Reduce the school drop-out, engage children, give them a daily commitment meal and entertainment in high-risk areas of the country, in the suburbs from Quarto Oggiaro (Milan) in Caivano (Napoli). At this will serve, in the Minister Giannini intentions, the project ‘School at the Centre, “explained the G7 Tokyo on education and environment. Announced in early May, it has now entered the implementation phase: the schools concerned have responded to the notice published on the website www.areearischio. it destined to 4 metropolitan areas (Naples, Palermo, Milan and Rome), “with a strong immigration process and to combat early school leaving and social exclusion.” The overall financing of 1 million euro will be allocated (by July 11) approved projects.
700 schools
the initiative relates to middle and high school, where the kids will not go to school to study, but to do “sports, music, theater , art workshops. All that would interest the kids, entertain them and take them off the road, “said the minister. In Naples, the total budget will be 4 million and 100 thousand euro, distributed among 541 establishments, 275 of which are in areas considered at risk. In total, will be the 700 schools involved, each with a budget of 15 thousand euro. Giannini has also stated that teachers “are not required, those who want to participate,” receiving “a fee, but not very high.”
Against the dispersion
the idea of schools open to accommodate those who will never go to school could in the future be extended to other cities or neighborhoods . “Possibly even on Sundays,” the minister dares. But to really tackle the evil of the dispersion – between 27 and 30% in the metropolitan area of Naples (against an Italian figure between 15 and 17% and Europe at 10%), which has 450 thousand students – there He would take an army of teachers and educators. “School center” is a step in the right direction, but it alone is not enough. Other energies in Campania have been made available by the program “School Viva”, the three-year planning financed with the European Social Fund decided on by the junta of Vincenzo De Luca: 105 million over three years for the training of teachers, the use of innovative teaching methods , facilitating school-work projects; in addition, of course, the opening of the school in the afternoon, to accommodate students, but not only, for cultural, social and recreational. The afternoon opening, in this case, is scheduled for a thousand institutions throughout the region, throughout the year and for at least three years. Each school may propose activities to develop and seek funding to implement them. In the distribution of funds, there will be a special focus on the areas most socially disadvantaged, and with the highest drop-out rates.
But the schools that remain open to the school hours there there are already all over the Peninsula are those authorized by DPR 567 (governing integrative activities in the schools in the school of the autonomy) to realize the most diverse projects, from the rehearsal room, the theater courses, the art student days: projects managed in-house or through agreements with associations, with a procedure approved by the school board, to determine the responsibilities in terms of vigilance, order, custody and cleaning.
municipalities and associations
And then there are projects “Open Schools” in partnership with municipalities. Dozers Milan, who in 2014 created an innovative model: the first Office in Italy dedicated to Open Schools, the first call to finance projects, the first handbook. Thirty, the capital of Lombardy, schools that do not close when the bell sounds the end of the lessons, with the involvement of 40 associations of parents, pupils and 1,200: true “civic center” for entire neighborhoods. And though Milan has plagued many other cultures, from Catania to Florence, from Mantua to Reggio Calabria, they are told in a conference organized in Milan in late April ANCI.
the school time
More is the debate that turns on summer time at ports, with mothers, especially in elementary, they would like the school go on at least until June 30: he had tremendous success the online petition of a mother Modena. “The world has changed, families have the need to have a summer school open,” wrote the woman, speech therapist, 32 years and three children. But this is a different chapter: the requirement that children over the summer, in a country where school days do not coincide with those of life; and where the summer holidays are among the longest (and teachers among the lowest paid) and one is forced to incur substantial costs for alternative solutions, from summer camps to sports fields.
The mothers petition
Not it is in this case, of course, to win the school recalcitrant teenagers, remove young people from the temptations of the street. But the appeal, which in just over a week has raised nearly 5 thousand signatures remember that summer: “France closes nine weeks, between July 4 and September 5, Germany six weeks between July 7 to September 13 the UK six weeks, from July 20 to August 31 … And we? 12-13 weeks …. ”
May 17, 2016 (modified May 17, 2016 | 13:04)
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