thirty months, thirty slide. Matteo Renzi takes stock of the situation – what he calls the “verification time” – two and a half years from the entrance to the Palazzo Chigi. He does it again using the cards, which indicate the results of its executive. He responds well to the opposition: “Numbers, not the talk.” A way to “tell the truth so simple and clear” because “I think it is right that people will get an idea starting from the reality of the facts, the reality of the numbers.”
It starts with employment data. Before the Renzi government – said the prime minister – the number of employed was 22 million 180 thousand. Today, after 30 months in office, “it rose to 22 million 765 thousand.” With a growth of 585 thousand employed. Resulting in is the data on unemployment. According to data provided by Palazzo Chigi, there is a drop of almost 2 percentage points, rising from 13.1 to 11.4 percent. With a particular: the minus sign on youth unemployment (43.6% before, 39.2% today). “Since February, the jobs have increased by 585,000 units – in the afternoon Renzi says Merkel – an incredible achievement. If we had done 15 years before the Jobs Act, such as Germany, it would certainly have been another film, another story. “
Chapter growth. The comparison between the GDP to -1.9% of ‘yesterday’, with growth of 1% of “Today.” The latest official estimate contained in Def April indicated for 2016 a growth of 1.2% GDP, but it will be short-magazine with the “Update Notice” by 27 September. As for the deficit, the bar comes down from the 3% of ‘yesterday’ to 2.4% of “today”. Def in net debt was estimated at 2.3% while in the Stability Law was indicated at 2.4%. Then a block on the fiscal measures of the government 10.4 million Italians who receive EUR 80 and 19 million households that do not pay more tax on first homes. The product of the recovery, from 13.1 billion to 14.5 has arrived. While the fee Rai falls to 100 euro from 113. The Prime Minister also reminded mortgage lending: worth 19 billion, today it has reached to 49.8 billion. Or cars produced in Italy: from 388 thousand to 675 thousand. as also a sign for foreign investment, passed 12.4000000000-74.7000000000.
It grows – according to Prime Minister – also the confidence index of the citizens against the executive (to 94.5 yesterday, today to 109.2); the number of museum visitors, who now share touches 43 million, and tourism: arrivals in Italy exceed quota 53 million. We then move all’arretrato of Civil Justice (5.6 million pending cases to 3.8 million), the guys who make the civil service (there were 896, are now 35,673). And then to construction sites for school construction that were worth around 220 million, and today they are at an altitude of 1 and a half billion. Finally, the welfare state: the money for social pass 1.8000000000 to 3.4000000000; resources for health rose to 111 billion from 106.4; those for the international rise from 232 million to 432 cooperation.
The opposition, however, , do not digest the communication campaign . Renato Brunetta, leader of Forza Italy in the House: “Thirty slide colorful to say anything, this is the latest invention of Matteo Renzi to celebrate the 30th month of his government. A better comparison is not defined between “yesterday” and “today”, without telling Italians that in two and a half years our country has slipped down to all the European charts, becoming the eurozone’s bottom club. ” According Brunetta also the method used by the premier to assess the economic data is wrong. Even Roberto Calderoli from the Lega attacks: “The ISTAT figures on the labor market condition tell something else.”
August 31, 2016 (modified August 31, 2016 | 23:25)