History of the article
This article was published May 6, 2016 at 18:18.
the last change is the May 6, 2016 at 18:41.
the statements attributed to the director of the CSM Piergiorgio Morosini, if confirmed, were “inappropriate and unjustified ‘ and threatening “a fair report on state powers.” So says a note from the Central Executive Committee of the National Association of Magistrates. Morosini was over in the storm after an interview, denied by the same adviser ( “I have been attributed to the statements that I have not done, and from which I take with clarity distances”) entitled “Renzi must stop,” in which about reform constitutional the CSM adviser would speak among other things’ likelihood of authoritarian democracy. “
the Board ANM – the statement said -” in relation to the interview on the press attributed to the robed advisor CSM Piergiorgio Morosini “reaffirms” the right of the individual judge to express their opinions, “but” believes this is the statement that, if confirmed, are inappropriate and unwarranted for some aspects and other related issues and topics not pertaining to a representative of the judiciary at the self-governing body. “
Such statements – adds the ANM -” affect the prestige of the judiciary and the loyal relationship between the powers and organs of the State. ”
This stance, that the junta ANM, the more significant when one considers that it was precisely the new president ANM Piercamillo Davigo, to unleash the controversy to an interview with the Corriere della Sera , in which he said, “politicians have never stopped stealing but have stopped ashamed.”
phrases also stigmatized by the judiciary.
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