewfinder Silvio Berlusconi would end entrepreneurs of Confindustria.

“I call them subjects aspiring” Berlusconi said speaking yesterday at Aversa, province of Caserta. “The Renzi constitutional reform is dangerous – he added – it is a dress that Renzi was tailor-made on him. ” Now, the attack is obvious reason: it is not official yet, but currently unofficial, Confindustria Of the constitutional referendum of October.

A sortie marked by great warmth of his supporters but also by opinions expressed in direct and sharp way. The attack turned to the new leadership of Confindustria deployed for the yes to the constitutional referendum of October without discounts. "I call them subjects aspiring" says talking to Aversa. "The Renzi constitutional reform is dangerous, it's a dress that Renzi was sewn to measure," he says attacking the plebiscite curvature that the bill Woods, in concert with the new election law, is likely to generate.

The reference is to the position expressed by Vincenzo Boccia, new president of the industrialists, but also similar to that signed by former President Luigi Abete. In his speech at Aversa - where he went to support the mayoral candidate Gianpaolo Dello Vicario - Berlusconi promises that after the elections of June 5, the battle will focus on the "No" in the referendum: "Winning in Naples, Milan and Rome you can. Immediately after we open the Administrative Committees for the No in the referendum, to prevent Renzi to make arrangements. " Fundamental, however, will prevent the splits come to light in this election. "The united center-right wins, alone was irrelevant. As the pasta and the sauce: disunited do not make sense, they work very well together. " A center for which the president of Forza Italy has in mind a possible guide. The "proposal" takes place on Friday evening at a dinner that is staged in Naples. Berlusconi displaces all - including the protagonist - and calls for a toast "to Mara Carfagna future leader of the center-right."

Berlusconi back to reveal the project that he plans to field with allies. "We have already agreed on the future government: 20 ministers divided into three for Forza Italy, three to the League and two Brothers of Italy. While 12 ministers will be chosen among people of doing, successful people who come from work and professions. To win it is enough to recover 5 million votes from those 26 million abstainers which constitute 55 percent of the electorate. " The leader of Forza Italy also reveals some of the program points such as the separation of the careers of judges, interventions decided in favor of pensioners and the abolition of Equitalia.

The mind, however, even back in the subsequent interventions - like the one in Caserta in support of Riccardo Ventre candidate - the authoritarian risk that Italy has faced. "In the last 22 years we have had four coups, now there is a process towards a drift absolutely dangerous authoritarian. The Constitution that Renzi has changed with an artificial majority made by 60 deputies elected with the center and 130 MPs in the House, declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court, it takes us into a single room that will approve the important laws. " "In this room there will be a large majority of a single party, this party will have only one leader who will be the master of all, the party of the Parliament of Italy, the master of Italian. We must understand that this is the risk we all run, and since none of us is an aspiring subject, but we have very clear that the person comes before the State, that our rights, the first freedom, are natural rights, we must oppose the the strongest terms to a system like the one Renzi believes to build tailor-made for himself. "



Cav: “Industrial subjects of Renzi” – THE FOGLIETTONE


Daniele Di Mario

The constitutional reforms are dangerous for Italian democracy and who the rate is just an aspiring subject of Matteo Renzi. Silvio Berlusconi, at Aversa back to attack the prime minister and, above all, he rails against the president of Confindustria Vincenzo Boccia, schieratosi openly in favor of the Yes to the constitutional referendum of October. “I define these subjects aspiring gentlemen,” he says the Cav referring to industrial. As for the constitutional reform, the leader of Forza Italy returns to define “dangerous”, adding: “It is a dress that Renzi was tailor-made.” To stop the prime minister and secretary of the Democratic Party there is only one way: to win the ‘no’ side in the fall, of course, but above all to win the local elections, to send to the Renzi eviction notice from Palazzo Chigi. And to do that Berlusconi doth its program, launching a proposal to support the candidate for mayor of Aversa Gianpaolo Dello Vicario: “Military in the outskirts to make them safer.” The Metropolitan cinema in the town bell, Silvio then confirms the concept that the current government “is not only illegal and illegitimate, but against the people because it violates the law. We do not live in a democracy. Renzi was elected mayor of Florence with only 108 thousand votes. I was the last president of the Council elected by the people. Then I have been convicted by a judgment that the rapporteur himself has defined a great mischief. This is why I can not run for over 20 years but received more than 200 million votes. “

But, although incandidabile, Berlusconi does still continue to play a leading role on the stage of Italian politics and the center-right . With two objectives: “Winning in Naples, Rome and Milan it is possible, but after the elections we start with the no committees to block the referendum and prevent Renzi to create a” regime. Berlusconi, at the end of his speech, which lasted about 40 minutes, speaking with dozens of people who come to get autographs and shake his hand. After the electoral event in Aversa, the FI leaders went to Caserta, where lunch in a popular restaurant in the center. And, to make it clear what his idea of ​​the center after the local elections, relies on a culinary metaphor: “The united center-right wins, alone it is irrelevant. As the pasta and the sauce: disunited do not make sense, they work very well together. ” And the coalition, according to Berlusconi, is more united than ever, even though in many municipalities FI on the one hand, and the League and FDI should be separated from the other, as in Rome, the most striking case with blue lined up in support of Alfio Marchini against the leadr of Italy Giorgia Meloni Brothers supported by Matteo Salvini.

An isolated, according to Knight, which in fact reveals: “We are already in agreement on the future government. There will be 20 ministers divided into three for Forza Italy, three to the League and two Brothers of Italy. While 12 ministers will be chosen among people of doing, successful people who come from work and professions. ” Berlusconi reconfirmed the importance of the center-right alliances at the national level: “To win is enough for us to recover 5 million votes from those 26 million abstainers which constitute 55% of the electorate.” The blue leader, then, speaks of the program which includes the integral reform of the judiciary with the separation of careers, pensions and the abolition of Equitalia: “I’ve never seen a citizen sit at the Equitalia official and come out with the conviction of finding himself in front of a friendly state. “


Sunday, May 29, 2016

Marines, the father of Girone, “Latorre? We do not feel it more »Photo – BBC

There is an absence that someone noticed, Saturday afternoon in Ciampino, when Salvatore Girone, after three years and three months of residence forced Italian embassy in India, is riatterrato in Italy. That of Massimiliano Latorre. United by a common destiny since the day they were arrested, they have always been “the two marines.” Twin in the chronicles and in the imagination, although the chief first class Latorre, compared to the sergeant round, he returned to Italy for two years, because of heart problems. Maybe that’s why some expected to see him eagerly waiting under the plane of state, perhaps with his new girlfriend Paola. Instead there was in Ciampino. Michele Girone, the Savior Dad apparently have found.

shadow carousel


Girone arrived at Ciampino, the welcome of the family and the

He called Latorre?
“Absolutely not.”
But you’ve heard lately?
“Actually I do not feel for a long time. And I hope he’s all right, with the therapies. I know that the situation was also quite serious. ”
A Ciampino was not there.
“Oh no, it did not come ….”
Were you surprised?
“Right now we have what we both wanted and for which we prayed a lot: my son is back. You have to excuse us, but we want to think about this and live our huge emotion in private. ”
She did not want to comment on the news of his son’s return. He said, first let him get. Now that it’s here?
“It was wonderful the day before yesterday. And gorgeous today. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful … How do you explain the joy of a family? “.
Her father, “the last grandfather” that Salvatore Girone he found on his return, he moved Italy. He embraced his nephew and then had fainted.
“Yes, but it’s better. We had tried to prepare him. But emotions are too big. ”
You have lunch together at home just to escape the siege of the cameras?
“too. We are trying to rebuild a normal “.
His wife what he prepared for the first Italian dining son?
“We are in a seaside neighborhood. And then fish. And naturally hairy mussels. ”
As will now be the life of the Savior in the newspaper?
“I do not even know him. The situation is not clear. And the story is not over yet. ”
And then?
“In the meantime we would like to find a life like that of all households. It would help us that politics and media not yet polemizzassero on this matter. ”

“Each one makes one’s life”

Girone and Latorre. No one can say at the moment if you meet again. He does not talk about Vania, his wife shy and reserved the round: “There is no attendance. Each does his own life. He has had very serious health problems. ” Paola, the woman that during this affair has taken the place of the wife of Maximilian, no representation. But to those who have felt assured that there is “no gap”, that contacts with the family, “there have been in recent years. In short, there is no problem. ” Massimiliano is “pleased that Salvatore has returned. For him it was a great relief. ” So why not go and get it at the airport? For health reasons? “The therapy proceeds and also the rehabilitation”, but to dissuade him would be “caution: the situation is so delicate, and yet not ended, it has prudently chosen to first understand what you can and what you can not say and do” .

shadow carousel


Latorre and Girone, the two Italian marines detained in India since 2012: the photo story


May 29, 2016 (modified May 29, 2016 | 23:16)



France, subject to the three siblings. The father is – BBC

It ‘back in a hurry alarm for the three brothers disappeared in the day Sunday, May 29. The father of the little turned himself in to police after leaving the children to her sister. An event that took place all in one day. On Sunday morning, police found a woman killed at home, died “a violent death” and is immediately tripped the alarm to find her three children aged 10, 6 and 5 years and the former partner. The two were separating and, according to initial rumors, were facing a sharp conflict over custody of the children.

The French gendarmerie had issued an alert kidnapping. The father was suspected of kidnapping the children, disappeared in Pontcharra-sur-Turdin, and being on the run with them on board gray subcompact. The fear lasted a few hours: the man, 45, has left Joris sons, Jad and his sister Alia before surrender voluntarily to the gendarmerie. Subjected to interrogation, it is available to investigators. The murder remains that privileged track.

May 29, 2016 (modified May 29, 2016 | 21:57)



Marines, round will not be in the parade of June 2 – The Republic

Salvatore Girone will not participate in the parade of June 2. This was stated by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi in an interview with TG5. Is thus store the request, carried out in particular by the right, FDI in the head, on the presence of the marines returned yesterday from India, the usual parade of the Roman Forum.

Renzi: “It is necessary Salvatore Girone, said Renzi, “will not be with us in the parade, because we brought home with common sense, what was missing some of our governments that have preceded us in the months and years. common sense means allow at this time to be with his family, to live with joy the feast of the Armed Forces, because we are all delighted that there are no two marines in foreign territory, but at the same time we must also avoid living this stage without restraint and without style .

<'p> “yesterday I did not go to the airport to take round – he said the prime minister – not because I was not happy to be able to embrace, but because in the past too often has exploited the story of the marines. the profound joy of having brought home both the military should not be performed today as a political flag. Common sense and determination, so it goes on Italy. “ the appeal of former ministers. the latest stress to ensure that the military, returned yesterday from India, was present, had come from a joint statement signed by former Ministers of Defense and Foreign Affairs, Ignazio La Russa and Giulio Terzi, by former secretaries of Defense Giuseppe Cossiga and Filippo Milone and former chairman of the Defense Edmund Cirielli. “officially ask the Chief of the Navy General Staff Admiral Giuseppe De Giorgi, to pull out the parade of June 2, also on behalf of the convalescent Massimiliano Latorre, rifleman Salvatore Girone. Our – added the signatories – is a call for Salvatore Girone, parading along with all other military, can receive the applause of the Italians. Admiral De Giorgi, who does not receive or may receive orders from the government, gives his men the recognition they deserve after the sufferings and injustices due to the more than four years of improper delay by Chief of Naval Staff, the governments of left. “

But already in the past days it was clear that the government, for a series of inclined diplomatic reasons for not. There are many ongoing procedures advised to keep a low profile. an example of all is the dispute with India over who gets to exercise criminal jurisdiction: Italy has turned to the international arbitration court and is waiting for an answer.

the mayor of Cesano Boscone (Mi) Fb: “Fishermen careful It does not appear that will disappear in a short time the controversy of round: “the FIP, Italian Fishing Federation has issued a bulletin calling on the members to be prudent in the light of the return of the two Italian marines “, he wrote yesterday the mayor on his Facebook profile the mayor of Cesano Boscone (Milan), Alfredo Simone Negri of the PD. The post was deleted, but remained long enough for noticing Paola Frassinetti, regional coordinator of FDI-An: “An exit disrespectful that we can not let it go out of respect of our two marines and to safeguard the honor of the whole San Marco battalion: in the coming hours we will present a parliamentary question to ask measures on this case shameful. “

” It was just a joke I did not think to arouse all this fuss, unfortunately like all sarcastic people do not know myself “, it is justified Alfredo Simone Negri. “Of course I could stay silent, but I never thought of causing all the fuss – he added – I’m obviously pleased that both the marines are now in Italy, but frankly I do not think they deserve to be honored as heroes.” The mayor says he wrote the post on his personal profile “and was to remain there, because it was an affirmation joking. Then someone has shared and began to turn.”

And the controversy continues. “Welcome home Salvatore Girone. Now we want to applaud the parade of June 2 with Massimiliano Latorre,” he tweeted this morning the leader of FDI and candidate mayor of Rome, Giorgia Meloni.

and in a statement the candidate for mayor of Rome and president of Codacons, Carlo Rienzi warns:” If the Italian marines Salvatore Girone and Massimiliano Latorre will take part in the parade of June 2, Codacons ask the damage to the government and the ministers and officials who will organize the presence, transfer and accommodation of the two soldiers in Rome, will have to pay back-of-pocket expenses incurred. “


Berlusconi Confindustria “subjects aspirants” – Il Giornale

Silvio Berlusconi arrives in Caserta to continue the campaign for the administrative. A sortie marked by great warmth of his supporters but also by opinions expressed in direct and sharp way. The attack turned to the new leadership of Confindustria deployed for the yes to the constitutional referendum of October without discounts. “I call them subjects aspiring” says talking to Aversa. “The Renzi constitutional reform is dangerous, it’s a dress that Renzi was sewn to measure,” he says attacking the plebiscite curvature that the bill Woods, in concert with the new election law, is likely to generate.

The reference is to the position expressed by Vincenzo Boccia, new president of the industrialists, but also similar to that signed by former President Luigi Abete. In his speech at Aversa – where he went to support the mayoral candidate Gianpaolo Dello Vicario – Berlusconi promises that after the elections of June 5, the battle will focus on the “No” in the referendum: “Winning in Naples, Milan and Rome you can. Immediately after we open the Administrative Committees for the No in the referendum, to prevent Renzi to make arrangements. ” Fundamental, however, will prevent the splits come to light in this election. “The united center-right wins, alone was irrelevant. As the pasta and the sauce: disunited do not make sense, they work very well together. ” A center for which the president of Forza Italy has in mind a possible guide. The “proposal” takes place on Friday evening at a dinner that is staged in Naples. Berlusconi displaces all – including the protagonist – and calls for a toast “to Mara Carfagna future leader of the center-right.”

Berlusconi back to reveal the project that he plans to field with allies. “We have already agreed on the future government: 20 ministers divided into three for Forza Italy, three to the League and two Brothers of Italy. While 12 ministers will be chosen among people of doing, successful people who come from work and professions. To win it is enough to recover 5 million votes from those 26 million abstainers which constitute 55 percent of the electorate. ” The leader of Forza Italy also reveals some of the program points such as the separation of the careers of judges, interventions decided in favor of pensioners and the abolition of Equitalia.

The mind, however, even back in the subsequent interventions – like the one in Caserta in support of Riccardo Ventre candidate – the authoritarian risk that Italy has faced. “In the last 22 years we have had four coups, now there is a process towards a drift absolutely dangerous authoritarian. The Constitution that Renzi has changed with an artificial majority made by 60 deputies elected with the center and 130 MPs in the House, declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court, it takes us into a single room that will approve the important laws. ” “In this room there will be a large majority of a single party, this party will have only one leader who will be the master of all, the party of the Parliament of Italy, the master of Italian. We must understand that this is the risk we all run, and since none of us is an aspiring subject, but we have very clear that the person comes before the State, that our rights, the first freedom, are natural rights, we must oppose the the strongest terms to a system like the one Renzi believes to build tailor-made for himself. “


Saturday, May 28, 2016

Berlusconi: Confindustria, subjects aspirants – The Gazzettino

Sunday, May 29, 2016, 00:00

CASERTA – Silvio Berlusconi continues in casertano the campaign for local, but look in the referendum of October and the general elections. The first thrust is to Confindustria and the choice of the new president Vincenzo Boccia to support the “yes” in the referendum. “I call them subjects aspirants. The constitutional reform is dangerous – says the leader of Forza Italy – is a dress that Renzi was tailor-made on him. ” Thinking the former premier to next Sunday’s elections, it considers it possible for the center “to win …


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Berlusconi: Confindustria, subjects aspiring


Referendum, Berlusconi attacks Confindustria: “They are subjects aspirants” – The Republic

“Prospective subjects.” So Silvio Berlusconi has called Confindustria that is moving towards the ‘yes’ to the constitutional referendum of October. A consultation that, according to the leader of Forza Italy, brings us to “a situation that does not hesitate to call dangerous. He has already given birth to so many committees, such as the one which adheres Confindustria. I called these guys, subjects aspirants. Not I understand how they fail to realize that we are moving towards a regime situation, “he said the former prime minister talking about today in Caserta in Piazza Dante, before the militants intervened for the event in support of Riccardo Ventre candidate.

” in last 22 years we have had four coups, now there is a process towards a drift absolutely dangerous authoritarian – said Berlusconi – the Constitution that Renzi has changed with an artificial majority made by 60 deputies elected by voters of the center and 130 parliamentarians the Chamber, declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court, takes us to a single room which will approve major laws. In this room – said the former rider – there will be a large majority of a single party, this party will have a single leader, and is him, so he will be the master of everything, will be the host of the party, the Parliament of Italy, the master of Italian. “

constitutional Referendum
Stakeholders :
Silvio Berlusconi

Renzi says: “I got a folder Equitalia, I have not paid a fine” – Today

“I just got a message from my wife. She says I received a folder Equitalia to pay.” The premier Matteo Renzi I confided to Il Messaggero in an interview at the end and after the G7 ads in recent days on the intention of the government to change Equitalia that “does not come – word of the President of the Council – 2018.”

the story sparked controversy and accusations. facts tell a sadly familiar story for many.

I have to pay 2 thousand euro and knows why? I missed a fine, I had to pay for it but I lost. My wife had given me to pay but I’ve lost it and then I forgot. Now I have to pull out two thousand euro for Equitalia for a fine of three years ago

Moreover, he adds, “were the engagement days, with meetings, meetings at the Quirinale, I just past the mind. “

” I should explain why it is necessary to reform Equitalia precisely from this story – said Renzi -. No better not, otherwise who knows what they say … But the Equitalia reform must be made. enough of these folders, taxes and fines you have to pay a single click, with a text message. “

Ready to attack Senator Forza Italian Maurizio Gasparri according to which “in a normal country, a president of the Council announced that it would change the tax structures because they will not pay a fine would be hunted. Equitalia should not be renamed as Renzi wants to do with a facelift that is limited to the name change. it should be abolished for its practices that go beyond the limits of usury “. “But to say that Equitalia Renzi should be abolished because it does not have to pay a fine that has risen to two thousand euro is outrageous,” concluded Gasparri.

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Cav, ok Confindustria reforms? Subjects – BBC

16:35 (ANSA) – AVERSA (CASERTA) – Silvio Berlusconi criticizes the position of Confindustria, which was deployed to the yes in the constitutional referendum of October. “I call them subjects aspiring” he said the FI leaders speaking at Aversa (Caserta). “The Renzi constitutional reform is dangerous – he added – is a dress that Renzi has sewn tailored ”.


Equitalia, 2000 EUR folder for Matteo Renzi – Il Giornale

This time the folder Equitalia came directly to the Prime Minister. It’s the same Matteo Renzi to reveal it: “I just got a message from my wife. She says I arrivatauna Equitalia folder to pay. I pagareduemila euro! And you know why? I’m lost a fine, I had to pay for it but I lost . My wife had given me to pay, but I’ve lost it and then I forgot about it.

Now I have to come up with two thousand euro to Equitalia for a contravention of three years ago, “he says the premier. And Renzi as many taxpayers points the finger against the debt collection agency: “They were the engagement days with meetings, meetings at the Quirinale – added with colleagues -. I just passed of mind and I have not even sought. ” “Here – he says, according to the story of The Messenger , -, I should explain why it is necessary to reform Equitalia on Facebook precisely from this story.” Then he adds: “No, better not. Better not do it, because otherwise you know they say! Anyway the Equitalia reform must be made. Enough of these folders. The fees and fines you have to pay with a click, a text message.”


Berlusconi against “the regime Renzi” – Il Giornale

a movie theater Metropolitan Aversa (Caserta), to support the candidacy of Mayor of Gianpaolo Vicario, Silvio Berlusconi is greeted with enthusiasm by thousands of people. Taking the floor Knight thanked the audience with a joke: “The next time you need a bigger film.”

Berlusconi goes straight to the point commenting on the situation of national policy. It reiterates a concept already expressed on other occasions: “We are in a democracy suspended.” The current government “is not only abusive and illegitimate , but it violates Article 1 of the Constitution, which states that sovereignty belongs to the people. We do not live in a democracy. Renzi was elected only Mayor of Florence with 108,000 votes. I was the last president of the Council elected by the people. Then I was convicted by a judgment that the rapporteur himself has defined a great mischief. this is why I can not run for but received in 20 years 200 million votes. “

The leader of Forza Italy also dwells on Confindustria. “I call these guys subjects aspiring”. The reference is to the position expressed by Vincenzo Boccia , president of the industrialists, for the “yes” in the October referendum. Berlusconi has called “dangerous” constitutional reform, “an outfit that Renzi was tailor-made.”

But Berlusconi does not just criticize. Looks ahead. “We’ve already agreed on future government – announces -. There will be 20 ministers divided into three for Forza Italy, three to the League and two Brothers of Italy. While 12 ministers will be chosen among people of doing, successful people who come from work and professions. for win – continued Berlusconi – we just recover 5 million votes from those 26 million abstainers who constitute 55 percent of the electorate “ . the leader of Forza Italy has also spoken of the program that includes, among other things, the integral reform of the judiciary with the division of careers, pensions and the abolition of Equitalia. In this regard said: “ I’ve never seen a citizen sitting in front of a Equitalia official and come out with the belief that he had found himself in front of a friendly state” .

Chapter election . “Winning in Naples, Milan and Rome – assures the leader of Forza Italy – is possible. Just after we open the administrative committees for the no in the referendum, to prevent Renzi to do a” regime.


E ‘dead Giorgio Albertazzi, the last emperor of the theater: he had 92 years – The Republic

He has died at the age of 92 years Giorgio Albertazzi, one of the most important figures of Italian theater of the twentieth century. The actor was in Tuscany in the house of Pia de ‘Tolomei. The latest apparzioni in the theater it The Merchant of Venice , The storm and Memoirs of Hadrian . As was announced by the family, announcing the death of the “greatest Italian actor, Albertazzi long” was suffering and his heart stopped beating at 9am. “
Neighbor until the last moment “with love – continues the statement released – his wife, Pia Tolomei of Lippa married before aa Valter Veltroni in 2007 in the deconsecrated church of Caracalla when he was 84 years old and she 48.”

“It ‘not a great Italian, classical artist and different, “said Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, remembering him from the opening of the biennale in Venice. at condolences joined the president of the Republic Sergio Mattarella:” With Giorgio Albertazzi lost one of the foremost artists of the theater and of contemporary Italian cinema “she recalled Mattarella,” his interpretations of the great classics remain a milestone in the history of entertainment. Albertazzi, who dedicated the theater’s entire existence, has been a point of reference and teacher for generations of actors and directors. “

Born in Fiesole August 20, 1923, Albertazzi had debuted in 1949 with Troilus and Cressida Shakespeare, led by Luchino Visconti. Two years after the debut in the cinema with the film “Article 519 Criminal Code” by Leonardo Cortese. the following year he starred in both the Don Camillo by Julien Duvivier that the Merchant of Venice by Pierre Billon and Giorgio Capitani. it was, however, the radio and television to give him great fame. in 1954 he was the protagonist of the drama Rai Crime and punishment “and in which he played alongside Diana Torrieri Toccafondi and Bianca, directed by Franco Enriquez.

in 1956 the Tuscan actor starred in other television prose, like the spectra by Henrik Ibsen, directed by Marco Ferrero, and in the Lorenzaccio Alfred De Musset. Until 1961, when the figure in the cast of the film “a bandit” Death, Albertazzi was present in the cast of all successful dramas produced by public television, such as the King Lear , The idiot , uncle Vania and many others. In 1961 he was one of the interpreters of the film Last year in Mariendbad by Alain Resnais, which won the Golden Lion in Venice.

From the archive – Interview: “I am King Lear, and I want to die on stage”

Between 1969 and 1970, he passed Albertazzi director in TV and film. For Rai he directed and performed Jekyll , taken from The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde d Robert L .. Stevenson, getting a huge success. The following year instead directed the film Gradiva , where he played alongside a young Laura Antonelli.

On television, then returned in 1974 with the series Philo Vance , wearing clothes detective created by SS Van Dine. In that same year she starred in the film The night of Tonino Cervi . From this moment on, he devoted himself almost exclusively to the theater, with some appearance on the screens of cinema. After making his debut in 1964 at the Old Vic Theatre in London with the Hamlet directed by Franco Zeffirelli, on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s birth, Albertazzi played Oedipus alla Scala in Milan in a Oedipus with music of Andrea Gabrieli scene directed by Giorgio De Lullo: on stage with him Proclemer Anna and Gabriele Lavia. At the Teatro La Fenice in Venice in 1980 oversaw the direction and adaptation of Peer Gynt , by Henrik Ibsen with incidental music by Edvard Grieg and was a narrator with the ever-present Anna Proclemer, which was even life partner.

on television he returned only in 1989, with one of his works, the power of angels .

in 1994 he took over the laboratory Performing Arts City of Volterra, which he founded, which has trained dozens of actors. Just with this theatrical workshop, five years later, in 1999, Albertazzi brought on stage Tango with students Borges. In 1996 he tried to lean into politics, by standing for Parliament in the ranks of the center-right and getting only 31% of the vote, not enough to go to the House.

In 1997 he was the protagonist, along with Giuni Russian, the music and poetry show Verba Tango . In 2003 he was appointed director of the Theatre of Rome, while a year later he was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award Gassman. Also in 2004, he collaborated with Dario Fo Albertazzi a series of events-lectures on the history of theater in Italy.

On 10 February 2006 he participated in the Opening Ceremony of the Winter Olympics in Turin, playing the Canto of Ulysses Dante year later however, exactly 12 December 2007, married in Rome the Florentine Pia de ‘Tolomei, his junior by 36 years.

in 2009, to show their closeness to the people of L’Aquila hit by the earthquake, he recorded a reading for Rai 2, taken from the Divine Comedy , and set in the ruins of the old town of L’Aquila.


Dead Giorgio Albertazzi, had 92 years – BBC

He always lived surrounded by women, Giorgio Albertazzi, secretaries, involved in public relations, musicians and of course actresses. And to them it was always fatherly and generous, “to thank them for their presence in my life.” Most importantly, his wife Pia de ‘Tolomei, does the actress, but was close to the last moment and, in recent days, he was very worried, “because – he said – Giorgio you give too much and is no longer a boy”. But Albertazzi, the ‘loser of success, “as he titled one of his books, was like that: he wanted to die on the stage,” to all the players would love: it is the greatest celebration, it’s wonderful, “and told an anecdote about Molière “When he died on the scene while recited the” sick imagination “, the audience, who had not noticed the death, murmured:” tonight has acted the part of the evil dead “… and it was really dead.” In short, to die on stage for Albertazzi, that the scene has practiced for nearly seventy years, was a sneer.

shadow carousel


Giorgio Albertazzi, a life on the stage


Tuscan doc

Born in Fiesole August 20, 1923 he debuted with “Troilus and Cressida” Shakespeare in 1949 with Luchino Visconti. He loved to remember when, in 1964, was his “Hamlet” directed by Zeffirelli to be selected and represented the Old Vic in London to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the birth of the Bard. A career, his, which has ranged from film to television, unforgettable films as “Last Year at Marienbad” in scripted equally memorable as “The Idiot” and “Jekyll.” Among his most successful theatrical interpretations, “Memoirs of Hadrian” of Yourcenar, directed by Maurizio Scaparro: a show that, since he made his debut at the Villa Adriana in Tivoli in 1989, has reached almost 1,000 replies, in Italy and abroad . But an infinite number of titles crowding her story of protagonist: “It took me a couple of years to learn how to act like Ricci and Benassi. It took me a whole life to learn not to play more. I do not I act, I am. ” What animated him was the “duende” his creative genius and so loved the provocation: among many others, also to appear naked in public, even if only for a fleeting moment, at age 87, in the show “Trying Picasso ‘directed by Antonio Calenda.

Companions of life and stage

On his protagonists side , stage companions and life, as Bianca Maria Toccafondi, Anna Proclemer, Elisabetta Pozzi, Mariangela D’Abbraccio. An irreducible libertine until older age, while calling himself a Casanova than a Don Giovanni: celebrated his ninetieth birthday celebrating Gabriele D’Annunzio, his pluck battle, his favorite poet. “Yes, because the poet was a sex maniac, which is also filled with many words, but when he covered the body of his lover of rose petals, rather than an unconventional game, had a poetic gesture. And for me, as often it happens to amateurs, has only had to turn it an unforgettable place. ” And despite competing with the great classical repertoire, did not neglect the irony and lightness, “which helps to overcome, to endure the heaviness of life, the laughter turns into a smile, sadness in melancholy”. A lightness that showed, even recently, even taking part in a show like “Dancing with the Stars.”

No fear of death

In short , Albertazzi every night on stage armed himself as a warrior, descending into the arena to kill the bull and being in front of an audience of men and especially the women who were eager to embrace him, congratulate him, even kiss him. In this regard, he recounted: “A few years ago, in a theater, I came to say goodbye to a beautiful young woman, saying” I have to tell you two important things: the first is that I want a son from her. ‘ ” As a child, though, Albertazzi has never had: he admitted not cut out to be a father. Old age disturbed him because “it is more body of youth, forcing you to deal with your body, claiming his needs. When you’re young you do not realize it, he obeys. But then comes the moment that tells you “no, this can not do it because you’re old. ‘” So he not bear to appear in recent times, on stage helped by a cane, because of a leg that bothered him. He was not afraid of death: he considered an important event. “It is the absolute, is a mystery. Do not be afraid, because they already do not know what happens after her is exciting. And then – he added – if there really is hell, as he said Flaiano, sinners are naked tuti, and maybe we can have fun. “

May 28, 2016 (modified May 28, 2016 | 11:07)

