Monday, August 15, 2016

Rome, for Raineri contract without notice – The Republic

Before the negotiation on salary, then the request for an opinion advocacy Capitoline. Were those intense hours that preceded the drafting and signing of the contract by Carla Raineri, the magistrate of the Court of Appeal of Milan named earlier this year in Rome by Commissioner Francesco Paolo Trim. And a few days ago promoted to the role of chief of staff of the mayor Virginia Rays.

The lawyers of the Capitol have studied the situation and then delivered their verdict: “The standard of the Consolidated Local authorities (Tuel) that seems maggioramente suited to the figure of the chief of staff would seem to be written in the article 110 “. An opinion in the conditional, as if to get their hands on. Perhaps to cover themselves in case of a sudden storm, because the article cited by the Advocate leaves little doubt: “The assignments under contracts referred to in this paragraph – reads the Tuel – conferred upon the selection.” And Carla Raineri was not chosen after a tender, but direct dialing. Before her, the same way he had been appointed chief of staff the current deputy mayor Daniel Frongia. Leaving aside the reasons which have scuttled the investiture (risk of incompatibility for the law Severino as a former board member), the contract was Frongia article 90. More stakes on the extent of the salary, but no notice.
arrive at 193,000 Euros per year sought by Raineri and allow the magistrate to continue to earn as garantitole by the CSM, surpassing the salary cap of a normal executive with a personal allowance, the Virginia Rays team had to instead proceed with an Article 110 . “A chance – according to one of the activists of the Roman M5s – it could cost you dearly in the future. Just think of what happened to the former mayors playing with the contracts. ” The reference is to the investigation opened in the prosecution on the appointment of Gianni Alemanno and Ignazio Marino: both the prosecutor Francesco Dall’Olio denies the abuse of office along with 58 other suspects including commissioners, directors and officers for hiring figures professional without external competition and public procedure.

Just to square Clodius magistrates will turn Fabrizio Gera, the parent company of the Capitol Brothers of Italy, and the Capitoline Assembly Vice President, Andrea De Priam: “we will present a We exposed, just as we did with Marino, to ask to verify the correctness of the procedures used. The Capitol has become a superstipendificio to 5 stars. “
But pentastellati defend themselves.

They promise to rely on a staff from the cost of ’5 million, Marino was 5.3.” And go straight past. Carla Raineri has full confidence and yesterday a medal in over the chest. It is dell’esposto – written together to Truncate times together alderman for the Budget, Marcello Minenna – that convinced the prosecutor to open a file on the historic debt of the Commune and the deal management derivatives acquired in 2002 by the junta Veltroni.
carla raineri


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