The story of the suspension imposed by Beppe Grillo to the mayor Federico Pizzarotti presents aspects seemingly incomprehensible; and even shared the comments that I’ve read so far in this regard does not seem subtle problem. I try to contribute to decoding practicing the necessary hermeneutic of suspicion.
– Frankly choosing blow up the scandal from the leadership (or even want to deny that one exists, to ‘sign of demagoguery rhetoric “one true one”?), when they are at the gate administrative deadlines that would offer concrete chances of success (at least in important markets such as Rome and Turin ), sounds illogical and certainly self-defeating . How to interpret it merely as a clear demonstration that, even before winning the elections and replace the old party politics for an effective governance spare, what really matters to the bridge is the determination to maintain an iron grip on his own creature? In the face of the promises to step aside and announcements of new democratic frontiers.
– deserves special attention the focus of friendly fire on the first major municipality won by the Movement – Parma – whose administration was already now subject to gross and systematic hostile demonstrations, first in repressive mode and then ostentatious coldness. We all remember the first steps of that council and halt his desire to draw on the expertise of the Rimini city councilor Valentino Tavolazzi (founding member M5S, expelled for guilty of having organized a meeting of local officials not endorsed from the axis Milan-Sant’Ilario) or the April 17, 2014 when the general arrived in Milan headquarters pressing (and provocative?) invitations to the resignation addressed to Pizzarotti, guilty of not having blocked the advance implementation an incinerator inherited from the previous administration; burdened by clauses – if disregarded – they would have ordered the City to failure. Here is – therefore – localization and concrete choices as yarn ends of the explanation: that the Emilia cradle of the movement, but also the area to strong centrifugal tendencies to be reported to the order; an administrative culture pragmatic sprayed by the moods of the local tradition (the so-called “Via Emilia”), consolidated since contend daily with problems, on a collision course with millenarian messianic orthodoxy.
– In the clash between a summit normalizer and timid attempts to guard margins critical autonomy, disconcerts the attitude of emerging frameworks, the second generation arrived in Parliament and that candiderebbero to be leaders of tomorrow in perfect alignment to the dictates of the Founding Fathers. Posture that has no other justification flattening opportunistic on the will of those in power to ensure political future. One would say that as a Renzi monitors its riotous, as monopolizes the arbitrary choice of securing or less a stool Parliamentary through the designation on the electoral lists, as well – in a similar logic – the custodians of pentastellare brand will ensure prompt and absolute obedience from those who totally depends on their good will.
Pulling the strings : the above can – after all – go well for needy militants to believe anyway. Much less for those who approached the Movement feeling of scorgervi unlock potential and renewal in gangrenous political framework. Species – then – if you feel the lawyer Rays rave “judiciary overpowering” , and glimpses the shadow of Cesare Previti.
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