Thursday, June 25, 2015

School reform, ok to trust in the Senate – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published June 25, 2015 at 10:19.
The last change is the 25 June 2015 at 21:27.

In the Senate is on the reform of the “good school”, marked by tensions even outside Palazzo Madama, where the march organized by trade unions, Cobas in the lead, has knocked the traffic: the court has approved with 159 yes, 112 no and no abstention trust asked this morning by the government on an amendment which entirely replaces the text of the bill . Now the word goes to the House, where the measure is timetabled for July 7 to allow early as next school year the placing on the role of over 100 thousand temporary workers. “We did it,” he wrote in a text message at the end of voting the Education Minister Stefania Giannini Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. But the CGIL warns: “arrogant government, we do not stop.” And the Cisl adds: “We will fight in court.”

Giannini: “Sfondato wall that had blocked autonomy”
“It is a very important day for our government but also for me personally – said the minister – because even if it is not the final step is a critical step approved by the senators with large numbers. ” Then he added: “It’s the first time you can break through a wall that many ministers were not able to cross: the wall full autonomy and evaluation that had never been able to enter the school a significant element.” Undersecretary David Pharaoh said on Facebook: “Let us go forward with commitment because #labuonascuola is reality as early as next school year. The schedule is tight but we are driven by the firm conviction that the time has come to change this country. ”

Guerini (Pd): “There are funds and assumptions, sterile polemics”
“The Democratic Party deputy secretary Lorenzo Guerini defends the reform to the hilt:” Three billion investment and 100,000 recruitments this year and 60 thousand next year: it is the synthesis of the Good School who today received the confidence in the Senate, a measure that gives rather than remove. Unlike what happened in the past when governments the right school to cut billions of resources and tens of thousands of teachers. ” And “to all then linger in sterile polemics math,” he added, “we remember that the confidence gained today is in line with other measures of confidence voted in recent months. And that what matters is that yes outweigh the not. “

The M5S stages the” funeral of the public school “
The protest standout is It was one of the senators to 5 Stars, who have staged a veritable ‘funeral to public school killed by the government, “caused by the decision to put the trust on the maxi-amendment that contains the reform. When the Minister for Reforms Maria Elena Boschi made official in the House the request for a vote of confidence grillini Electronic candles lit and displayed unmistakable signs that read: “Rip (rest in peace, ed) public school.” The senators were then removed their jackets to show shirts draped in mourning. “In this way – explain the senators cinquestelle – is further humiliated the Parliament.”



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