Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Unity party, Smuraglia Renzi: “Not just a face-off among us” – The Republic

Remember the ice between the ANPI and the Democratic Party. The proposal launched on Sunday by Prime Minister Renzi of a face-to-face with President Carlo Anpi Smuraglia in a Unity party does not seem to take off. Smuraglia, holiday abroad, made it known that “the hypothesized comparison, nationally, totally abnormal for partial home, for parties and for non-defined mode, is certainly not the solution of the underlying problem and will still it assessed as a substance “. Any decision will therefore be taken in the coming days by the national secretariat ANPI, which will examine the association said in a statement, “the whole situation created recently.” “The theme of the discussion, that is, the mode of presence of the PNA in the usual spaces of the Unity Party, has not been seriously addressed and resolved. “

in Bologna, the epicenter of clash between the ANPI and dem, faces the possibility of mediation. The local Democratic Party called on the PNA representative in comparison to the Unity party, opening to cover the case of realizing seminars on constitutional reform. On August 23, the provincial secretary of the association partisans, led by Anna Cocchi, will make a decision on participation in the festival. The party already Campovolo In Reggio Emilia hosts a booth where the ANPI can put his case on the referendum. The provincial secretary of the Democratic Party Andrea Costa wrote a letter in response to Michele Serra, that of the Republic of August 21 had invited the comparison, in the tradition of the left. “ Dear Michael Serra, in Reggio Emilia the ANPI, this year, is with his stand in Festareggio. I had anticipated and resolved as early as July. On September 8 there will be a debate with Anna Finocchiaro for yes and Zagrebelsky for no. we just did what we always did. we know we have different positions, but we like to deal with. we believe that people are to be convinced, and that nothing of the debate will serve to this end. we think that the Democratic Party that the meeting between ideas is a value and not a problem. We do not sell mica detergents. ” The choice of Reggio Democrats received the praises of Pier Luigi Bersani, who wrote on Facebook: “Festareggio did things the easy and right way: it’s so hard to understand?”. “ is to be hoped that the example of Reggio is contagious,” replied the manager Serra dem.

On Sunday night the Transport Minister and former Mayor Graziano Delrio visited the stand of partisans in Reggio Emilia. Hugs and group shots. “I said that you are everyone’s heritage,” he smiled Delrio. And from the stage added: “We must not be afraid to confront the reasons of Yes are very strong and it is a reform that is not running any democratic danger to this country. With the ANPI we have to be very relaxed and make everyone understand the debt we owe to the Resistance and the partisans. “

While waiting for the response of Anpi leaders, the Democratic party of Bologna offers its own festival in North Park as a theater for the debate between Renzi and Smuraglia. “Open to the confrontation and the different reasons is the positive direction of an open and constructive referendum campaign, so that we can stand on the merits of the constitutional reform,” said the provincial secretary Francis Critelli.

Referendum constitutional
Carlo Smuraglia
Matteo Renzi

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