Sunday, June 21, 2015

League: back Pontida, Salvini attack on the Pope and the bulldozer for Renzi – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy

19:49 June 21, 2015

(AGI) – Pontida (Bergamo) , June 21 – The Northern League back in Pontida. After landing in Rome, with the rally in Piazza del Popolo, and the openings to the south, the Northern League returns to the ‘sacred lawn’ of Bergamo where, in 1167, took the oath that gave birth to the Lombard League, elected in place of the symbol instances autonomist and secessionist movement was that of Umberto Bossi. “The League does not change”, punctuates Matteo Salvini, in its second Pontida secretary. By Bossi Roberto Calderoli, all to reassure the militants waving flags with the Cross of St. George and the Lion of St. Mark will not become a national party, ensure.
But, in the meantime, the league ‘already ‘changed,’ cause in the crowded ‘pratone’ waving flag even some of Puglia and Abruzzo or ‘We with Salvini’, the movement with which the party is presented in the regions of Central and Southern. And the word ‘Padania’ disappears from the speeches of the leaders (except for the senatur who insists his old ‘roar’, “Padania” waiting for the militants to respond, this time with difficulty, but ‘, with the cry “Free”) . Salvini also breaks a taboo ‘and concluded his speech urging supporters to “liberate Italy and Italie.” For the rest, little change in Pontida: usual banners ‘Secession, Italy shit’, usual gazebo with sausage rolls, and militants from the whimsical look with clutch, scarf or t-shirt Green of orinanza. Many wear the same t-shirt Salvini, one marked ‘Bulldozers in action’ carried out by the Young Po after the leader of the Northern League caused a scandal by evoking the bulldozers to raze fields Rom (Salvini also put it to daughter Mirta, two and half years, remained all the time in the back of the stage with his mother, Giulia Martinelli). In its second Pontida, the head ‘national-Po’ firmly believes in the ability ‘of its League to become a government force and the bulldozer – that towers next to the stage – it evokes against Matteo Renzi. “The bulldozer does justice to so many mistakes: the bulldozer for the use Renzi, not for someone else”, assures, and ‘a’ symbol of work “is not ‘stuff and perhaps intellectual and’ why Laura Boldrini has problems and criticism. During a speech slightly more ‘moderate than usual – free from profanity and’ vaffa ‘- Salvini not save a hard jab to the Pope. “I’m glad” that, during his visit in Piedmont, “have found time to meet the Roma: I’m sure you will have ‘also met in Turin and evicted esodati “says defiantly. “I do not ever dare to attack the Pope,” he continues, calling himself “the last of the good Christians”, but, “than calls over: and ‘right that the Pope call for help all over the world, but also right that those who are’ paid by Italian citizens think first Italian citizens. Man is ‘but no fool, Christian’ but not self-destructive. ” Children and mothers called around the stage with him, Salvini insists more ‘times on the message-example of “normality’” who want to give with its League. “Here there is no ‘anger, it’ resentment: we are here to build hope and the future of our children. The fear we leave it to Renzi and her bridesmaids’ claims. “The choice of the League and ‘a choice of normality’ – points out, citing St. Francis -. We do not offer unrealistic things and do not buy the votes with 80 euro”. It then lists all the points of the League’s program, built in recent months: the fight against Europe (“Soviet Union criminal, who wants to kill our identity ‘and diversity’ ‘), the battle against sanctions on Russia, proposed flat tax at 15%, but also free nursery schools up to two years, as in France, and the compulsory civilian service for young people. Net position on civil rights: no opposition ‘to the recognition of certain rights, but the “marriage gets between a man and a woman and the children are adopted by her mother and the Pope’.” “And if the parties of the Democratic Party says this and ‘a medieval concept I say’ Long live the Middle Ages’ rather than the barbarism that someone in Brussels we want to impose.” Salvini just before the stage begins to speak Bossi. An opportunity for the senatur – between kisses and hugs with Salvini on stage – to replicate the stored lanciatagli by his successor yesterday (When asked what difference he sees between his league and that of Bossi, Salvini replied: “ratings , that in politics count “). “The league does not need to ally”, he marks the founding of the Northern League. A possible alliance and ‘possible only with those who’ and ‘reasonable’ and ‘with those who understand that the North can not’ be a slave of the Italian State, which is not ‘never came out of the fascist state. ” “The votes are not nothing, even in a democracy, if they are not intended to change the country. To make alliances with us we want the votes, not votes, ask for votes but to make reforms. I hope that the league is still so ‘ “. We’ll see ‘, meanwhile says Salvini not willing to alliances at all costs, reiterates its’ niet’ to Angelino Alfano and demands the opening of discussions on the programs. In the acknowledgments also he cites journalists and intellectuals who, while not voting League, are helping the Movement, including Massimo Fini, Victor Felts, Pietrangelo Buttafuoco, Alberto Bagnai, and Luca Ricolfi. Waiting to organize a ‘Pontida South’: “We’re working on. There are already ‘proposed location’ ready to welcome us.”


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