Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Italicum, Forza Italy, Sel and M5s leave the work in committee – The Messenger

E ‘on the law elettroale clash between the government and opposition, as well as in the Democratic Party, after decisioned el-premier segretariodi replace ten deputies rebels in the Constitutional Affairs Committee, which is examining the ltesto of the electoral law. The MPs expelled are all strangers to the renziana of Pd, all critical, for months now, sull’Italicum expected April 27 in the House Chamber.

“We like all the other oppositions will not accept this undemocratic behavior of Party Renzi and leave to Renzi and what’s left of his party all responsibility for this tear. ” This was stated by Renato Brunetta, leader of the House Fi announcing that Italy will leave the work force.

The group Sel leaves the work of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs. “We are not used to farces, is an unprecedented event, it is clear that Renzi is the commission as a section of the Democratic Party,” says the leader Sel Arturo Scotto.

The same choice is the Movement five stars ” we are not to witness the farce that the Democratic Party has concocted in constitutional affairs committee where the owner Renzi has purged its deputies. Electoral reform must be improved, if you can not do it in committee we will do in the House, “said the deputy and member of the First Board M5S Andrea Cecconi. “Needless to participate in a farce in which actors would be a large majority puppets Renzi ready to raise his hand to every command of the head,” says Danilo Toninelli, vice president of the Committee for Constitutional Affairs and man of the reforms of the M5S.

The M5S “will present a few amendments in Parliament all’Italicum because we can not let the grip to Renzi to put confidence pretending obliged to do so,” says anmcora Toninelli. “We are very satisfied, it is good news because this is the only chance we have to record in defense of democracy,” says then unity of opposition parties that have left all the commission.

news of the replacement, ratified by the Bureau of the group Pd, which took place yesterday, was announced by days and confirms, on the reform of the electoral law, the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi is more convinced than ever not to concede anything to dissent Pd. But the decision, as well as to pick up in the trench M5S and even Civic Choice, which threaten the Aventine in the Commission, is likely to further widen the rift inside the Dem with a good chunk of the minority ready to counterattack in plenary.

“It’s an episode that I think has few precedents in the parliamentary record. It happened in the past that a single parliamentary committee has been replaced, but here we are faced with a mass replacement. It is a precedent that should perhaps make you think, “says the leader of the minority of Gianni Cuperlo, in The Phone Call Belpietro on Channel 5. Cuperlo also reiterates that a possible trust sull’Italicum jeopardize the legislature. Cuperlo Pd emphasizes that “the political fact” is that “have been replaced because they made proposals for improvement of the text.”

“I see by the newspapers – goes – you might put the issue of trust: I address a sincere appeal to Renzi to avoid it by all means. It would be a serious tear, there would be a very strong reaction by the opposition, and it is difficult that the day after this tear the path of the legislature can continue normally. The legislature would risk ending up in a dead-end track. We run the risk of approving the electoral reform with the votes of the majority alone, even at full squad, and with a deep dissension in the Democratic Party. If there was trust each of us would respond with their own convictions, here is about the quality of democracy. “

The replacement of 10, the group Dem sources point out, is not a force and has not been rated by the bureau that was limited to implementing what has been decided by the Assembly of Deputies last Wednesday, when the so-called “award Cuperlo” (ie the replacement of members who, sull’Italicum, are not in line with the group and, moreover, are determinants in the voting of the amendments) was defined by “common sense” by the same Renzi. But the replacement of Bersani, Bindi, Cuperlo, Lattuca, D’Attorre, Giorgis, Pollastrini, Agostini, Meloni and Fabbri is destined to further invelenire climate sull’Italicum with the minority that, starting from the same Cuperlo defines “a fact very serious, “and warns that if Renzi opted confidence would result in a” tear “that” would threaten the Legislature. “

And if Rosy Bindi (” it is a mass replacement ‘) and Stefano Fassina (“a regression of democracy”) do not use terms less soft, yet this morning Renzi reiterates its line: trust you “see” at the time of the parliamentary debate, but “we are the last mile.” And most importantly, the Italicum 2.0 will not be “perfect” but “you can not start.” The replacement, made on the basis of Article. 19 of the Rules of the House, it appears, by number, unprecedented and is destined to make noise. With M5S threatening to abandon the commission found, unexpectedly, also Sc at his side. Sel, FI, and the League for now not announce any Aventino but the tone of the opposition are very hard, and do not hesitate, since the parent company FI Renato Brunetta, to describe as “abhorrent” the replacement of dissidents Pd.

A Aventine opposition would not be a nice entrance ticket for the final rush of the bill in the House and, not surprisingly, in environments renziani such an act is referred to as a “violence to democracy.” But the battle in the Chamber and we will see in the forefront the least dialoguing minority Democratic Party. Tomorrow, in committee, will begin voting of the 95 amendments accepted today, 11 of which are presented by the Democratic Party. And there are those, like Alfredo D’Attorre, already points out the proposals in his signature – on reduction of list headers and blocked apparentamento the ballot, where the risk of an axis between minority and opposition PSD is high – will be tabled again in plenary .

We expect, in short, days of new storm in the Democratic Party and sources of minority dem look like, on the side of the leader resigning Robert Hope, at least so far, have not materialized those openings feared by the same Renzi in recent days. With, on the horizon, the now likely that Hope is really replaced.


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