A “dream team” of 12 names for “give Roma health, safety, opportunity, dignity and finally take it to be a great capital of the Mediterranean.” Flanked by Silvio Berlusconi, Alfio Marchini the candidate for mayor of Rome also supported by Forza Italy, today unveiled in the Capitol the team that will join in the management of the city if they win the next election.
Berlusconi turns on Marchini, brawl right
” a complex city like Rome can not be managed by a man in command – explained Marchini – and in the next month we have to work hard to create all the conditions for a second after we win the elections the citizens do not expect six months of nothing but they have suffered the accurate response compared to their needs. ”
The team will be led by former rival in the race to the Capitol Guido Bertolaso, said Marchini, “he has demonstrated his great ability to prefer the good of Rome to his personal interests. I always tell him: I do not exist should we invent. ”
Local elections: they vote on June 5, ballot 19
In the “dream team” of Marchini are therefore Alessandra Atripaldi (lawyer Consob), Pierluigi Bartolomei (the school principal of vocational training Elis), the champion of cross-country skiing Manuela Di Centa, Cesare Greek (associate professor in the cardiovascular disease sector university “La Sapienza” of Rome), the architect Francesco Karrer (professor of urban planning at the university “La Sapienza “Rome), Antonio Malaschini (former general secretary of the Senate and former undersecretary for relations with Parliament,” will take care of relations with the institutions, the Parliament ‘), Manuela Manenti (expert engineer school construction and emergency), Ugo Marchetti (former general deputy commander of the Guardia di Finanza, “will be my right and left arms”), Agostino Miozzo (formerly the Office volunteer director, institutional Relations and International civil Defence and former head of the European PC and current UN operator “will the contact point for citizens h24 for all emergencies “), Gianfranco Polillo (economist, former Secretary to the government Monti MEF) and Maria Prezioso (political-economic geography professor at the university of Rome” Tor Vergata “).
Berlusconi: serving men do
“Rome needs men of doing, as are Marchini and Bertolaso; no samples of bla-bla-bla, “said Silvio Berlusconi to the presentation of the staff of Alfio Marchini, the candidate for mayor of Rome also supported by Forza Italy. “But also the League North was initially agree on Marchini” he recalls. For Berlusconi, “Marchini only can beat the candidate of M5s on the ballot for the Capitol and remove Roma from the current degradation. He and Bertolaso are men do – insists – and not enough political experience to heal Rome and bring it back to being a real capital and to return to being the Caput Mundi “.
Berlusconi: the center-left United for policies
The division on the nominations’ does not mean that the experience of the center-right mayor of Rome is over, but it is a only Roman question. We are convinced that only if they remain united will win the general election, “Goodman said the founder of Forza Italy.
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