Thursday, May 26, 2016

Confindustria towards yes to the referendum on the Constitution – The Republic

Rome – Pass the perfect bicameralism. I have been asking for. And now it has finally arrived, thanks to the reform Woods, the factual industrialists are ready to vote yes in the referendum on the constitution in October. A perfect assit the government Renzi, in full referendum campaign, arrives unexpectedly – even if not explicitly – from the first meeting of the Confindustria license plate Vincenzo Boccia, the industrial Salerno, born in 1964, elected yesterday President with 87% of the valid votes, but just 66.7% of the total number of voters, including 305 white. Confindustria therefore a split that Boccia try today to regroup around the theme of reform. “The reforms are the obligatory path to liberate the country from the vetoes of minorities and the particularities, which have helped to choke him in the status quo”, says the new President in front of the assembled audience rich Auditorium in Rome, including big industrial, President Mattarella of the Republic, all the ministers except Padoan and premier Renzi (in Japan for the G7), the national secretaries of Cgil, Cisl and Uil. “Reforms can usher in a great era of responsibility, in which the ruler chooses and makes decisions and consensus be measured by its results.”

Just for time . Immobility and vetoes against decisions and results: a cherished paradigm renzismo. It did just as Boccia and framed in the “season of the responsibility.” “Confindustria has been fighting since 2010 to overcome the perfect bicameralism and reform the Title V of the Constitution,” explains the president. “With satisfaction, today, we see that this goal is within reach.” If therefore an official position of Confindustria will be ratified in one month ( “our position and the actions on the referendum will be decided in the General Meeting convened for 23 June”), as of now, however, it seems clear the orientation of Italian industrialists. “For us, the reforms have not been named, but an object. It does not matter who makes them, but how they are made. And if we share it, the support you. Reforms are not assets of the parties, but of all citizens. And then also ours. They belong to the history of Confindustria since the nineties. ” On the other hand, he continues Boccia, “a modern democracy requires that those who oppose reform, a government or a measure alternative proposals leftovers immediately practicable and do not use the opposition only to stall”. Just tinker, then. It’s time to reform.

Small is not beautiful. The economic environment is not the most comforting. And Boccia does not hide it. “Our economy is undoubtedly divided. But it is not” in recovery. “It is a modest rise, disappointing, it does not take us back to the short pre-recession levels in time. The consequences of the double fall in demand and production activities are still very deep. ” As demonstrated by Istat yesterday on the collapse of sales and orders in industry (the worst drop since 2013). Or those today on retail sales in the trade. “To get back on top we must equip ourselves to the new economic paradigm.” And therefore “build a modern capitalism did market, opening to capital and investment in the future”. An industry that “requires appropriate size.” So small is no longer beautiful. Significant, because said to be an industrial symbol of Italian small and medium industry, such as Boccia. Who has overcome the crisis, insists the president, he did it only because he has “innovated, exported, modernized governance.” And because he has tried to grow. “Small is not beautiful in itself, but it is only one phase of the life, are born small and then grow up. Grow up, grow up to become our obsession.”

Move taxes from work at things. the government of the new Confindustria Boccia calls for a meaningful exchange: lower taxes on labor and businesses, increasing the VAT. “We ask to shift the tax burden, lightening the workplace and businesses and increasing the on things.” A request that the government so far has always rejected the sender, even promising to avoid the bloodletting in VAT from 15 billion for 2017 included in the safeguard clauses of the budget law. At the same time, the government Renzi advancing the idea of ​​reducing the tax wedge. Boccia sees the impossibility of having the two together. And press the government to, given the choice, opt for the job, given that its cost has risen by 56% in Italy since 2000, compared with 58% in France and Spain, 55% of UK and above 36% of Germany. Also because the IRES cutting 2014% – already scheduled for next year – is “great”, he emphasizes Boccia, but not enough. “We need a fiscal policy to support investment, starting with those in research and development. The tax credit provided by the government should be strengthened beyond the incremental logic. And the super amortization is working: rinnoviamolo”.

do not want to trade or favors. “In the public budget management are not asking for favors or exchanges, ask policies to improve competitiveness factors”, insists the president of Confindustria. “We propose a program, to be implemented in four years. Legal certainty and stability are essential to create positive expectations”. We need a “recomposition of the items of expenditure and revenue.” Serve, even urges, “quality maneuvers, zero balance policies but not at no cost, without creating new deficits.”

wage-productivity exchange. The confrontation with unions on the model contract will start just ended the season of renewal of signole categories (from metalworkers, whose negotiations but it is uphill), ensures Boccia. But the center will be the wage-productivity trade, “the only viable way”. For this (other request to the government) “need a tax reduction policy and structural decontribution without roofs salary and bonus”. In any case, the wage increases “should correspond to increases in productivity.” While the national contract “is to define the basic protections of labor and offer a solution to those who do not want to tackle the negotiations on the farm”.


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