Thursday, June 25, 2015

School bill, yet an examination to Renzi: Today the House of Senate vote … – Il Secolo XIX


Rome – This morning, the government will put the confidence and the sun went down the hall of the Senate will vote yes or no to the “good school.” The reform should go beyond free the gauntlet of the Senate, but during the night the Senators Ap, Sacconi, Quagliariello and others, threatening not to vote confidence, they asked the government for an urgent meeting to clear the field by the ambiguity of a rule that “could allow the spread in the school of the theory on gender”, however denied by the Minister Giannini.

From the top, however, the Democratic Party shall be charged defections that can be counted on the fingers of one hand, Tocci, Mineo, Ricchiuti and Ruta. The twenty bersaniani that are owned by Gotor will vote for it , “because trust in the government is not denied.” And because they have ripped changes that can sell itself, on the evaluation of teachers and the equalization fund for disadvantaged schools.

If then other malpancisti will desert the classroom, from the point of view of the government never mind, because it is not necessary to elect 161 senators, whether it will overcome all the better. Renzi tonight could tick the first turning point before you rush to the Chamber, where “I hope you will not shed the trust,” Bersani hopes spreading his arms. In the Senate the government is not worried, because the climate is not inflamed as it was for the Italicum. Of course, the 5stelle stigmatize “the privatization of public schools.”

The trust then causes the act of breaking Stefano Fassina that shakes the entire left Democratic Party and also those of the separation renziani concerned with the soul more than the left of the party. Classroom some bickering does not fail, the blues they pick Grasso. Guilty of having done talking for ten minutes Commission President, Andrea Marcucci, on the substance of reform and not on the work, which saw skip the votes in committee where there was no majority for the no of Tocci and Mineo.

“The lack of compliance with the regulation is very serious and the call to order!”, Raises his voice the leader of Forza Italia, Paolo Romani. These tones used by a dove as the Romans show that the blues feel reborn and combative at this stage of the government’s weakness. It is no coincidence that just in the Senate is not in the agenda of the chairs of the committees provided for renewal after two years of legislature: a waltz that will lead to unseat some members of Forza Italy from the benches. The desire not to touch the balance will slip this back in September.

It is no accident that even in the House, the same whirlwind of appointments provided on July 1 yesterday has been postponed for a week. The leadership of the Democratic Party with Renzi are considering whether it is appropriate to postpone everything to autumn. Including the long-awaited cabinet reshuffle , “to make one package with the Chairs of the Committee of the House and Senate “says one of the men of the premier. In short, taking into hanging all aspiring presidents and secretaries in pectore you get the effect of freezing the tensions and not to increase the number of malcontents in the Democratic Party and among the allied parties.

And if the House might not be deferred, the Senate held the majority is essential, since before the summer break Renzi would like to take home three more reforms of the first magnitude : civil unions – which are still in committee with 1,600 amendments and on which the government can not put confidence: as well as the trust can not be placed on the reform Rai , still in the Commission, which yesterday saw unlocked opinions expected from the budget but on which there is still no agreement with the opposition. And finally the most thorny, Constitutional Reform . That requires agreements with the minority Democratic Party, given in this case to sell a bit ‘more dearly.

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