Friday, May 13, 2016

Thyssenkrupp, pg Supreme Court: “Undoing sentences, appeals ter”. Classroom tears and cries of the relatives of the victims – The Daily

A request that has released the Family of the victims the courtroom in protest. Some people shouted “sold” to the Judges , while mothers, sisters and wives of those who had been involved in the blaze broke out crying. The deputy of the Supreme pg, Paola Filippi , has asked to cancel the sentences for all six defendants in the trial Thyssenkrupp , where in the plant of Torino in the night between the 5 and 6 December 2007 seven workers died after being run over by a spill of hot oil in the line 5 of the steel. Pg calls for a new appeal process for restate the penalties for the offenses killing culpable multiple and re-evaluate the ‘no’ the mitigating for four of the defendants.

Amazed by request of pg Raffaele Guariniello , the Turin prosecutors who led the investigation into the fire and came to the first trial for the victims. “At this point – he said – wait for the verdict of the Fourth Criminal Chamber of the Cassation . You have to understand the reasons for this request of pg “. He speaks instead of “bolt from the blue” Antonio Boccuzzi , dem worker accident survivor and deputy who also underlines “the risk that the two Germans accused, which are also the main causes of the fire to the Thyssen , can be served in Germany at half penalty. It would be paradoxical – he continued – that the CEO of Thyssen , which at first instance had been convicted of murder , can now get Germany a pain even lower than that of the other Italian co-defendants. ” “In the face of this risk – he concluded – is even more profound our disappointment to set aside the judgment of first instance.”

The court case – And ‘the second time that the process Thyssen comes in Cassation , who had previously ordered to Court of Appeal of Turin recalculate the sanctioning treatment. In the appeal bis penalties had been slightly reduced. At first instance the prosecutor Raffaele Guariniello had disputed the accusation of murder with indirect intent and convictions had been very heavy. On appeal the sentences were mitigated, with the exception of the intentionally , and the last reduction there was after the first appeal of the defendants in the Cassation . The last verdict condemns confirmed the ‘ aggravated manslaughter and violation of safety regulations. In case of confirmation of the sentence, four defendants will be formed immediately.

The court case started on 15 January 2009, when you open a Turin the lower court, which will extend until April 15, 2011, day of the first judgment came after 100 hearings celebrated and condemns severe inflicted six defendants. Among them the managing director of the steel administrator, Harald Espenhahan , at first instance sentenced to 16 ½ years in prison for murder . Managers, on which today Cassation is called to say the last word, clothed various roles within the factory where the fire occurred. For managers Thyssen the pains were in the first degree of 13 and a half for killing and Fire culpable ( with conscious guilt) and omission of safety precautions. The plaintiffs they had EUR 13 million out of a total of 17 million compensation. On 1 July 2008, the Thyssen , which in the meantime in March 2008 had closed down the factory in Turin, has paid the amount to the families of the seven workers died in the fire in order not to bring a civil action.

According to the judges of first Instance, was an “unfortunate choice” ad “to zero – reads the citation – every choice of prevention.” The victims of the fire Thyssen are: Antonio Schiavone (the first to die at 4 am from injuries sustained during the accident), Giuseppe Demasi , Angelo Laurino, Roberto Scola , Rodino Rosario, Rocco March , Bruno Santino (successively exhausted slowly 7 to 30 December 2007 for the most serious reported burns). The penalties are slightly reduced during the second instance, celebrated between November 28 2012 and February 28, 2013, at the Assize Court of Appeal Turin , chaired by Giangiacomo Sandrelli , with the glaring exception to the Espenhahan , the intent. The appeal follows the action Cassation by Raffaele Guariniello , flanked by prosecutors Laura Longo and Francesca Traverso , as well as the pg Ennio Tomaselli , against the judgment on appeal, so do the defenses of the accused with other motivations. Following the supreme court they had asked the recalculation of it.



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