Monday, August 22, 2016

Renzi in Ventotene with Merkel and Hollande. “European solution, not the problem. It does not end with Brexit” – The Republic

Naples – “Behind us the island of Ventotene, right the island of Santo Stefano, places symbol of the greatness of Europe. This is also Europe. Ventotene, where in 1941 Altiero Spinelli imagined the Manifesto for Europe . Thanks to Merkel and Hollande to be here, soon we will have our meeting. It will not be the only one, there will be others, of all the Bratislava informal summit, “the September 16, to think about the future of the idea of ​​Europe after the UK getaway.

Matteo Renzi, speaking from the deck of the aircraft carrier Garibaldi moored off the island Italian symbol of Europeanism, thanked the German Chancellor and the President French for the presence at the first significant post-Brexit summit between European leaders also focused on the fragility of the economic situation in the EU bloc and on the complex issue of security in a Europe caught between waves of immigration and terrorism.

” many thought that after Brexit Europe was over – the president of the Council -. Not so, we want to write a new page in the future. We also talk about economic issues, we need strong measures, quality investment accompanied by structural reforms. To invest in a factory 4.0, on renewable energy. But there is also need to focus on young people. The undersea world of prison Stanto Stefano, where they were in prison Sandro Pertini and Umberto Terracini, will create a campus for young Europeans. A great ideal investment. With Merkel and Hollande we will also talk about international politics and migration. One fact: in the Mediterranean are 102 thousand to today migrants arrived in Italy, in August last year were 105 thousand. We have to do something like the EU to block the departures. “

Renzi in Ventotene with Merkel and  Hollande. & Quot; Europe solution, not the  problem. It does not end with Brexit & quot;

The word then goes to Francois Hollande, President of France battered by terrorism, security eager but not willing to give in to fear. “Thanks to men like Altiero Spinelli did this idea, the ability to secure peace between peoples. Spinelli also launched an idea of ​​common defense, which today takes on an essential role. Europe needs to better ensure their own defense, and must also be practical. We need to better protect European borders and share more intelligence information. We also want more coordination, more facilities and more resources in the defense sector. Europe’s responsibility is to protect yourself, but – said the head of the Elysee – also welcome those who is driven into exile often risking their lives. “Hollande thanked on behalf of the EU” the crew “of the Garibaldi engaged in ‘ operation Sophia , “border control but also in humanitarian service in the Mediterranean.” France, Italy and Germany, concludes Hollande, they are going to work for a creation of a “European Union coastguard” .

finally Tap to Angela Merkel: “Europe is coming from dark moments and has become a reality. This is the message. Today we must ensure a secure Europe and to live according to our principles. We must do more to internal security at external “to the EU, it must” improve exchanges between intelligence services, the entire collection of information on the area needs to be improved. Faced with challenges so great, to the many refugees coming, we need to improve the protection of borders. “

Even Merkel, Chancellor of Germany entered in turn in the crosshairs of terrorism comes to safety, but the Germans chroniclers particularly interested to know your thoughts than poliriche immigration and especially compared to the French and Italian wants flexibility on economic policy in the EU context as opposed to the austerity and the German rigidity on the public accounts. “in our meeting we will speak of migrants and coastal control – meets Merkel – but need cooperation with neighboring countries. The cooperation with Turkey is a right thing, otherwise we can not win the fight with the pilots. But also it needs the cooperation of migrants’ countries of origin to help them in their home. As for growth, it is here to see what to do as public investment and to reflect on how to take them forward. I believe that the Stability Pact will grant many possibilities of flexibility. We are discussing with the Commission Juncker plan. But I want to emphasize that we all want that Italy and France will grow so that in the future also reach private investment. Matteo Renzi in Italy has made reforms that are cornerstones for a sustainable future. “

On populism advancing and erode the idea of ​​Europe Renzi to answer:” None of us think that the problems are easy . If we are here we think that Europe is not the problem but may be the solution. Last year Merkel welcomed in his country a million and one hundred thousand people, eight times more than Italy. But Italians say: we have a problem with Europe. We are not aware of what he suffered in France on the subject of terrorism and security. But if the problem is with France, Germany and Italy, it affects all of Europe. Europe, I repeat, may be the solution. From here we say that Europe is the biggest opportunity for the younger generation and we do not let the Brexit. For the European ideal, it is an element of civilization save those who are at sea, but we must also take care of the situation in Africa, in Syria, in Aleppo. We will continue to work in the Mediterranean, but the time has come in which all together will make an effort more comprehensive. For populists it is always the fault of Europe, but it is not so. It ‘very easy to complain and find excuses. Europe is the perfect alibi. What we’re trying to do is to show to the new generation that Europe is above all peace, solidarity and prosperity. Italy has the lowest deficit in the last 10 years. But beside this we must have a dream larger. “

Step in Ventotene . The Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has arrived at Capodichino airport just before 16, in time to welcome with military honors landing, a little later, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and in plenty of advance of the French President Francois Hollande. from the plane the three are mounted aboard a helicopter with Ventotene destination, a symbol of the island ‘ Europeanism because confinement in life and then tomb of Altiero Spinelli, one of the fathers of that thought, and one of the authors of the famous Manifesto for Europe . How to search for inspiration, Renzi, Merkel and Hollande come around to the 17 on the island, from armored police, policemen, financiers and intelligence men. Under close supervision, in particular, the road leading to the cemetery, off limits since the morning. the three leaders pay tribute to Spinelli while shooters chosen recognized under rocks kept watch over them and, half hidden by the Mediterranean, men mobile department with hydrants are quick to dismiss anyone who tries to approach.

the visit lasts cemetery just over a quarter of an hour. the three leaders will come accompanied by five people chosen by their staff. Everyone lays a bouquet of flowers in front of the ideologue of a united tombstone. of yellow and blue flowers, as the flag European Union. the security people remain on the outside, from a distance. Renzi, Merkel and Hollande come out after a few minutes of silence and pause to admire the view from the promontory of Ventotene, before leaving by helicopter to the aircraft carrier Garibaldi, where they land at around 17.50.

on the bridge of the ship, game at 8 am from the port of Naples to moor off the island, is set up the small stage where it is planned to take place the press conference. Between tight security measures, access on board the aircraft carrier is allowed about 150 reporters. Scheduled for the 18, the press conference will start half an hour later.

After the meeting with the press, Renzi, Hollande and Merkel will stop for dinner on the ship. It will be, presumably, the moment of truth comparison proper, from which will come out the proposals to be put on the table of the September summit in Bratislava. From Garibaldi, Merkel and Hollande will return directly to Capodichino in the evening, to leave Italy. Garibaldi, with journalists on board, may come into the port of Naples in the late evening.


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