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This article was published May 2, 2016 at 11:00 am.
the last change is the May 2, 2016 at 15:42.
“It will be a gigantic campaign door to door, door to door, to see if the Italians want enter the future head on. I need you, 10,000 councils throughout Italy. And I will shoot like a globe-trotter. We are at a crossroads between Italy that says yes and Italy that just says no. ” Said Prime Minister Matteo Renzi at the Teatro Niccolini, in the center of Florence, where he led the campaign for the yes to the constitutional referendum of October. An appointment, that of the referendum, which is increasingly becoming the watershed of the legislature so that Renzi has staked his political career there.
Renzi: referendum crossroads between Italy the yes and the only non
“I’m sure we will win the referendum,” said Renzi, who summed up the post at stake: “the key point is that after thirty years it has discussed the reforms and no one did anything, after six readings, we choose to go to see which side they are Italians. ” If it is true, therefore, that the “work of these two years has produced a radical change, the biggest challenge starts now,” said the Chairman of the Board, who has pressed: “I would never come to Palazzo Chigi if I had not had a extraordinary experience of the people. Now there’s a game that alone I could also win but not enough. ”
Hence the need “to involve citizens in this challenge on which depends the future of the Italian ‘, with the committees’ that will be 10 to 50 people, structures that resemble the committees for primary” . The peremptory call to action: “I ask each one, at work, at school, at university, among friends, away from parties and even within parties to unite 5-6-10-15 people, study the reform and then put all in front of a crossroad between Italy that says yes to the future and Italy that not only no. “
” Scrap for all, if I lose I go home “
Renzi (who announced between 10 and 12 May a final vote on civil unions in the House “probably with confidence”) explained that “scrapping applies not only when you wanted us.” He has therefore reiterated, “If I lose I go home.” Then he responded well to those who dispute the merits of the bill on constitutional reforms Woods: “To those who say that our reform is against what the constituents wanted, we say that we are using just wanted an article by the founding fathers: the equal bicameralism is not what the founding fathers wanted. Do not they agreed and made a transitional rule by saying “this is not good ‘,” said the chairman of the board. And he added: “in the referendum the question is very simple: yes or no. But in there there’s more: there is institutional reform. “
” The reforms have begun to be realized “
In Florence Renzi has therefore launched his campaign “parallel”, that of a Prime Minister committed to “unlock everything there is to unlock”, to sign pacts for South (yesterday the signing of the Pact for Calabria, now that the Pact for the Basilicata with the governor Lucan Marcello Pittella), to emphasize the new jobs ( “there are 398mila more than when i came to Palazzo Chigi”) obtained through its jobs act. “It’s already been two years: one can not tell the truth. Two years ago Italy was stuck in constant political vacuum. Now the reforms have begun to be realized, “said Renzi, who has claimed responsibility for the change of pace made by its Executive. “With 63 governments in a row, when you go to the international summits they do not even have time to remember your face. Until two years ago, Italy was wrapped, all we’ve done is enormous. “
Premier challenged to Florence from bondholders banks
To be recorded that a group the bondholders of the four banks in the resolution, in particular Banca Etruria, has challenged the prime minister on his arrival at the Teatro Niccolini. The protesters managed to get in front of the eluding security theater and began to shout: “Fool” and “Pinocchio”, exhibiting signs that complain about the existence of “cheated of Series A and Series B». Renzi has reached the theater managed to avoid contact with the protesters. The incident was commented by Prime Minister during his speech: “To welcome me I found some protesting, we welcome you to them.” Renzi then joked: “When I say that we are the bank lobby I say that at best we can make the lobby of the Boy Scouts.” He claimed: “The government has solved the problems that others have created. And he did it by saving depositors. With Friday’s decree we put an end to the affair, and now we want to bring the banks to give credit. “
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