Thursday, April 30, 2015

Italicum, today staged the House two other trusts. Started … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published April 30, 2015 at 08:30.
The last change is the April 30, 2015 at 10:55.

Archived without too much effort for the executive not the two ruling of constitutionality (Tuesday) and the first of three votes of confidence sull’Italicum (that of yesterday, with 352 yes against 207 no, it’s one of the best results of the government Renzi), today in the House are staged two exclaimest decisive for the fate of the electoral law. By mid-morning the House will decide on the approval, without amendments and additional articles, Article 2 of the reform. In the afternoon will be voted confidence votes on Article 4. Three of relief in two days, therefore, rehearsal of the final grade sull’Italicum, on Tuesday of next week. In that case, it will be by secret ballot.

Before you call mid-morning, a few deputies in Parliament
Very few Members in the Chamber of the House for the first explanations of vote Depending on the confidence The first calls, as expected, began at about 10:45. According to first responders, Psi, for Italy and Ap (Ncd-UDC) will vote yes to the trust-call requested by the government will vote on Article 2. But no Alternative Free, Brothers of Italy and the Northern League, so as Forza Italy and the 5 Star Movement and Sel. For the Democratic Party announced the vote for Congressman Alan Ferrari.

In the spotlight the clash inside the Democratic Party
Spotlight especially the duel inside the Democratic Party, which yesterday saw retreat and thinning of the face not, with numbers that have given reason to Prime Minister-Secretary Renzi in the clash with the minority dem. In particular, you wait to see if the 38 members of the Democratic Party that did not vote yesterday (including leading figures of the old guard like Bersani, Letta, Cuperlo, Bindi, Civati, and Epifani, who have not still going to leave party) or if they will do proselytize prevail soft line of more than 60 members of the minority who have not shared the act of breaking and they said yes to the government.

Boldrini: the House no rules violated
Among the topics of the day, even the self-defense of the House speaker Laura Boldrini, who in a letter published today by “Republic” has explained the reasons for authorizing the vote of confidence on the rules for election. Boldrini cites in particular Article 116 of the Rules of the House listing the subjects on which it can not be given a vote of confidence, “and among these subjects – he said – do not include the election. Confidence, according to the same article, it can not be put on the measures for which the secret ballot is required; It can instead be placed on the matters for which the secret ballot is permissible only on request, as is precisely the electoral law. ” Also, remember, “the electoral law can not be finally approved by the Commission alone, but must get the vote of the House. How it was done. “

Alfano: response to the abuse of confidence by secret
On whether or not to resort to a confidence vote on a sensitive issue like election rules is intervention this morning the minister and leader dell’Iterno Ncd Angelino Alfano, who spoke to the microphones of RTL 102.5 stressed that “those who want to use the secret ballot, perhaps to bring down the government or to embarrass , it should not then be surprised that the government uses the trust, because trust is the response to the use and abuse of the secret ballot. ”



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