Monday, May 2, 2016

Government: CIPE 3.5 billion D euro for culture and tourism – ilVelino / AGV NEWS

As announced on Saturday by the President of TIP OF Matteo Renzi, the The CIPE has assigned, in yesterday’s session two and a half billion euro for investment in research and human capital, one billion euro for cultural heritage. Furthermore, the CIPE has allocated about 290 million euro for programs and actions aimed at business support and growth.
SEARCH – The Committee approved the National Research Programme for the 2015-2020 period. The program will require investments in the first three-year period 2015-2017 amounted to 2,428.60000000 euro, of which 1.9 billion euro from the budget of the Ministry of Education and Research of the PON; 500 million euro charged to fund development and cohesion (FSC) 2014-2020. And ‘it provided an overall projection in via the use of programmatic funding until 2020 for a total amount of 4.16 billion euro. They contribute to additional resources: the regional operational program (ROP) and the EU initiative called “Horizon 2020″, such that the overall financial scope of the program will amount to a total of EUR 13.56 billion in the six years from 2015 to 2020. the NRP is based on six main pillars: I. Internationalization; II. human capital; III. national infrastructure program; IV. Public-private cooperation and industrial research; V. Effectiveness and quality of expenditure; YOU. Program for the South.

CULTURAL HERITAGE – The Committee has allocated 1 billion euro, to the Fund for the development and cohesion (FSC) 2014-2020, the Ministry of goods and cultural activities for the financing of the Plan “Tourism and Culture” action aimed at strengthening the cultural offerings of our country and strengthening of tourism use, with interventions for the protection and promotion of cultural heritage and for the networking of tangible and intangible cultural resources, particularly with regard to the System Italian museum. They include efforts to consolidate cultural tourism territorial systems. In particular, to benefit from the plan will be great accomplishments of actions already underway (such as Pompeii, Herculaneum, the Citadel of Alexandria, the Royal Palace and the Uffizi in Florence) in addition to new projects for a total amount of 170 million to be divided between actions value not less than 10 million euro in a subsequent ruling. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Enterprise and Economic Growth – The CIPE also approved several measures aimed at business support and growth for a total of about 290 million euro. In particular, out of the Fund’s resources for the Development and Cohesion (FSC) from 2014 to 2020, CIPE: it has allocated 40 million euro for the refinancing of agevolativo cd instrument. “Self-employment” in the Southern Regions, which provides grants for small business ventures; awarded as part of the Programme Agreement for competitive relaunching of the coastal Livorno 8 May 2015, 50 million euro to the Authority of Livorno port, for the financing share of the cost of operations related to the ” the Europe dock “. CIPE has also allocated 200 million euro to the Ministry of Agricultural and Forestry Policy to apply on the share of 30% of the unused resources of the Revolving Fund to support enterprises and research investment (FRI). The award is aimed at the subsidized financing of supply chain contracts and district.

The CIPE also approved some amendments to Resolution no. 65/2015 that, in relation to the launch of the Strategic Plan for Ultra Wide Band, has programmatically intended, out of the FSC 2014 to 2020, 3.5 billion euro, of which 2.2 billion allocated to activation immediate interventions under Article 1, paragraph 703, letter d) of the 2015 stability law the proposed changes are intended to bring coherence to the resolution of the device with the character of implementation needs identified by the committee competent for the Ultra Wide Band ( COBUL) and with the results of interlocution by the EU for the notification of State aid. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Enterprise and Economic Growth – The CIPE also approved several measures aimed at business support and growth for a total of about 290 million euro. In particular, out of the Fund’s resources for the Development and Cohesion (FSC) from 2014 to 2020, CIPE: it has allocated 40 million euro for the refinancing of agevolativo cd instrument. “Self-employment” in the Southern Regions, which provides grants for small business ventures; awarded as part of the Programme Agreement for competitive relaunching of the coastal Livorno 8 May 2015, 50 million euro to the Authority of Livorno port, for the financing share of the cost of operations related to the ” the Europe dock “. CIPE has also allocated 200 million euro to the Ministry of Agricultural and Forestry Policy to apply on the share of 30% of the unused resources of the Revolving Fund to support enterprises and research investment (FRI). The award is aimed at the subsidized financing of supply chain contracts and district. CIPE also approved some amendments to Resolution no. 65/2015 that, in relation to the launch of the Strategic Plan for Ultra Wide Band, has programmatically intended, out of the FSC 2014 to 2020, 3.5 billion euro, of which 2.2 billion allocated to activation immediate interventions under Article 1, paragraph 703, letter d) of the 2015 stability law the proposed changes are intended to bring coherence to the resolution of the device with the character of implementation needs identified by the committee competent for the Ultra Wide Band ( COBUL) and with the results of interlocution by the EU for the notification of State aid.

PRIORITY INFRASTRUCTURE – the CIPE has spoken on the application of the tax relief measures, in accordance with art. 18 of Law no. 183/2011, in favor of the motorway connection Campogalliano-Sassuolo. The Committee approved a modification to the final draft of the Frejus motorway tunnel to allow the opening to the tunnel to safety and improve risk prevention, the Italian competence worth about 72 million euro. The Committee authorized the rescheduling of some interventions and the use of the program of the race economies “Small and medium works in the Mezzogiorno”, for about 16 million euro. The interventions relate mainly to work on offices of law enforcement, in addition to building a museum to the victims of the Mafia in Palermo. The Committee approved the final draft completion works of “Light rail automatic Metrobus Brescia, 1st functional lot Prealpino-S.Eufemia” including the underpass railway-subway station, with the final allocation of a 6 funding million euro. CIPE has approved the start of construction of the 4th construction lot of the Brenner Base Tunnel, the cost of 1.25 billion Euros against Italy, assigning the relevant funds, identifying a new articulation of the construction lots and new work timetable. The gallery, aimed at transit of goods and passengers on the railway line Monaco-Verona, is 55 km long and, at Innsbruck, will be connected underground to the ring road, for a work length of 64 km .. The Committee also extended two years of the declaration of public utility of the connecting highway between the cities of Brescia and Milan – A35 (Brebemi), in order to complete the implementation of expropriations. It also approved the final draft of the interconnection between the A35 variant (Brebemi) and A4 (Autostrada Torino-Milano-Venezia-Trieste). CIPE approved the final design of the first functional part of the metropolitan rail service Completion and filoviarizzazione of local public transport in Bologna. The project, costing 332 million Euros, involves creating an integrated system of transport-rail on the main lines of the public transport system in Bologna, by completion of the Metropolitan Railway System stops, the elimination of interference between traffic urban and rail network and the acquisition of 55 new trolley buses and 19 trains. CIPE approved an appraisal of localization intervention variant “Aqueduct Molisano Central and interconnection with the Low Molise” scheme, which covers 11 municipalities in the Lower Biferno Valley. The Committee reiterated for the second time the preordained constraint expropriation on real estate are affected by the construction of the railway line High Speed ​​/ High Capacity Milan – Verona, between Brescia – Verona. Trafficking Brescia-Verona is about 73 km long, 2 interconnections with the existing line and further 10 km urban crossing. The cost of the work is about 4 billion euro. The committee identified in ANAS SpA the awarding authority of the road connection “Pedemontana Piemontese” between the A4 and A26 (Santhià – Biella -Gattinara – Ghemme) .. Finally, the Committee postponed new inquiry for the perfecting of the highway projects Salerno Reggio Calabria, junction Laureana di Borrello, and the Completion of the SS 291 “of Nura”, Lot 1, from Alghero to Olmedo in the village crossroads cantoniera Rudas.
PROGRAMMING ADDITIONAL STRUCTURAL FUNDS EUROPE – The Committee approved, in accordance with art. 1, paragraph 8, of the Law of 2106 stability, the use of 845.98 million, out of a national co-financing resources of the programs funded by European structural funds allocated to the implementation of complementary programs of action and cohesion, to ensure completion of the projects included in the programming of European structural funds 2007-2013 unfinished 31.12.2015. It also approved, in accordance with resolution of the CIPE n. 10 of 28 January 2015, the complementary program of action and cohesion from 2014 to 2020 called “Enterprise and Competitiveness,” presented by the Ministry of Economic Development, in the amount of 696.25 million euro. The program operates in five regions of southern Italy Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia and Sicily, and stands in a complementary function with respect to the National Operational Programme Enterprise and Competitiveness 2014-2020. the complementary action program Cohesion presented by the Campania Region. The overall availability of the Region amounts to 1,236,210,000 euro, net of 496.54 million euro for the completion of the projects included in the 2007- 2013 ERDF programs are not concluded by 31 December 2015.

OTHER DECISIONS oF THE COMMITTEE – The CIPE has also assigned a contribution to the funding of research and training Italian Institute for philosophical studies and Italian Institute for historical studies, Naples, for a total of 4 million euro, in the Fund for the development and cohesion (FSC) from 2014 to 2020, in implementation of the 2014 stability Law, ultimately turning into an already determined assignment in via programmatic with a previous resolution.


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