Monday, April 27, 2015

Fassina offers online consultation sull’Italicum – Articolotre


Fassina offers online consultation sull'Italicumfassina The deputy dem in a post on Facebook attaches a letter to Renzi circles Pd and proposes a consultation with the electorate on the electoral law Pd

Drafting – Stefano Fassina definsice “imaginative” and “worrying” the letter from the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi coordinators circles Pd. The criticism that moves Fassina is to interpret “the discussion” on the “rules of the game as an internal matter to the Democratic Party,” when it should be a matter “ the whole of parliament” and tied to ‘”autonomy of each Parliamentary “. Renzi “recalls the last congress Democratic Party primaries, the 2 million votes he received, as a source of legitimacy ‘internal’ ‘continues Fassina.

The deputy dem accuses Renzi of a series of dimenticannze: the Democratic Party voted to “8.5 million people” had as its objective “ the overcoming of parliamentarians appointed , which are due to the revision of the Senate, all the Senators” and with the Italicum “a clear majority of Parliament. ” Forget “ the revival of parliament ” in the original program of the Democratic Party, while pointing to its “marginalization with a presidential system of fact.” Forget, even, “which is incompatible with the DNA of Pd ” application to the “vote of confidence”, which has “two previous disturbing”.

Attack also bill on school , defined “ acceptable “: “concentrates all powers on the Headmaster.”

Then the proposal “the national secretariat promotes on ‘Italicum quick reference, also online, with members , as some of us had asked before the parliamentary vote on Delegating Work “.


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