Tuesday, May 24, 2016

For the death of Ciro Esposito, 26 Years Daniele De Santis – BBC

Twenty-six years in prison is the sentence for Daniele De Santis. Tuesday morning, the judges of the Third Court of Assizes of Rome withdrew in private to decide on the request for life imprisonment against Daniele De Santis. The ultras Roma player was accused of shooting at Ciro Esposito, supporters of Naples, who died after a long agony in hospital. “We are here today because we want justice, Ciro is always with us,” he said in the bunker Rebibbia Antonella Leardi, mother of Neapolitan fans.

“A duty to be here”

 Ciro Esposito
Ciro Esposito

Accompanied by her husband and other relatives his mother, who was present at all the hearings of the trial, added: “We are here for a duty to Cyrus. His dream was to live in England with his girlfriend. He would have turned 31 if I had not taken him away. ” The young Napoli fan was seriously wounded on May 3 for two years ago, shortly before the Italian Cup final between Fiorentina and Napoli and died after an agony lasting 53 days.

shadow carousel


De Santis, the? Ultras of the extreme right and that den


The ambush

According to the prosecutor Daniele De Santis May 3, 2014 attacked the coach of the Neapolitans parked at Tor Di Quinto with paper bombs, smoke bombs, fists on the glass and threats before the Italian cup final between Napoli and Fiorentina. They recognized the passengers who were on one of the convoys. According to the defense, however, the former ultras of Rome has never approached more than thirty meters from the bus and was limited to revive the weapons arriving at the entrance of Ciak Village which is the custodian. The ambush was the work of other masked people, mentioned by several witnesses, but never traced. Even the other threatening gestures would not they invite to walk away (the Ciak is frequented by families and children).


After the ambush, according to the indictment De Santis was reached first by the group of Ciro Esposito, Gennaro and Alfonso Esposito Fioretti, charged for fighting and injuries, and fired four shots at head height while he is standing. The only coup launched by Cyrus was a slap or punch, while the wounds in the leg and abdomen wounds De Santis were inflicted later by other groups of Neapolitans have appeared to take revenge. According to the defense, however, De Santis did was within walking distance to the inside of the Ciak, staying with his right foot stuck in the gate trying to close behind. With the limb massacred (risked amputation) would have snatched the gun from one of the people (not identified) which had impressed him with punches kicks and sticks, firing blindly to not succumb.

the gloves and the weapon

a firing was a gun Benelli with serial abraded and craft bullets. There are certain investigative findings on its origin. According to the pM De Santis had with him in a bag and used it wearing gloves which then legacy on earth during the escape. According to the defense the weapon was lead there by others and De Santis used it with bare hands. That glove is one of the keys to decipher the traces of blood and fingerprints on the area and from these trace the sequence of events.

shadow carousel


“Cyrus dying,” the pain of relatives and friends


The shots

In addition to why they were fired shots (kill or defend) a lot also plays on ballistics. Ciro was hit by two shots, the decisive one for pierced a lung. Wounds with targeted trajectory, according to the indictment, unfortunate coincidence for the defense, according to which the blow reached Cyrus as she turned sideways. The bullet penetrated the area under his arm, would not have been fatal if the wounds had been diagnosed and treated properly. Also the expertise pm invokes medical liability during the 53 days of hospitalization.

The premeditation

is not disputed by the prosecution only for technical reasons, given that De Santis did not know who would be found before. But even if he did not want to kill a specific person, the pM urged the courts to take the utmost account of the psychological factor with those who acted De Santis, aware of the high risk situation that was triggering the assault on the bus. The defense believes rather implausible that the accused acted face uncovered, bare hands and in front of his house where there were two prostitutes waiting for him and for which he had just ordered sandwiches in the bar.

The other accused

With De Santis, accused of murder, are recognized for fighting aggravated Fioretti and Alfonso Gennaro Esposito, considered part of the group that provoked the riots, the first during which Italian Cup Fiorentina Napoli on 3 May 2014, he was wounded Ciro Esposito. The young man died at age 31 after 53 days of agony for the blows.

May 24, 2016 | 24:18



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