Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Schools open summer? For ANIEF is the usual ad-spots – Horizon School

ANIEF – It is not clear why, now every year, in the spring should “blossom” statements from the highest echelons in public education within hailing the opening of the entire summer school, however, obviating on how to finance the initiative, in order not to do harm to no one, expected to involve up to 8,500 institutions and over 40 thousand school buildings. This time it was the minister, Stefania Giannini, that Japan launched the project “Schools at the center”: “an investment of 10 million euro that will probably affect cities such as Milan, Rome, Naples and Palermo,” writes the specialist press .

the goal would be to turn schools into “a meeting place for young people who have as their only alternative road. The project involves at this time the middle and high schools. Students will have the opportunity to devote himself to sport, music, theater, art workshops. The project will involve also teachers, but only on a voluntary basis. But when asked ‘compensation? ” Minister responds “Yes, a reward, but not very high.” If we think for a work of months, complex and delicate as that of Commissioner for teachers competition fees will be ridiculous, we dare not think about how much can match ‘not very high’, “concludes Horizon School.

ANIEF believes that we are witnessing the nth operation ‘spottistica’, probably this time even in pre-election key. “First of all – says Marcello Pacific, national president ANIEF and confederal secretary Cisal – because they do not understand why our students have to compromise on the period of suspension of teaching activities. Do not forget that they are children and young people, who deserve to go on vacation: even after the cuts Gelmini reform, in junior high, today our children spend 2970 hours on banks, compared with an average of just over 3000 hours of OECD. “Countries

“But the problem – continues the union – is also another: even if students need to extend their presence in the school, who will be appointed to follow them and also train them in the summer? Unless you want to transform the school into a place where it takes place of ‘babysitting’ or simple pastime, it is clear that it must be put on the plate of the important resources. Or, we want to get away with a few dollars, 10 million euro referred to by the minister of Japan? “.

” The truth is only one: to keep schools open means investing. And also very. Approving the specific resources. Because today, we recall, the schools have fees that go to even encourage such activities, together with those of ordinary design or cultural visits, virtually halved compared to 2011. Despite this same government has repeatedly promised a considerable increase in the so-called mof, the training offer improvement, amounting to less than 690 million euro per year, is news of these hours is stopped than last year. With the aggravating circumstance that have since been placed on the role of other 56 thousand teachers more, whose additional benefits must be offset more than the same budget. “

The young union has repeatedly denounced the paucity of resources to additional activities: the ANIEF research department has calculated that a teacher involved for one year in the demanding and delicate coordination activities are now, on average, less than 200 Euros net. With the result that it will penalize any initiatives to complement the teaching. Now, more and with these funds, you want to keep open in summer school.

“But there is also an aggravating factor that, in the meantime, it has come to determine: the Stability Law – reminds the leaders dell’Anief – cut supply teachers staff Ata for the first week of the absence of the owner. Thus, the units of staff on duty, reduced to the bone, will also have to oversee, assist and clean for the educational summer activities. But what are we talking about? “.


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