Thursday, May 26, 2016

Third sector, the Chamber yes to reform reorganizes the voluntary and non-profit – The Republic

Rome – final green of the House (with 239 yes and 78 against) the new regulations on the Third Sector: 1.7 million people organized in over 44,000 associaszioni and about 6.6 million citizens in Italy they are dedicated to volunteering in various informal ways. The text, the examination of which has been the subject of a “shuttle” between the House and Senate two-year, introduces a number of innovations particularly expected in the world of voluntary and non-profit.

“Solidarity, commitment, participation” . Are the key words “of a development and inclusive growth that enhances the resources of each community – says the vice president of the Chamber, Marina Sereni – are more and more in our country who work permanently or periodically in the many social enterprises, as well as more and more are those who are in a voluntary civil commitment reason. a wealth of ideas, values ​​and skills – he added – required for the development of a modern and open society, in which the public does not put obstacles, but it supports the resources of the community according to a culture of subsidiarity and the


Approval by the Third Forum Industry. “Many of the positive aspects – notes spokesman Pietro Barbieri – from trying to overcome fragmentation of the establishment of a single national record and is required to contribute to the transparency, the review of tax relief measures. Further appreciation is that the policies of government, promote and address are held by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. “

from the civic social utility purposes. for the third sector means the combination of private bodies set up for the pursuit of civic purpose, solidarity and social utility that, in accordance with the subsidiarity principle promote and carry out activities of general interest by means of voluntary and unpaid forms of action or mutuality or production and exchange of goods and services. The term “social utility” means what is good for the community, creates solidarity, builds communities through forms of voluntary action and free. Not part of the third sector formations, political associations, trade unions, professional associations of economic class. Banking foundations, while pursuing the objective of the other third sector organizations, implicitly confirming its hybrid nature, between charity and business, that characterizes the outset.

The service centers for volunteering. you can be promoted and managed by all the organizations of the third sector, with the exception of managed entities in corporate form, but it must be guaranteed a majority in voluntary associations and guaranteed free entry into the social structure of new associations (the principle of “open door”) to ensure a continuous need to spare. The service centers provide technical support, training and information, promote and strengthen the presence and role of volunteers in the various entities of the Third Sector.

National Council of the Third Sector. It ‘a body for consultation at national level of the Third Sector organizations, the composition of which will, among other things, enhance the associative networks in the second level and which are not, however, addressed human and financial resources.

the background. is set up a fund for activities of general interest promoted by voluntary organizations, social associations and foundations, in the Ministry of Labour and social Policy, with EUR 17.3 million the euro in 2016 and 20 million euro with effect from 2017.

the foundation “social Italy.” private foundation with a public purpose, will be responsible for supporting, attracting and organizing philanthropic initiatives and innovative social finance instruments. For 2016 the foundation has allocated an initial budget of one million Euros. As for the use of resources from private entities, must comply with the principle of primacy, carrying a subsidiary function, not a substitute for public intervention.


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