Rome – The man of the reconstruction has the face and the experience of Vasco Errani. A few days after the earthquake that shook central Italy, Matteo Renzi has decided to entrust the former governor of Emilia Romagna the most delicate dossier. It’s up to him to drive step by step the hard work of rebuilding the countries razed to the ground by the earthquake. With a priority objective: to revive safely affected historic centers, safeguarding its original urban setting. Respecting, in a word, the spirit of the common ones. To address the emergency, Errani will have the first fifty million euro allocated last Thursday by the cabinet. And more money will come with the next stability law. But not enough. The Prime Minister considers it essential not to lose the civic heritage of the city scarred by the shock of August 24, so he plans to involve the most affected populations. He also promised the families of the victims: “I will not confess, nor make promises. We will be next and we will work together.” How? First opening a table with young people affected by the disaster. A sort of check territorial able to suggest, advise, encourage the Commissioner and the team engaged in the reconstruction. It is not the first time that Renzi thinks Errani for a weight assignment. Despite the DNA bersaniano, he considers him a bridge builder capable of compromise between the different souls of the Democratic Party. This time, however, decided almost immediately to enlist in an enterprise of the utmost importance. We need to be done quickly, and do well. And just Errani, according to Prime Minister, is the right man for this challenge: Fifteen years at the helm of a region, it was he who handle – in the guise of Commissioner – another dramatic step, that of the earthquake that struck in May 2012 l ‘ Emilia. And it is precisely with the “philosophy of the reconstruction” that the former governor will have to coordinate their efforts to overcome the new crisis. The commissioner of the intervention pattern begins to emerge. The works are to ensure the safety of new buildings, while keeping intact the tradition and roots of common destroyed by the earthquake. Without new town, not to lose the sense of the city today on his knees. Reviving the battered town centers. Not to distort means also provide as soon as a first accommodation to survivors, so as not to scare away what remains of the social and economic fabric. Starting from the schools, of course. “The first sign – assured the undersecretary Claudio De Vincenti Council Presidency – is that they can re-open and the school activities start as soon as possible.” This is the mission of the Commissioner Errani. Thinking about what has been done in Emilia. There, four years after the earthquake, it is not born any new town. On the other hand, almost half of the sixty towns of the “crater” has completed the reconstruction of homes and businesses. Of course, many still remain open sites. And the main problems you face in the restoration of some historical towns. But this is the challenge, as Errani then explained: “It is a question of identity. These people want their streets, their churches, their municipalities, and their enterprises. We are this, and we do not even snaturerà this earthquake “. The other game that matters is obviously that of resources. Fifty million, as mentioned, have already been allocated for emergency. And with the next stability law will come new funds. So it seems also hope the opposition, to listen to Silvio Berlusconi, which from Palazzo Chigi in 2009 ran the L’Aquila earthquake: “It is the time of unity and common effort – ensures the Knight – Forza Italy is ready to sign in Parliament any legislative measure to help promote the relief and reconstruction. “
- Topics:
- 24 earthquake August 2016
- Starring:
- Vasco Errani
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