No “gaffe” of Maria Elena Boschi. “We are the true supporters who will vote yes and true supporters who will vote no and we have respect for all the partisans’: Matteo Renzi resizes the controversy provoked by the words of the Minister for Reforms, which had also caused the reaction of the left dem, remembering that the positions within the PNA, the national association of partisans took sides against the constitutional reform, they are by no means unique. Also it applies to the constitutionalists.
After the manifesto of the supporters of the “no” yesterday also arrived one in favor of the “yes”: are 184 signatories among academics, lawyers and constitutional experts (including Salvatore Vassallo, Salvatore went, Paola Bilancia, Paolo Carozza, Guido Tabellini, Tiziano Treu, Franco Bassanini, Sergio Fabbrini, Stefano Ceccanti, Paul Pombeni, Francesco Clementi, Angelo Panebianco), who explained the reasons for reform. Assuming that the new constitutional law “does not upset” the Charter and that “there is perhaps all, but there is much that is needed,” the appeal lists the strengths of the Bill Woods: overcoming “of the anachronistic equal bicameralism “; differentiation of the legislative process in the House and Senate; rationalization of the Regions skills; rebalancing of the regulatory powers of the government; reducing the costs of politics. Deployed for the “yes” without join committees is also Giorgio Napolitano: “We want freedom for all – said the former head of state – but no one can say: I defend the Constitution by voting no and others do not. He went deep offense. ”
Less than two weeks before the administrative, holding court is therefore always the referendum. It is for the prime minister that guarantee, in case of victory of the yes, the completion of the legislature: “If the reform is passed back to vote in 2018″. Meanwhile there is to deal with the administrative provisions which will be held in less than two weeks, and that Renzi seems snub. “At the local you vote for mayors, the referendum decides the future of Italy,” the prime minister stressed, however, that next week will be spent in the major cities (Milan, Rome, Turin, Bologna and Naples is still in doubt) to support candidates of the center.
The referendum passage remains the priority. The Pier Luigi Bersani attack on Woods for words on partisans, confirm that the internal voltage to the Democratic Party continues unabated and that the invitation to put aside the controversy, expressed by the Secretary of the Parliamentary Assembly, has not had effects. “The Democratic Party – ironically the prime minister – arguing about everything because we are a democratic party”, although perhaps “we took a little ‘taste because there is never a time that we can spend a day without internal threads,” and in any case “better so that the email expulsions”, concludes by launching a dig at M5s.
The controversy, however, did not subside. Yesterday Celeste Ingrao has warned the Democratic Party from using the picture of his father on the posters in support of Yes in the referendum. “I do not know who the renziani ultras – attacks on facebook daughter of the historic exponent of the Communist Party – who had this brilliant idea. But I am to tell him that if, as they say now, you have to put his face there mettessero theirs and that of their inspirers. ” But in the pantheon in favor of constitutional reform there will also Nilde Iotti, the first woman Speaker of the House and one of the foremost leaders of the Communist Party. His positions for exceeding the bicameral system and the reduction of parliamentarians will indeed be at the conference to be held in Piombino on the occasion of June 2 and with the participation of the Minister of Forests. The goal is clear: to emphasize that the contents of the reform are the heritage of the history of the left. But last night on TV Bersani returned to protest: “If you change the cards on the table, if you build a strategy so its result is to split the democratic camp then I feel free. Just demagoguery, has crossed the line. “
The prime minister continues to play attack. Also on the electoral law. To meddle alll’Italicum – says – do not talk, because with this law “mess-ups and end accordicchi”. And to those who accuse him, even within his party, to use the votes of Verdini, remember that in Parliament there is a party that has a majority and that this legislature was born with an agreement between the political forces opposing sides ” Verdini was with Berlusconi. When he voted confidence in Monti governments and Letta nobody said anything, now everyone is worried because he voted confidence to civil unions. ” Thus the votes of Verdini “are decisive” As those of others. The opposition, however, did not give up. Matteo Salvini announced for May 29 in Milan, a demonstration against the referendum while the parent Fi to Renato Brunetta Room attacks Renzi arguing that “the conjunction between constitutional reform and Italicum could lead to Grillo power: we care a lot of the far right Austrian but the cricket program is very similar. ”
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