Thursday, August 18, 2016

Maneuver, Renzi: lower taxes right, we will continue to do so – Il Sole 24 Ore

The Government intends to continue its efforts to reduce taxes with the next Stability Law. He anticipated the president of the Council Matteo Renzi in a post on his Facebook profile. “Reducing taxes is not only fair, but it is also a matter of competitiveness. This is demonstrated in these hours the agreement with Ryanair, but it is just one of many examples that we can do, “wrote the prime minister, who added:” Since we are the government work to reduce taxes. We did it with 80 euro, with JobsAct with IRAP labor costs, with IMU and agricultural Irap, with IMU and Tasi on the first house, with superammortamento. We will continue with the next stability law. “

Ryanair, record plan for Italy: 1 billion dollars in 2017. Delrio: more jobs

Renzi: lower taxes right, we will continue to do so
“a few weeks ago – reminded yet Renzi – had officially promised to the Presidents of Abruzzo and Sardinia that we would have avoided the increase in airport charges decided by others in the past. We kept the promise and Delrio Minister presented yesterday with Michael O’Leary of Ryanair billion investment in Italy, not only in Alghero or in Pescara. ” He added: “The last time a tax was raised in Italy was the VAT in October 2013 by a previous government (Letta, ed). Now the music has changed and we beat at the same time all records of payments received from the fight against tax evasion (nearly 15 billion in 2015). ” Following the final gloss, “a best recipe to lower taxes and to continue with structural reforms to Italy today do not know. To make this country finally simpler and fairer. And to give to those who want to invest – as did Ryanair – the conditions to do so. “

Di Maio (M5s): bales of Renzi on taxes, stop causing
Instant reply on facebook Luigi Di Maio (M5s), Vice President and member of the TopClass Camerade directory. “Today the President of the Council also had the courage to declare:” The last time a fee was increased was in 2013 “. But really? – He attacked Di Maio -. Too bad that a study of the UIL tells us that in two years from 2013 to 2015 taxpayers paid 7 billion more in taxes, about 16.7% more. And guess who ruled in these two years? Renzi should stop provoking the Italian citizens with these lies! Otherwise, sooner or later he’ll end up with pitchforks in Palazzo Chigi. ” While Congresswoman Laura Castelli to Radio 24 has ensured that the M5s “will continue its good financial, as every year, with some serious investment in productive sectors that have a great leverage.”

Brunetta: Renzi trickster, the Italians will hunt
Duro also the intervention of Renato Brunetta, chairman of the Members of Forza Italy, in a statement according to which “Renzi, victim of his own annuncite, has It lost all sense of reality and reason “because” the tax burden, with the government Renzi has returned to record levels. Other than decreased. ” Then the final lunge: “It is a political trickster, Italians now have the Italian capitogli I shall cast out, with the ‘no’ in the referendum, from Palazzo Chigi.”

Padoan: “In the budget law a few steps, all for growth”

MEF: figures circulated unsubstantiated maneuver on
Meanwhile, Treasury has denied the hypothesis circulated in recent days on the autumn maneuver, defined unfounded. “Circulating these days in the media rumors about the maneuver, on public accounts, the government will launch in October with the next budget law. These are hypotheses and figures unsubstantiated. It is absolutely premature to speculate now, “says the note from the Ministry of Economy, in which it is stressed that” the measures will depend on the new public finance objectives contained in the Update to the Economic and Financial Document (Def), which will be presented before September 20th, and political decisions that the government will take later. “

on maneuver premature figures but It will be decisive EU flexibility

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to boost investments, assumptions maneuver 30 billion
How motivated today on the Sole 24 Ore, therefore, on the maneuver figures are premature. But it is possible that eventually reaches quota 30 billion, as indicated rumors circulating yesterday. Much will depend on “negotiations” with Brussels to get some flexibility over and pack a strongly geared towards growth maneuver to avoid the VAT increase, intervene on pensions and productivity. And in this spirit moves the pact on investment announced by Transport Minister Graziano Delrio: “It’s a deal that was made with President Renzi, Minister Padoan and the Accounting Office to say that every time there is a concrete investment and that can be realized – said the minister – will not be the cash limits determine the hang of this investment. “

boost to growth with investment “free” by the cash constraints

The goal is to also continue to attract private investment in addition to the funds released by the last meeting of the CIPE (40 billion all, considering the funds for the South). The top priority of the government is the growth, as pointed out by Economy Minister Pier Carlo Padoan in his interview with Il Sole 24 Ore. So the challenge facing the Government is to identify with the next budget law the right mix of interventions designed to support domestic demand, operating on two parallel sources of funding: a new dose of flexibility to be agreed with Brussels, so as to obtain spaces Additional maneuver on the deficit in 2017 equal to 0.5-0.6% of GDP (from 8.5 to 10 billion) and a spending review that raise the bar of selective spending cuts for another 10-12 billion.

Superammortamenti, yards and productivity serves more EU flexibility

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