‘Boosting’ of Francis. “The Magisterium of Pope Francis, along with his tireless ministry, is for us and for the ‘holy faithful people of God’ a continuous stimulus to conversion of life personal and pastoral. Of this heritage – said Card. Bagnasco – is part of the recent Apostolic Exhortation Amoris laetitia ‘, defined by the cardinal “guidance for re-launching of the family ministry, and” new encouragement for that discernment and accompaniment that every pastor has always called to do wisely according to the teachings of the Church and the Bishop’s guidance. ” Then the extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, that “it is increasingly proving to be a source of grace for all”, in the words of Bagnasco: “There is no age who is not touched, just think of the great gathering of young people – seventy – that They flocked joyfully St. Peter’s Square Sunday, April 24. It was a glimpse of what really inhabits the hearts of young people; their presence showed the intuition that the truest response is Jesus in the Church: ‘You have the words of eternal life’ ‘.
“Do not retreat from the front of the reception.” It is the commitment of the Italian bishops, through the words spoken this morning by Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco. Cardinal cited the “historic visit” of the Pope on Lesbos, that “reminds everyone that the roads are so for the goods, but above all for the people; He encourages us not to give up the European dream in which the Fathers believed, as Pope Francis stressed on receiving the prestigious Charlemagne Prize. ” Domestically, Bagnasco has recognized “the Permanent effort, always at the forefront to accept and save lives by ignoble of desperate merchants.” “The Italian Church continues to offer its contribution by welcoming, to date, about 23,000 migrants, an increase of 4,500 people in the first few months of the year,” he announced the president of the CEI, expressing his “grateful encouragement” to parish and religious communities, supported by the diocesan Caritas and Migrantes Offices from.
“the southern hemisphere has set in motion under the pressure of difficult or tragic circumstances: it is an inexorable exodus.” in the opening speech of the second day of the Assembly of the CEI, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, has prompted some soul to our continent: “It is only right to ask ourselves – his words – if this is not a test case because the ‘ Europe of law, democracy and freedom, the cradle of humanism and spring, watered by the perennial source of the Gospel, can reveal itself. ” Then the quote from Aldo Moro, who was visiting Aachen said that “the center of a united world that is based on two fundamental pillars: the Roman legal system and the spiritual strength of Christianity.” “May Europe rediscover its soul and so the love of peoples and nations,” the hope of the President of the Italian Bishops Conference and archbishop of Genoa, “May finally meet up with people who are not pawns on whose heads a few ‘enlightened ‘claims to decide whether or experiment; or are stateless, because everyone belongs to a story, has a vision of life and core values. ” “Understand that being a European does not mean to enter the limbo of the single thought”, the other called the cardinal: “The laws and agreements are needed, but do not make the spirit of a continent: I assume.” For their part, the Italian bishops’ renew the passion for Europe and, together with the Holy Father, hope with firm conviction fresh enthusiasm and courageous for this beloved continent. “
The persecutions to Christians. “in the world seems to grow indifference to such violence, as if the real problems were others that the right to practice their faith without suffering persecution and death, or be forced to live as fugitives in the grip of fear”. It is the cry of alarm of Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, who in the opening speech of the second day of the Assembly of Italian bishops recalled that “there are now 200 million Christians persecuted on the planet under the eyes distracted and indifferent to the world: in Aleppo, the historic center of Christianity in Syria, today just 40,000 faithful have remained, a quarter compared to only 5 years ago. ” “As a Church, we denounce once again the barbaric violence of any persecution, we assure our closeness of solidarity and prayer to those who suffer it, and we urge our communities to nourish the faith and witness the example of such courage,” his appeal.
the victims of terrorism. “Alongside the victims of religious persecution, there are those caused by terrorism, which continues to sow death, anguish and kidnappings.” It is the analysis of the president of the CEI, which by analyzing the international situation, in its report of opening of the second day of the Assembly of Bishops, he asked: “Is there someone that can stop much political obscurantism, social, religious, on which thrives the arms trade? In the security field it seems that among European countries to grow the exchange capacity and collaboration; in this regard, we thank the Italian services that are showing ability and determination. ” Hence the new appeal to Europe, indeed the West: “What does cultural offer to the generations of immigrants become naturalized on the continent? Which offers spiritual vision? “. “The material is being sought, and often achieved; but the consumer goods alone are not sufficient, “Bagnasco the warning:” You need a vision of values and ideals – favored by high education and by a context of good relations – so everyone feels that it is worth sacrifice. Otherwise, the soul remains empty and exposed to every suggestion, even the most absurd and shameful. “
Priests our brothers and friends . “Dear priests, you are for us ‘brothers and friends’ as the Council recalls: while we bear witness of your daily closeness to the people, we thank you for what you do joined us, your bishops and Fathers,” said the president of the CEI , coming to the specific theme of this Assembly. “The Lord has put together, because we lived in communion with the diocesan presbyterate ideal tension and confident realism,” he continued, referring us to the topic of the current in the Vatican, the renewal of the clergy: “Our unit – together with our prayer – is the earliest form of that take care of ourselves and of our people who so recommended Pope Francis. In turn, we do not forget what the Council says: ‘It is the bishops who falls first the grave responsibility of the sanctity of their priests’. ” Hence the need, for the president of the CEI, to “take care with the utmost seriousness the continuous training of its clergy. far greater responsibility for our forces, we bring faith in the grace of the Spirit. ” Among the upcoming ecclesial events, Bagnasco cited the World Youth Day, to be held in July in Krakow, and the National Eucharistic Congress, to be held in Genoa, 15 to 18 September. “Intensify the adoration in parishes, spread the subsidy for daily prayer in the family, use the theological-pastoral document, distribute outreach the message signed by the Permanent Episcopal Council”: these are, for the president of the CEI, the ” decisive steps for the best preparation for our meeting, if we think it’s really an event of grace for us and our community. ” Catechesis to be held in the different churches of Genoa, announced Bagnasco, “will be on the Eucharist in the light of the five verbs of Florence, so as to mark a substantial continuity with the mystery that lies at the heart of the Church and her mission.”
The reform of the ecclesiastical courts. The card. Bagnasco then REMEMBER as a “major innovations” of the current pontificate was the Motu Proprio Mitis iudex Dominus Iesus , with which the Pope “has reformed the processes of nullity of marriage to the wishes of Synod fathers to the Extraordinary Synod “. The President of the CEI then assured: “We are committed to the aims of the reform can find effective and full answer in judicial practice, combining the cozy closeness to the people with the needs of more and ensure a rigorous assessment of the bond truth, by its nature indissoluble where validly formed. ” “In the exercise of this responsibility – he continued – we know we can count on the help of the operators of the Courts, whose solid training and experience are a valuable asset to be exploited to achieve the realization of the principles of the reform.” In this perspective, in which “a prudent pastoral discernment will allow the right balance in the choice of the most appropriate structural solutions in various particular churches,” CEI “will offer its support, at all levels of competence and in communion with the Regional Episcopal Conferences. “
Poverty on the rise. ” the weight of everyday life, in search of essential goods, it becomes increasingly untenable, including the primary of the house well ” . In the part of his opening of the second day of the Assembly of Bishops dedicated to the analysis of the situation of the country, card. Bagnasco said that “absolute poverty invests 1.5 million families, for a total of 4 million people, 6.8 percent of the Italian population.” “While the audience of poor widens engulfing the middle class yesterday, the portion of wealth is growing and increasingly concentrated in a few hands, unfortunately sometimes also through the way of personal corruption or group.” “Our parishes see the ranks of those who are looking for a meal at our table: well were the 12 million meals distributed in 2015,” said the cardinal, who asked questions demanding to politics: “Those responsible for public affairs, the different actors of the world of work, what they are doing that is not episodic but structural? “. The Church, for its part, “will continue to do everything it can to stand next to people, fielding every resource: the forces of many volunteers to 8 per thousand resources, as well as allowing a totally available clergy, allows you to meet the huge demands of charity and maintaining the pastoral works. “
Alarm falling birth rate. ” We see positive signs of support and promotion of the family that, in addition to being the natural womb of life, is the gym of humanism, of civic virtues, of sociality and interweaving education of generations and genres, the first social safety net “, but” these signals need to be encouraged and, above all, to become structural ». It’s the recipe for the Italian Church for the proposed family by President of the CEI, which in the final part of his report focused on the front of birth. “At last, after years that we call today at least we talk about demographic winter”: “The image – albeit effective – not yet elicits the necessary understanding of the gravity”. The ISTAT data, in fact, “are merciless: those of 2015 are the worst data from the unification of Italy.” And Bagnasco has pitted them: “In the past year, compared with 653,000 deaths, births were 488,000, while 100,000 Italians left the country.” “Demography is a key indicator of the health status of a country, especially the west, where economic and job development, along with a dense culture of ideals and values, arouse hope in tomorrow and the courage to create new lives, assuming confidently educational mission of children, “the analysis of the president of the CEI, which was asked:” what the state is doing so that we can reverse the trend? “. Hence the urgent need for “a courageous fiscal measures, that will finally provide fairness to families with dependent children.” The implementation of the ‘family factor’, the CEI, “would be a concrete and important step.”
Strong concern for the job. “We’d like to see him more peaceful, busy at work, projected into the future with confidence, encouraged by the prospects of the young, happy in the intertwining of generations that you look with sympathy, trust, solidarity “. Are the auspices of the Italian bishops, through the mouth of their president Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, for our country. “The indicators that are read, unfortunately, do not seem to go in this direction”, the alarm sounded at the opening of the second day of the Assembly of the CEI: “Since the beginning of the crisis employment has fallen by 4.8% , one of the most significant contractions in Europe: the applicants data say that the group between 15 and 24 looking for work is close to 40% compared with 22% of the European average in terms of percentage are the worst, just before the Bulgaria ». Card. Bagnasco also expressed “strong concern also for adults who once lost their jobs, are in trouble for coverage with serious consequences for their families as well as for their dignity.”
the gambling ghost. There is’ a third ghost “that” is growing in the country – has denounced Bagnasco force -: gambling. ” “The recent law – said the cardinal – intimate that the number of slots is reduced by 30% in four years; in fact it grew by 10.6% in four months, rising to 418,210. In the past six years, while among the population has increased the poverty line, the deal-venture has reached 350%, up to 84 billion. ” “Faced with such substantial interests at different levels, who will be able to withstand the pressures of lobbies and intervene in a radical way?” He asked Bagnasco, noting that “the social impact of gambling addiction is devastating for the individual, which lose their jobs, broken family relationships, they become easy prey to other addictions to suicide, as stated by the Minister of health. ” “The citizens how they can make their wishes in the face of such grave problems that persist for too long, corrupting ways of thinking and lifestyles? May, the problems, only to be dumped on Europe and the global world? “, The other questions. “The advanced democracy must try, not only tolerate, dialogue,” he warned the president of the CEI: “It must be practiced in the attitudes of honesty, respect of people and institutions, in search of a higher synthesis and realistic. It is on these issues that people want to see the Parliament committed without distraction of time and energy, because these are the real problems of the country, that is, of the people. “
Civil Unions awaiting” final blow. “” it is not clear how such a large emphasis and energy has been lavished for reasons based not so much on the needs – already provided for by the legal system to another – but to ideological schemes. ” It is the judgment of the Italian Church on the recent approval of the law on “civil unions,” which – said Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco – “establishes a de facto equivalent to marriage and the family, although it says different things.” “In fact – he continued by detailing the legislative system – the differences are only small gimmicks Nominalists, or easily circumvented legal devices, waiting for the final blow – so now they say publicly – including also the practice of the uterus for rent , exploiting the female body taking advantage of poverty. ” “The family is founded on marriage – reiterated Bagnasco citing the Joint Declaration of Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill – free and true act of love of a man and a woman. We regret that other forms of cohabitation are now at the same level of this union, while the concept of paternity and maternity, as a particular vocation of man and woman in marriage is ousted from the public consciousness. ” The family, said the president of the CEI always on the basis of the Pope, is “the foundation of coexistence and remedy against social disintegration.” And again: “Marriage tends to be seen as a mere form of emotional gratification that can be constituted in any way and change according to the sensitivity of each one.” Not to mention that the “complementarity is the basis of marriage and the family”, so “we need to reaffirm the right of children to grow up in a family, with a father and a mother, able to jointly create a suitable environment for its development and to its affective maturity. With children and young people you can not experience. They are not guinea pigs. ” And, speaking of the “gender theory” that Bagnasco “is always at the gates a creeping”, Francis has repeatedly stated that “it is a mistake of the human mind”, also expressing doubt “whether it is not also an expression of a frustration and resignation which aims to erase sexual difference because he can not deal with it. ” “It is not clear how such an opinion, as clear of Pope Francis, and reiterated several times by the bishops – the comment of Cardinal – constantly pass over in silence, as if they were ever spoken or written.
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