Saturday, June 27, 2015

De Luca is no longer clear Renzi signature suspension – The Time

Florence Conference value and values ​​of sport in Italy - Screening 2013


Vincenzo De Luca is not clear. Why in the cabinet last night Matteo Renzi signed the act of suspension of its governor as required by law Severino. “It was a adepimento made after getting the green light and the opinions of the minister – said the Prime Minister at a press conference after the CDM – Our opinion is that the president of the Campania region can do the acts permitted by the opinion of Advocacy of State . It was a necessary without resorting to ad hoc norms. “

” De Luca will check if you do consequent actions: an evaluation is its “added the Prime Minister stressing having “perfectly executed the duty to respect the Severino. Maybe someone will be surprised. “

The first, probably, to be surprised it was the governor of Campania which, according to some, would rely on an ad hoc decree for save him from the trap of the law Severino. A “sneaky” that would allow him to get around it the rule that provides for the suspension of the directors who have been convicted in the first degree.

But now Vincenzo De Luca will to appeal to the Court, exploiting the favorable ruling to the mayor of Naples, Luigi De Magistris, who had appealed and that on Thursday saw upheld its claim against the suspension.

But the mayor of Naples had warned De Luca’s not too much to hope for a “love” of his judgment in his favor. “” The cases are different – in fact had insisted the former PM – De Luca has campaigned with the law Severino, I was already in charge and the sentence relates to events prior to my role as director. There are points of contact , we made law and may be useful in other cases, but the differences are many. There is no equivalence legal, institutional and even political between the story and the story De Magistris De Luca. The proceedings are personal, then if other read the cards and draw on topics you can. “” But there is traslatio – concluded De Magistris can not move my case on that De Luca. They are different things. “

Now, however, De Luca will make himself recourse to ordinary court against the suspension. But we will have to figure out who, in this period will rule the region. For the Prime Minister, however, De Luca also suspended may sign all actions that concerning the appointment of a deputy.


Leonardo Ventura


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