Saturday, May 7, 2016

Roma, in thousands to march against the TTIP: “You have reached the bottom” – The Republic

Party around the procession at 15.30 from Piazza della Repubblica against TTIP, the Treaty on transatlantic trade and investment are being negotiated between the EU and the US are under discussion in recent months , it arrived in Piazza San Giovanni.
on stage interventions and music that end, as well, the event which was paraded thousands of people from all over Italy and related to movements, associations, political parties and trade unions, many families, children and young people.

to accompany the procession, through the streets of Rome, many choirs and slogans (the most shouted “You hit bottom”) accompanied by the waving of red flags, white, green and yellow, the various acronyms of associations and trade unions.

the demonstration was called by the CGIL “to denounce the risks for labor rights, for the ‘employment, health and safety in the workplace, on public services and social, inherent in the partnership “was that the EU and the US are negotiating” for about three years. “

the parade was also attended by the secretary of the CGIL Susanna Camusso and Maurizio Landini of FIOM, in addition to 200 civil society organizations, including Greenpeace.
For Camusso the Treaty “tramples on the rights of workers, threatens the quality of the products and if you do not get the signature, will be a victory”, and with the ‘agreement’ you will no longer have the certainty that in the work are worth the rules of the national labor contract. ” The secretary of the CGIL added that

“We must re-examine the way in which we deal with the issues.”

During the event there was also a demonstrative intervention of the National Action militants who unfurled a banner the word “#StopTtip Europe is not the USA” outside the US embassy in Rome. And among the parade clips also the anti-prohibition of “Million Marijuana march” accompanied by many boys.

Susanna Camusso
maurizio landini


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