Monday, May 30, 2016

Berlusconi criticizes Confindustria “They behave as subjects aspirants” – Italian News



 Once existed Communists. Those with whom Silvio Berlusconi did take it, the more or less obscure antagonist from which to defend the Italian population. Yes, it is joked a lot about this, in fact the Communist sentence is always present at meetings of the former premier. Now, however, things are not quite so. Who would have thought that in the viewfinder Silvio Berlusconi would end entrepreneurs of Confindustria.

“I call them subjects aspiring” Berlusconi said speaking yesterday at Aversa, province of Caserta. “The Renzi constitutional reform is dangerous – he added – it is a dress that Renzi was tailor-made on him. ” Now, the attack is obvious reason: it is not official yet, but currently unofficial, Confindustria Of the constitutional referendum of October.

A sortie marked by great warmth of his supporters but also by opinions expressed in direct and sharp way. The attack turned to the new leadership of Confindustria deployed for the yes to the constitutional referendum of October without discounts. "I call them subjects aspiring" says talking to Aversa. "The Renzi constitutional reform is dangerous, it's a dress that Renzi was sewn to measure," he says attacking the plebiscite curvature that the bill Woods, in concert with the new election law, is likely to generate.

The reference is to the position expressed by Vincenzo Boccia, new president of the industrialists, but also similar to that signed by former President Luigi Abete. In his speech at Aversa - where he went to support the mayoral candidate Gianpaolo Dello Vicario - Berlusconi promises that after the elections of June 5, the battle will focus on the "No" in the referendum: "Winning in Naples, Milan and Rome you can. Immediately after we open the Administrative Committees for the No in the referendum, to prevent Renzi to make arrangements. " Fundamental, however, will prevent the splits come to light in this election. "The united center-right wins, alone was irrelevant. As the pasta and the sauce: disunited do not make sense, they work very well together. " A center for which the president of Forza Italy has in mind a possible guide. The "proposal" takes place on Friday evening at a dinner that is staged in Naples. Berlusconi displaces all - including the protagonist - and calls for a toast "to Mara Carfagna future leader of the center-right."

Berlusconi back to reveal the project that he plans to field with allies. "We have already agreed on the future government: 20 ministers divided into three for Forza Italy, three to the League and two Brothers of Italy. While 12 ministers will be chosen among people of doing, successful people who come from work and professions. To win it is enough to recover 5 million votes from those 26 million abstainers which constitute 55 percent of the electorate. " The leader of Forza Italy also reveals some of the program points such as the separation of the careers of judges, interventions decided in favor of pensioners and the abolition of Equitalia.

The mind, however, even back in the subsequent interventions - like the one in Caserta in support of Riccardo Ventre candidate - the authoritarian risk that Italy has faced. "In the last 22 years we have had four coups, now there is a process towards a drift absolutely dangerous authoritarian. The Constitution that Renzi has changed with an artificial majority made by 60 deputies elected with the center and 130 MPs in the House, declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court, it takes us into a single room that will approve the important laws. " "In this room there will be a large majority of a single party, this party will have only one leader who will be the master of all, the party of the Parliament of Italy, the master of Italian. We must understand that this is the risk we all run, and since none of us is an aspiring subject, but we have very clear that the person comes before the State, that our rights, the first freedom, are natural rights, we must oppose the the strongest terms to a system like the one Renzi believes to build tailor-made for himself. "



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