“TOMORROW Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande will be in Italy to revive from below the European Union. There’s a great need.” He said the prime minister, Matteo Renzi, the Versiliana of Marina di Pietrasanta (Lucca). “All Italians should be proud that the appointment is in one of the landmarks of our country,” he added.
The Italian prime minister plays the position. From tomorrow, he insists, must begin a path that Europe “will stop only the EU finance, banking, technocratic rules and come back to be the Europe of Spinelli perfect. The game is to be played – admits – but it should be played. ” He speaks freely, Renzi, and touches many of the most pressing agenda internal and international policy issues. The internal struggle to the Democratic Party to the frond D’Alema that gathers the front of the ‘no’ and that, he says, by doing so “ranks with Grillo-Berlusconi-Salvini”. Recalls the mea culpa on the referendum that “wrong to customize,” admits that the economy does not take off. And re-admits the communication error on 80 euro. Therefore, it calls “absurd” that the Democratic Party criticize someone because he wants to lower taxes. Finally, has warned in Capalbio ( place symbol of radical chic ), who in recent days had presented a appeal to the TAR against the arrival of 50 migrants . “Capalbio is a beautiful resort – warned the prime minister – and there the same rules that apply in the rest of Italy, no one can claim to have a different treatment.”
mea culpa Renzi on the referendum . On August 9, the head of government, and Secretary pd, had made publicly mea culpa admitting he was wrong to customize the campaign on the referendum. “I was wrong to write messages – had admitted the Prime Minister – this is not my referendum. Also because this reform has a name and surname, Giorgio Napolitano. But mostly because this reform is the reform of the Italian. I was wrong to heavily customize . But now we need to just tell the truth on the substance of the reform. the strategy on the referendum is simple: tell the truth. the truth hurts. you know that. ” As to when there will be elections in Italy, the continuous change of the premier route in recent months, had announced that he would resign if the no victory. “Whatever happens the referendum – he explained – we’ve got them in 2018.”
The invitation to President ANPI . The Prime Minister extends his hand to the president of the partisans. “I call on the President of the PNA to the Unity Day in Emilia-Romagna next week to discuss with me the referendum. I will say what I think and he will say what he thinks. And then we will give you a hug.” The President of the PNA, Carlo Smuraglia , had said in recent months that the association line emerged from the congress of members was clear, and it was “for the no reform.”
The attack on D’Alema: “With Grillo, Berlusconi and Salvini” . “The Democratic Party vote ‘yes’, then those who want to vote ‘no’ do it is not that you can catch up with pitchforks. D’Alema? Do yourself a question and give yourself an answer.” If D’Alema had put a tenth of time that put me to attack to attack Berlusconi. D’Alema is the company Grillo, Berlusconi and Salvini, they came together. He always draws the card to attack the nearest one, before it happened to Prodi. And the reform of D’Alema was much harder, the government had much greater powers. If D’Alema wants to do battle to defend the posts and maybe return to Parliament, I wish. But you are not using the referendum to seek revenge at the congress you will make when expected. “
In the Democratic Party opposed to reducing taxes . The secretary dem hath complained to the branch internal to the party. “We have to try to continue to lower taxes . I though there are still bad, some in my party told me that we have to stop to lower taxes. Is absurd. But as for the citizens of the little I reduce. And for some in the Democratic Party I reduce too? “.” You have to give more money to pensioners – he added – the deficit tap we keep more closed than others, we became 2.3 of deficit, than previous governments and to France, Spain. We must be careful for the debt high, but we are more careful of all the EU. “
” On 80 euro communication error “.” The largest communication error that I did the 80 euro . But – he said the prime minister – is one thing left, an act of justice. It is not true that we ask them back: 87 thousand Italians were wrong to ask the question and must return them, 161,000 have not asked the question, and we are giving them to him more. Of course, not enough. Then they made interventions on working with 193,000 jobs in more and I envy that Berlusconi has made a million posters, not jobs. It is evident that I have some communication problem, if no one row. “
” The economy is not doing very well. “” L ‘ economics does not go very well – he admits the prime minister – has shared the labor market. I hope to get to the end of year 1 – 1.2 of GDP. Need, however, to restart investments. “” You divided the labor market – he added – but the economy is not shared as we would like. “” The model is correct, it is a matter of time and trust. And to say that austerity has created damage. “
” The word austerity in Europe has created only damage “.” The word austerity in Europe has created only damage , “said Renzi. Delineating the new map of Europe without London. Give new strength to the dream of Altiero Spinelli trying to open the season of the reality and make a turn to the files open for too long on the tables of Brussels: from security to young people, by the growth in migrants. Bring home significant results in matches that closely relate to your country. these are the challenges that await Matteo Renzi, Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande on the eve of the summit tomorrow Ventotene.
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