ROME. The reconstruction of Matteo Renzi has a starting point: “There is something I never screwed anything to make the election in two days. In fact, since the first Leopolda we supported the Election Day and were contrary to the hypothesis of doubling” . This does not mean that in the end the prime minister was contrary to stretch the dates favoring participation. “We have audited the costs – explains the about-face by telling his staff – Leave open seats would have cost 4 million 800 thousand euro more. Although I did not agree it seemed a choice of common sense also vote Monday. I said why not? “.
In the end, the answer was: why not. The government reconsidered and Interior Minister Angelino Alfano had to cancel the decree that fixed the vote on Sunday and Monday. To Renzi it was not a pitched battle, but now it is quite infuriated by the controversy of the opposition. “They challenged the decision of June 5, because it coincided with the bridge 2. But on May 15, last Sunday, you could not do because it took place the celebration of the Alpini. On June 12, is a Jewish holiday. We found the 5. Reaction of the opposition: “Shame. Renzi is in trouble in the municipalities and the influx afraid. “But I’m not afraid ….”
Renzi tells another story to his interlocutors: “I have tried Stefano Parisi, the candidate of the center in Milan, and Alfio Marchini, the challenger of Forza Italy in Rome. they asked me to stretch out the dates. I thought about it, we’ve done the math. someone shoots the crazy amount of 600 million of additional expenses, someone else talk about 100 million. we check good, I said. Check out which are 4.8 million. the tellers mica are paid by the hour and logistics organization it costs the same amount for a day or two. you pay extra just overtime forces order to ensure the seats. ” Then Renzi and Alfano decide to proceed. “All hell broke loose. We do not have time to say that we jump on him. One impressive thing, all opposition attack with his head down. The situation is reversed but the topic remains the same: Renzi has still afraid, why want to vote in two days. “
In fact, many have linked to administrative constitutional referendum in October. Namely, the doubling of the 5 and 6 June was the premise doubled for consultation on the law Woods, the great renziana challenge. Two days would have “stimulated” the Yes victory. Renzi, in front of his interlocutors, smiles: “But we will do a referendum campaign of this size that does not change anything if you vote only Sunday or Sunday and Monday. You will see it. that said, it is clear that if we did doubling for municipal would be also valid for the referendum. If you do, you always do. “
the impression is that Renzi come off just in time a catchphrase. In this sense they were revealing the harsh words of Enrico Letta even though the referendum will vote yes. The unanimous chorus supports the doubling (from Forza Italy, the League, in Fd’I up the minority of the Democratic Party) would not have taken cover from a long controversy that would drag on until October. Better to postpone although the same Sergio Mattarella had sent positive signals on the assumption of Monday’s vote. “I did not want to do – insists the Prime Minister with his interlocutors – but not to give the idea of always being polemical and that nobody never listen I was ready to order.”
There has also put Renato Brunette. The parent wanted Fi doubling in municipal but not in the referendum. Renzi is afraid, was the thesis of Brunetta. “Again – says the prime minister jokingly -. You know how it ends? I’ll tell you. In a few days will be the mayoral candidate of the center-right to complain to Berlusconi for combined mess by Brunetta, for his convoluted yet another that turns into own goal. “
So the decree ends in the drawer, also buried in view of October. “Now I do a walker”, he greets the Prime Minister laying off employees. Today will sign agreements for the South in Campobasso, Aquila and Bari. In Rome will bring together regionalie and provincial secretaries of the Democratic Party, then the answering machine and finally, in the evening, the parliamentary groups dem. The doubling is already stored on the back.

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