Sunday, August 28, 2016

Italy Earthquake Center, the victims are 290. Another jolt of 3.7 to Amatrice: new collapses at school – The Daily

Another earthquake causes new collapses at school. There is no peace to amateur where at 15:07 today, Sunday, August 28, seismologists of ‘ National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology registered a new shock magnitude 3.7, the strongest of the day, which caused further damage to the wing of the main entrance of the school Romulus Capranica. The building has become the symbol earthquake that on the night of August 24 has destroyed the common amateur , Accumoli and Arquata del Tronto and is already at the center of the news for the renovation of 2012 – carried out by a company linked to a group already banned for mafia – and new urgent work that had to be made by a firm already under investigation in the investigation for the Aquila earthquake: the earthquake, however, came first.

Dead are 290, 10 missing – Also today, the prefecture of Rieti has adjusted the number of victims of the earthquake, which fell from 291 to 290. In detail: 240 in Lazio, of which 229 to amateur 11 to Accumoli , while 50 deaths in the Brands . Continue in the meantime relief operations : Amatrice firefighters are still working to recover the three bodies identified under the rubble of the ‘ hotel Rome . The bodies were found a few days, but the operations are delicate, therefore, continue and have not yet been concluded. Appeal, in fact, still would lack 10 people . “We do not do numbers on the missing dimension to the difficulty of the phenomenon. But if the mayor cognizance that in Amatrice 10 missing persons appeal, we work to find them, “said the head of Civil Protection Fabrizio Curcio. Just today, by the way, was made official the contents of the first ordinance laying down the first urgent action to meet emergency needs. Among them was established the contribution of autonomous accommodation for the families whose homes have been destroyed or evacuated after the earthquake: 200 € per person up to a maximum of 600 Euros per month.

hypothesis Errani Commissioner – Four days after the earthquake, then, embodies the hypothesis that sees the former governor of Emilia Romagna Vasco Errani ready to be appointed to fill the special commissioner for the reconstruction of the affected areas. The premier Matteo Renzi should formalize already week with a decree of the new appointment. The person concerned did not want to comment on the report.

The INGV working to identify the fault – Meanwhile, the technicians are trying INGV to identify the fault (ie the fracture of rock) responsible for the earthquake. Intervene as early as possible is very important to understand what happened during a earthquake of this magnitude . For example, the distribution of aftershocks that occurred after the main shock permit to develop the characteristics of the faults, and those that take place in the early hours are more clearly linked to the fault itself. In the hours and days after you activate other faults, seismicity starts to affect a Volume crustal more extended and it becomes increasingly difficult to identify what is the fault manager earthquake. It is for this reason that mobile seismic network installed in fifteen new stations with seismometers and accelerometers which, together with the permanent seismic stations of the National Seismic Network, allow you to monitor and better study the phenomenon in progress. Until now have been registered altogether 1,820 aftershocks to the 6.0 magnitude earthquake occurred at 3:36 am on August 24th.

Pope displaced persons: “Soon I will come to find “ – At the earthquake displaced is then today came the message of Pope Francis. “Dear brothers and sisters, as soon as possible I hope to come to see you, to personally bring you the comfort of faith and support of Christian hope,” the pontiff promised during the Angelus. “I wish to renew my spiritual closeness to the inhabitants of Latium, the Marches and Umbria, hard hit by the earthquake of these days – he said -. I think in particular the people of Amatrice, Accumoli, Arquata del Tronto and Pescara, Norcia. ” The pope said he wanted to bring to the population also affected “the father hug and brother.” He then invited the faithful of St. Peter’s Square to pray “for these brothers and sisters all together.”



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