Friday, August 19, 2016

The frost of GDP does not stop Renzi: “I will continue to cut taxes” –

Rome, August 19, 2016 – At its employees Matteo Renzi it has been saying for days: “The line does not change. Against the reduction in GDP is only one thing to do, set a expansive maneuver “. A week away from the zero growth in the second quarter certified by Istat, the Prime Minister came out definitely the open with a post on Faceboock where insists: “For Italy today do not know a better recipe to lower fees and continue with structural reforms to make this country finally simpler and fairer. You have to give to those who want to invest the conditions to do so. ” A ringalluzzirlo was just the preliminary agreement announced with Ryanair: via the Airport tax of 2.50 euro per passenger compared to one billion investment by the Irish company.

THAT RENZI wants to reduce the tax burden for the middle class, it has long been known, but it was conceivable that the framework of the second quarter had scaled projects and ambitions. But no: after recalling the 80 euro, the reduction of IRAP on labor costs, IMU and agricultural business tax, the abolition IMU and Tasi on the first house, the prime minister assures: “The government intends pursue actions to reduce taxes with the next law Stability. The last raised fee in Italy was the VAT in October 2013 by a previous government “(Letta, ed). At this point it remains to be seen whether the latest commitment means that it intends to bring forward the reduction in personal income tax rates next year together with the reduction in IRES. Very difficult given the time, unless you want to waive some of the measures already announced (doubling of relief on productivity bonuses, retirement game, extension of ritruttarazioni bonuses and babies, 500 euro for Studentu, interventions in favor of low wage earners) that at the moment, however, remain priorities.

the fact remains that the prime minister does not appear discouraged and prepare to face the Monday’s summit with Merkel and Hollande to be held in Ventotene to discuss the Brexit consequences. Renzi wield the topic, together with the security issues and migrants, to begin to explain that Italy needs another 10 billion flexibility. Then will begin the negotiation (hard) with Brussels to get a similar deficit in 2017 than this year: 2.4%, compared with 1.8% expected, a percentage that, say at Palazzo Chigi, “would kill the ‘ economy”. The game will continue until mid-October when it will be presented the budget law.

In the meantime, we work for large chapters. The debt will begin to shrink grazi privatization (although between ENAV and Poste does not seem to go very well), then the focus is on voluntary disclusure for the return of capital that would bring in 2 billion, on the fight against tax evasion and the cost savings. All this to set a maneuver that every day seems to rise: 20-25-30 billion. Forty, shoot Brunetta (FI). To get everyone to shut up is the Ministry of Economy, “are circulating on the figures totally unreliable operation. It is absolutely premature to speculate. “

Luigi Di Maio (the M5s directory) is angry instead with Renzi:” He says that the last time a fee was increased in 2013, too bad that one of the sudio UIL says that from 2013 to 2015 taxpayers have paid 7 billion more »(these are the various additional regional and municipal). “Stop cause with these bales or will the citizens in Palazzo Chigi with pitchforks.” Replica Vice Minister Zanetti: “I remember that this government has reduced the personal income tax of 9.5 billion, 5.5 billion Irap, 3.5 billion the Tasi.”


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