“The situation is closely monitored by our law enforcement and intelligence – explains Stucchi – there have been surveys and others are in progress but in several cases it could also be items only in passing, that were in certain areas and that they are now located somewhere else “
With the release of Sirte by ISIS , “the scenario has completely changed and grows objectively the risk that the militants can escape by sea in Europe.” Giacomo Stucchi, chairman of Copasir, has few doubts that “has long been highly unlikely, if not impossible – explained to AGI – who did travel Daesh its affiliates in boats, exposing the objectively high risks of the crossing men on which he had invested in time and money, “today you are” in a state of chaos, and in fleeing Libya those which are not directed towards the south could also decide to groped the paper of the sea journey to Europe. they are mavericks, people in disarray, escaping – emphasizes Stucchi – then it needs to understand his intentions who should really get this: simply to disappear without a trace, or want to continue to ‘fight’ in the name of their cause? “. As for the threats in Rome read on the Libyan city walls torn at Is, for the president of Copasir “must be read in view of the propaganda made by Daesh in recent years and in recent months, especially in Libya. In the focus is the ‘West in general with all the symbols that the self-styled Caliphate wants to bring down, and Rome as the cradle of Christianity is a target as any other city in the’ infidels’. “
and the possible presence in the Milanese Libyan jihadists, Tunisian and Sudanese , which would speak of Tripoli services? “The situation is closely monitored by our law enforcement and intelligence – concludes Stucchi – there have been surveys and others are in progress but in several cases it could also be elements just passing through, who have been in certain areas and that now lie elsewhere. “
prevention and control of the entire national territory
continues while the prevention and control of the entire national territory , also in these summer months. After several arrests of recent weeks, in different Italian locations, in Ferrara he was stopped and espuslo an Albanian radicalized already resident in Vigarano. The incident has greatly affected both communities that the Bondeno mayor wrote to the prefect: “ Stop ‘nomadism’ of the Imam,” who come from outside the province to hold sermons in Islamic cultural centers of our territory. “and on the same hard-line Islamic cultural centers,” masked mosques where too often proselytize. “Stop also” welcoming to immigrants “, given the” ongoing investigations on the correlation between Isis and landings. “
Maximum alert in these days of great exodus, stations, airports and seaports. in Palermo (alert level 2) – precisely because of tighter controls – are long queues are registered for embarkation. controls that will be extended also to travelers of the two cruise ships that since August 15 will arrive at the port.
Same script in Savona. with level 2 are now controlled 100% passengers and 50% of the cars. in addition to the master’s port are also operating the security services of shipping companies and maritime border police.
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