It is the sign of “continuity” the appointment of the Prosecutor of Milan Francesco Greek. The plenum of the CSM chose him by a large majority: 17 yes (the stipendiary Area and Unicost, the lay of the center and of Forza Italy), 4 no (the stipendiary of me and of autonomy and independence, the current that makes head to Piercamillo Davigo, favorable to Alberto Nobili) and 3 abstentions (the leaders of the Supreme Court and the Ncd Antonio Leone secular). Higher numbers of those who foreshadowed the eve, when the board there was still the candidacy of John Melillo, chief of staff of the Minister of Justice Andrea Orlando, who retired in the morning. This was announced at the opening of the meeting, the vice president of CSM John Legnini, explaining that he had received an email Melillo, candidate proposed by Alberta Casellati (Fi), which then voted Greek. The withdrawal, however, came in games played when Unicost – the balance of this painful game – had already indicated that he would support Greek, not without pain inside stomach, overcome thanks to the relentless work of the Legnini mediation to expand consensus on a symbolic office guide what is the Milan prosecutor’s office.
the neoprocuratore Greek – who happens to Edmondo Bruti Liberati retired in November 2015 – is also a symbol, having been one of components of the pool clean hands, in the ’90s. But his name and his fame, are linked to the most important inquiries of the Milan prosecutors in economic and financial matters of the past 30 years, from the case Montedison tangential Enimont, from Parmalat crash the bank takeover to the most recent surveys on the Mount of Paschi di Siena and sull’Ilva.
the decisive element – declares Maria Rosaria San Giorgio di Unicost – it was the professional profile of Greek: expert magistrate on economic issues and, therefore, more suitable to Leading the prosecutor of the city that is the “economic capital”. Explains Paola Balducci, secular Sel, which serves Greek “In a context where the economy qualifies all illegal activities, some more of Greek is able to guide and accompany the office in the fight against this crime?”. Underlines Fabio Napoleone, robed Area from the Milan prosecutor’s office, noting – even compared to the Nobles – that “Milan did not need an expert in the fight against organized crime, otherwise it would include the exclusion of Ilda Boccassini.” Remain isolated voices in favor of Noble, proposed by Claudio Galoppi (I), with an emphasis on its organizational plan of the prosecutor, that “covers a wide collegiality and values the contribution of all.”
the first president and the Pg of the Supreme Court, Gianni Canzio and Pasquale Ciccolo instead declare their preference for an “external”, and then for Melillo. Canzio denounces a “cultural drift”, namely the “preliminary, undisguised mistrust” for those who exercise functions “out of role”, where “it is an honor that a judge plays the head of the Ministry of Justice Cabinet functions. I do not consider eligible – adds – ethical doubts on the institutional value of this experience. ” Replicate stipendiary Area: “We never thought that Melillo was not up to the role but the profile of Greek was superior,” says Nicola Clivio; Lucio Aschettino closes thus: “No prejudice of Melillo; its profile is excellent. I choose Greek for his professional experience, but also for a positive judgment on criminal proceedings of the Milan Public Prosecutor in the last 10 years: a season of Greek which was a major player. “
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