To Bagnoli an anti-corruption protocol modeled on that adopted for Expo in Milan. Yesterday signed at Palazzo Chigi by the President of the Council Matteo Renzi and the Anti-Corruption Authority president, Raffaele Cantone: the supervisory protocol on procedures for the reclamation of areas of Bagnoli – whose initials have participated to the Invitalia Domenico Arcuri and the special commissioner, Salvo Nastasi, – establish a modus operandi between Invitalia, which is implementing party plans to Bagnoli and assists the special commissioner, and Anac of Canton.
“Bagnoli will be cleaned and restored. We owe it to the Neapolitans, to all Italian citizens who have previously spent 300 million, “said Renzi. Cleaning up today there is a fund of 272 million and a defined time schedule: starting in 2016, start of the regeneration in 2017, infrastructure between 2017 and 2018. Completion of work – as previously announced by the prime minister – in 2019.
The protocol signed yesterday appears set to produce very early relapses practices. They were sent to ANAC, in fact, according Invitalia, the first three calls that the Authority would undertake (per protocol) to lay off up to 15 days, leaving from the three races – with IT procedure – for a maximum of the end of June . These three interventions by the total value of 1.9 million: first, the characterization of the former Ilva areas and former Eternit (most of the national interest site), from 1 million, on which work should be completed in 90 days from the start. Since this is expected the clear indication on how to continue the reclamation. The second call ready dell’arenile regards the restoration, from 700 thousand euro, which is the safety of the beach and in the nourishment of the cliff front. Finally, the third notice provides, for 100 thousand euro, works necessary to secure the filled and the hydraulic barrier.
The prime minister speaks of “good news.” It states: “Thanks ANAC we saved the Expo, which when we arrived in this building was a lost bet. And now we risaneremo Bagnoli. Although this is a game among the most difficult. ” Bagnoli – reminds Renzi – in the past “has been the biggest and most amazing disaster in terms of missed opportunities in the past 30 years.” “It may be the territory from which it shares the South.”
The procedures, observed even Renzi, “are among the most advanced in the fight against corruption”. For the prime minister was about the government, “I expected this type of convention.” On the other hand, the same Anac is an international point of reference, emphasizes Renzi, recalling how “Italy was in the front row on 12 May in London, in a summit desired by Prime Minister Cameron to discuss the best anti-corruption practices ». Renzi has announced that it will bring the Italian example the G7 works in Japan.
“To fight corruption – added Renzi – we want the judges to whom we express our gratitude, and we want the honest administrators, which they are the vast majority of all political parties. The dishonest, that there are in all political parties, should be thrown out. ”
Thanks ANAC and stored to the mayor of Naples, Luigi De Magistris in which a serious battle is being started after the appointment of the Commissioner for Bagnoli. “Today we are not in Naples – clarified Renzi – to avoid the natural controversies that for obvious responsibilities continue to be there when it comes to Bagnoli.” And again: “We are at the Palazzo Chigi, in an institutional setting, and we say emphatically that Bagnoli will be cleaned and restored. Because if those who have to do things, starting with some local authorities, do not do them, then it’s up to us to replace them, starting with the government commissioner. ” Immediate replication of the mayor: “The Prime Minister knows that the reclamation of Bagnoli, being a site of national interest, the government must do. Then he should say: since governments for 15 years have never reclaimed Bagnoli, I got it, in the electoral campaign. ”
To the Commissioner Salvo Nastasi “Bagnoli is one of the government’s top priorities.” And for Arcuri (Invitalia) “after 23 years, hundreds of millions of public money spent and no visible result, and final, there is no space and no time to lose or use badly.”
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