They try to reach the ‘Pertini’ Miranda Rats wife also of Rome and the children, but the hospital where Marcello Dell’Utri was a cordon of prison officers hospitalized prevents contact with the detainee excellent. The manager who Silvio Berlusconi founded Forza Italy is in intensive care. “Do you recognize, speaks, is alert, but very tried”, summarizes his lawyer, the lawyer from Palermo Giuseppe Di Peri, rushing hospital on Tiburtina after the patient transfer from the prison of Rebibbia.
A heart and four stents
less than two years since he was extradited from Lebanon and locked up in prison in Parma to serve seven years in prison for collusion with the mafia, Dell’Utri thanks to pressure the lawyer Di Peri had managed to get a few days ago the transfer from Parma to the Roman prison of Rebibbia: “But not for health reasons. We asked him for some time. By proximity to family and to his brother who lives in Rome. Of course, everyone also concerned about the anxiety to heart, battered by so many years, four stents implanted prior to imprisonment. “
The flight to Lebanon
when in 2014 Dell’Utri took refuge in Lebanon, giving the impression that you want to choose the path of inaction, the police managed to flush him let himself be found admitted to a clinic for tests. Without getting too though the Palermo magistrates who had condemned recognizing mediator between Cosa Nostra and Berlusconi, with the aggravating circumstance of having used the Knight, to have it practically forced to weave relationships with some mobsters. Beginning with Alberto Mangano, the groom hired in Arcore estate. Roughly this was the framework that allowed the same Berlusconi wriggling from serious charges initially moves between Palermo and Caltanissetta also against him.
shadow carousel
Marcello Dell? Dell’Utri, a life alongside Berlusconi
criminal Senator
Now for Dell’Utri, 75 years, he remains the impalcabile summary of his on Wikipedia that indicates him as “a politician, business leader, and Italian criminal, former senator.” It was he who founded in late 1993 with Berlusconi’s Forza Italy, to construct the hard core of the new party with many young people enrolled in part in its Palermo. The city where he was born with Alberto twin brother, two drops of water, also in Rome waiting for news at the hospital. As the lawyer Di Peri: “Did you feel bad. Fortunately he was already in Rome where he can certainly be taken care of better. Let’s leave it to the doctors. By Monday they will decide what to do. It seems to have been a heart attack. It is nevertheless a coronografico exam. It could have been a suspected occlusion. severe disease for people living with four stents. “
The ruling Contrada
to Dell’Utri and his many friends convinced him ahead of a mistrial a glimmer of hope had turned on some time ago, as noted by the lawyer: “He hoped the verdict of the European Court. That emitted by Bruno Contrada. The verdict says that the official Sisde could not be convicted of this type of crime, the collusion with the Mafia. Or rather, it could not be prosecuted for conduct prior to 1994. This is why we have put forward what we call “run accident.” To adapt to that judgment Dell’Utri Contrada. But the Court of Appeal of Palermo, while acknowledging that the procedural situation and time is identical, has decided not to scarcerarlo because the instrument of ‘ “accident” was not appropriate. Hence our appeal to the Supreme Court, where we hope to get right before the summer. But time runs away and in an unstable clinical picture everything negative impact. “
From Beirut to Rebibbia
the third section of the Palermo Court of appeal had sentenced March 25, 2013 Dell’Utri on appeal to seven years. The following year, approaching the verdict of the Supreme Court, the departure for Lebanon. An escape, via Paris. In the company of a child. Meta hospital in Beirut, where he was later tracked down and arrested 12 April 2014 by the Lebanese police. Less than a month later, on May 9, the Supreme Court, after four hours of deliberation, confirmed definitively the ruling and on June 13 he was extradited.
May 13, 2016 (modified May 13, 2016 | 17:52)
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