Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Merkel’s hand Renzi and Italy – Corriere della Sera

MARANELLO (Modena) the governments of the large countries of the European Union have taken the political decision to present to the world an image of great unity, in the coming months. Dictate the multiple crises on the continent. Yesterday, the new approach showed in the most obvious meeting bilaterally between the governments of Italy and Germany, which was held in the Ferrari factory in Maranello. Angela Merkel has arrived in to wish Matteo Renzi ‘for the success of its reform agenda “and claimed that” the stability of the Italian Government has led to the stability of relations “with Germany and with Europe. Never happened before. The Italian prime minister has assured that budgetary flexibility which will use, including those for home and Italy after the earthquake, will be discussed in Europe. The Chancellor agreed that, in the face of “a clear plan” presented by Italy, an agreement in Brussels you will find.

shadow carousel


Maranello, Italy-Germany summit: Premier Renzi welcomes Chancellor Merkel


The convergence on many issues

Apart from some dossier just politicians, on which Rome’s interests diverge from those of the Berlin government (or any part thereof, such as Nord Stream 2 and the end of TTIP supported by the German Social Democrats), even a meeting between the 12 ministers, six part, that accompanied Renzi and Merkel have shown a willingness to not frequent convergence: the immigrants emergency management economy, on which Pier Carlo Padoan and Wolfgang Schäuble have agreed on the need to ensure the eurozone stability and tackle the youth employment crisis. The inter-governmental summit was hosted in the Ferrari factory. To receive Renzi and Merkel were the president of Fca John Elkann, the CEO of the Group Sergio Marchionne, the son of Enzo Ferrari, Piero, the president of Confindustria Vincenzo Boccia and its corresponding German Ulrich Grillo. The work was interrupted in the afternoon for the meeting with volunteers intervened in the earthquake in central Italy, in particular with the rescuers of little Giorgia, including Leo, the dog that has found and to which the two leaders wanted to “give the paw”. In the evening, dinner in the Museo Ferrari, again in Maranello, with the participation of all ministers (Foreign Affairs, Interior, Defense, Economics, Economic Development, Infrastructure) and a number of entrepreneurs, from RWE to Brembo.

solidarity Frau Angela

Merkel was keen to bring an act of solidarity to our country. He said that his government will participate in the financing of a school in the localities affected by the earthquake, that German entrepreneurs are committed to take concrete initiatives and that probably will mobilize football, perhaps with a game between the two national whose proceeds will go to affected populations. On the theme, Renzi reiterated that it is going beyond the emergency but clarified that even more than a problem of money – “Italy has many resources that should be used” – is a mentality problem that must be solved to achieve “the mending and micro sites” as suggested by Renzo Piano. The Prime Minister then reiterated that Vasco Errani will be appointed Commissioner today for the reconstruction. Ferrari will auction a special model (the five hundredth model de LaFerrari).

The compactness and agreement on the migrant issue

Earthquake aside, the most important issue addressed by Renzi and Merkel has been immigration. Where harmony has dominated, at least to hear them. The chancellor praised the Italy job, even in the photographic recognition of those who arrive. The Prime Minister claimed that “Italy is not to collapse” for emergency immigrants and praised the German engagement in caring for over one million refugees last year and in the relocation of others. Both have secured the commitment to work together for the return of those who do not have the right to seek asylum and to direct interventions in support of the economies of the countries from which migrants flee (along with France). The unit claims at this stage are not formal. The Brexit gave a shock to all European governments. And the election season coming recommends the big EU countries that will face – Italy, France, Germany – if not to show a united front at least the desire to be together. Almost a change of season, if held.


Enzo Ferrari, the ” shaker men and talents “


The birth, on the outskirts



August 31, 2016 (modified August 31, 2016 | 23:05)



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