Yet another provocative release of # Matteo Salvini , which is presented at the meeting of Lega Nord in Ponte di Legno wearing the uniform of T-shirt State Police . No need to say what happened thereafter: a fierce controversy over its decision and an invitation to the Council President to take action on what happened. Of course, the leader of the North it is not broken down and responded passively to criticism. The fact that it is now a provocateur is a fact, but also involving State organs such as the police, this is a special case.
“Salvini speaks of ‘ethnic cleansing’ wearing our uniform”
This is the cry of protest by the various unions in the State Police , first the Siap di Genova where Roberto Traverso (Secretary of SIAP) was expressed as the output of Salvini: ‘Every police officer or policeman will freely expressed by rewarding or not the policy to which it plans to give confidence. For this, it is not acceptable that a politician like Salvini can continue to afford to wear the uniform of spocchiosamente State Police promised that once in power will use police or police to a kind of delusional and dangerous demagogic ‘ethnic cleansing’. to Traverso , this is a very serious and unacceptable act.
Once provocation
Secretary Siap this is the umpteenth shameful provocation, a sinister manipulation of the image of the police. Roberto Traverso speak of a ‘serious act, which unfortunately Salvini we’re getting used after the first shameful staging to which we have witnessed during an ominous speech by an independent police union. This is yet another provocative act before which the Democrats policemen take the proper and necessary distances’ . In short, the SIAP, as other names linked to law enforcement, dissociate themselves from what happened and deny political involvement at all levels. The Salvini provocations had already led the league leaders to a clash with Wild Lucarelli, for the words used by the same after the death of an immigrant.
The Matteo Salvini response
Matteo Salvini of course could not remain silent and when he pulls out one of his provocations (typical of his way of doing politics and propaganda), immediately after responding to criticism arguing for propaganda. After learning of the harsh attacks of the Secretary of SIAP to him, speaking of those interviewed she told him: ‘Ask the rules, order and respect would be delusional? Ask that illegal and non-social centers throughout’ll wreck is delusional? Matter of choice: he is with Renzi and Alfano , I stand with those who defend us’ . In short, a strong response to strong accusation.
Police officers join the wrath of SIAP
The police officials have not sent down the incident, because it is not the first case in which Matteo Salvini quotes the Police in its propaganda policy outputs, making them pass as people on his side and to his service in a kind of iron group against immigration. Several times the police themselves had to point out that they have no connection with political parties, but they do only their job is to serve your country and uphold law, and on many occasions have had to dissociate from the leader’s words of Lega Nord criticizing the statements of the leader of the League. Also on this occasion they had to issue this statement: ‘Several times we were forced to say “hands off our uniform,” to those who use it instrumentally to engage the Police in a political game that does not belong to them . And even more serious than wearing our shirt we feel entitled to even invoke a “ ethnic cleansing ‘, which takes us back to one of the darkest and most painful pages of the history of our country’ # Matteo Salvini Police
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