Sunday, April 26, 2015

Italicum, Bersani against Renzi “undue pressure” – The XIX Century




Rome – The words of Prime Minister Renzi , that a rejection dell’Italicum the House would lead to the fall of the government, did not like or Pier Luigi Bersani nor Enrico Letta , who have made their voices heard. Criticism that not stir Renzi that, even today, said he “did not want to give up” on reforms. The ways in which to overcome the parliamentary passage of the electoral law, have not been decided, not mutually exclusive, nor evidence of strength, as the request for a vote of confidence, nor the way of the recovery of the dissidents of the Democratic Party and other parties of the majority , which said she was sure the minister Maria Elena Boschi.

To open the now daily controversy was Pier Luigi Bersani: the bond that did Renzi, including a pprovazione dell’Italicum and the remainder of the term , said former Secretary the Democratic Party, “is an undue pressure on Parliament because it touches on the Government” to decide the reforms; “In front of every single parliamentary constitutional issues freely assumes its responsibilities.” And Enrico Letta, as well as Friday, reiterated the need for a broad consensus on reforms, while some MPs close to him are beginning to ask the prime minister to seriously think about some changes in order to have the broadest possible consensus. Former Prime Minister Woods replied: “during the government Letta, constitutional reforms and the electoral law had been blocked.” As if to say that the government Renzi does not go the same way and that has little to learn from his predecessor.

Renzi today spoke of Italicum, but in contact with the crowd, which occurred during the ceremony on April 25 at the Altar of the Fatherland in Rome, he repeated, “ not give up ‘ , “do not give up ‘: addressing both to those who are opposed to reforms in facing what those citizens who encouraged him. On how to address the risks of the votes sull’Italicum secrets, the government is still considering. Monday in plenary will take place but the general discussion on the constitutionality of rulings made by Fi (which asked the secret ballot) the vote could be postponed to next Tuesday to the next, when it will vote on the amendments. In fact, the majority would like to dedicate the week to the bill on environmental crime, as well as approve it.

To avoid the trust sull’Italicum took to the field the sappers, the chairman of the Democratic Party Matthew Orfini, the deputy leader Ettore Rosato, the same Minister Woods. Gil past two said they were confident that the “majority will be compact,” while Orfini emphasized that trust is avoidable if minorities Dem accept the decisions of the majority of the group of the Democratic Party. Block reforms “would remove the basis for which was born the legislature and then the interrupt.” Reasoning not unlike that of Renzi.

In house Pd various Members , as Joseph Lauricella or Rosato, say that with the secret ballot the Italicum would get the votes of many parliamentary M5s and Fi, why not there would need trust. “Renato Brunetta – explained Rosato – drives us to put the trust to avoid this transfer of votes.” In the background of these games Palace to record the invitation of the President of the Republic Mattarella, during the ceremony for the April 25: “I hope that, in the freedom of political confrontation, we can find convergences aimed at the common good,” because ” it is not true that we are trapped in a present beyond reform. ”

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