Friday, August 19, 2016

Mattarella opens the Rimini Meeting: “With ‘entry ban’ does not govern immigration” – The Republic

Sergio Mattarella opens the new edition of the Meeting of Communion and Liberation in Rimini and it does, turning to those who truly animates every year the appointment: the boys. Speaking of the demographic decline and fears of the future, immigration. But also it is facing the most important deadline of autumn: the referendum on constitutional reform. It does not take sides, but of course giving the consultation the value of a critical step.

Immigrants and fears. Welcome and respect for the law are the compasses that should govern Italy in front of the immigration problem. “We want humanity to those who are persecuted, welcome to those in need and, together, security of respect for the law by parties who arriva.Occorre greatest severity against those who take advantage of being human in trouble, cooperation with the countries of origin and transit. it takes intelligence and vision to beat those who want war. ” Fears concerning the arrival of the refugees join the fears of the boys for the future. “The attitude of young people to become protagonists of their own history is the life force of a country. This drive is worth more than any economic index or stock. Our society is aging and there are objective risks that the potential of young people are tablets . We have to avert this danger that threatens our, like others, society. ” “For this – notes President of the Republic – in a time of momentous changes like ours is necessary to pay attention and give space to the vision of young people. Without us win from the fears. From the ancient fears and those unpublished. Beware not to fall into thinking new false solutions already experienced and failed in the short twentieth century. we will not defend raising walls to the outside, or creating dividing barriers within us.
the contrary. ” The Head of State explained that “many new inequalities are emerging. Often it is the young who pay the highest price. It should start to build bridges and cohesion and development paths. It should be realized that there is a fate to share. We are talking sharing of benefits and responsibilities, and also the difficulties. Sharing of rights and duties. of the memory of our people and its glimpse into the future. “

‘No Trespassing’ do not stop them. Mattarella nevertheless adds that on immigrants is “illusory to think that the solution is a sign saying ‘denied entry’. We must govern the phenomenon with seriousness and sense of responsibility even if no one hopes that migratory movements occur more most impressive. But it can happen. ” The solution lies within Europe. Also because “without Europe no country can think to do it. We can help, allowing you to govern safely, only the principle that there is realized with others. What does it mean to grow – seriously and soon – job opportunities and well-being in countries where people have little or nothing, because, in practice, their well-being coincides fully with our well-being. “

Republic founded by referendum. “The Republic was established by a referendum, and therefore from a democratic debate. The division of the guidelines, however, has been translated into an extraordinary unified force”, says the President of the Republic. “Merit of our fathers and our mothers – added Mattarella -, about the political and democratic ruling class forces who were able to understand what united them.” “The inevitable conflicts that animate the democratic process should not make us forget that the moments of unity are crucial in the life of a nation. And that sometimes are also dutiful. It ‘sa great about being able to recognize. A country that can not find opportunities to drive , it becomes weaker. ” Mattarella adds: “The democracies always need to be open to the spirit of the time, of becoming true in the different conditions of history, to welcome into their institutions innovations and active forces, to adjourn to represent more and better popular demands and, together, to respond effectively to the new demands of citizenship that society places on “institutions.

femicide. In front of an audience of many young people, Mattarella faces a very painful topic. “The number of murders of women that we have witnessed in recent years are an expression of selfishness, who thinks of others as an appendix or addiction itself.”

Web. “The insulation temptation threatens to also undermine the great opportunities of communication that science makes available to us, subverting the function. Just think of the tendency of many to connect on the web only to those who think like them, in restricted and closed circuits. “

Occurs Salvini. Inevitably, the end of the intervention, the reaction to the words of Matteo Salvini on immigrants. “Mattarella today preaches welcome calls to build bridges, he says that you can not ‘prohibit the entrance of immigrants – says the secretary of the League on Facebook -. Good? No, accomplice of smugglers, pimps and slavers. Last year Italian 107,000 (22,000 young people) have fled abroad to work, but prefers Mattarella worry about illegal immigrants. #mattarellaclandestino “. In the afternoon brakes Roberto Maroni, a former secretary of the League, former Interior Minister, Governor of Lombardy. “Mattarella – is the position of Maroni – said the shared things, which I think are a denunciation of the inefficiency of the Italian and European system of management of illegal immigration.”


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