Friday, June 26, 2015

School reform: here is the news – Item New TV

ROME. With 159 votes for and 112 against the draft bill school earned the confidence in the Senate. These changes of the reform: EVALUATION OF TEACHERS

Committee for the evaluation of teachers. In the composition of the Committee for the evaluation of teachers, their number increased from two to three, two of which are chosen by the faculty and one from the school board, with the addition of an external component identified by the regional school between teachers, school administrators and technical managers. The Committee shall be three school years, and ‘chaired by the head teacher.

EVALUATION OF MERIT. At the end of the three year period 2016-2018, the regional education offices sent to the Ministry of Education, University ‘and research a report on the criteria adopted by schools to recognize the merit of teachers. Based on the reports received, a special Technical and Scientific Committee appointed by the Minister of Education, University ‘and research, after comparison with the social partners and key professional, prepares guidelines for the assessment of teachers’ level National. These guidelines are reviewed periodically, on the recommendation of the Ministry of Education, University ‘and research based on the evidence emerging from the reports of the regional education offices. The merit is rewarded with 200 million allocated by the executive inisieme assigned to the evaluation committee to Prof. more ‘deserving.

Other news’ regarding school reform:

SCHOOL LEADERS Introduction of criteria for the evaluation of school leaders. E ‘was introduced a rule on the evaluation of school leaders. Identifying indicators for the evaluation of the head teacher will take into account the contribution of the executive to the pursuit of results for the improvement of the education service provided in the self-assessment report and the following general criteria:

a) management skills organizational and aimed at achieving results, integrity, transparency, efficiency and effectiveness of management in relation to the objectives set in his role three years; b) enhancement of the commitment and the professional merits of the institution staff, both individual and in the areas collegial; c) appreciation of their work within the community ‘professional and social; d) contribution to improving the educational success of students and academic and organizational processes and learning, within the systems of self-assessment, evaluation and social reporting; e) unified management of the school, promoting the participation and collaboration between the different components of the communities’ education, relations with the social context and in the network of schools. Establishment of criteria for the award of the inspection. The assignments for the inspection functions conferred by the procedure public by comparative evaluation of curricula and prior public notice, to be published on the website of the Ministry of Education, University ‘and research that makes knowable number of places and the their distribution between the central and regional education offices as well as’ the selection criteria to be adopted for the comparative assessment. Proposal of appointment to the faculty. In the proposal of appointment to the faculty head teacher it takes into account the above allocation of the office under the law 5 February 1992, n. 104.

Another novelty ‘and’ reappointment – which lasts three years – the teacher purche ‘in line with the plan of training.

“CLASSES POLLAIO” : reducing the number of pupils and students per class can ‘be ordered by the head teacher also in relation to the training needs of students with disabilities’. And ‘also it clarified that the head teacher can’ use the teachers in classes of competition other than those for which they are authorized, as long as’ possess academic qualifications for teaching discipline and training and professional skills consistent with the teachings to impart and purche ‘are not available in the territorial qualified teachers in those classes of competition.

EXTRAORDINARY PLAN ASSUMPTIONS For the school year 2015/2016, the special plan for permanent hiring of staff professor for state schools of all levels provides coverage of all common places and support of staff of law, remain vacant and available upon the completion of release for the role carried out by the same school year, at the end of which are deleted rankings of competitions based on qualifications and examinations bandits before 2012. For the school year 2015/2016, the Ministry of Education, University ‘and research’, altresi ‘, authorized to cover the additional places enhancement provided by law (48 thousand). They are hired for an indefinite period: a) the winners and the competition’s 2012; b) those enrolled in the lists are exhausted.

At STAGES special plan for hiring the procedure follows the mode ‘and stages: a) the winners and the competition’s reserve in 2012 and enrolled in the lists are exhausted shall be made by 15 September 2015, within the limit of vacancies and available in organic law; b) The winners and the competition’s reserve in 2012 and enrolled in the rankings to exhaustion that are not beneficiaries of the proposed intake in point a), are hired, legally effective as at 1 September 2015, within the limit of vacancies and available in organic law that remain; c) The winners and the competition’s reserve in 2012 and enrolled in the rankings to exhaustion that are not beneficiaries of the proposed recruitment in points a) or b), are hired, legally effective as at 1 September 2015, in the limit of seats of the installation which will be discovered gradually during the year.

Other changes introduced by the maxi amendment:

SCHOOL BONUS Destination 10 percent of cash donations to schools with fewer resources. The tax credit introduced for cash donations for investment in favor of all the institutions of the national education system, for the construction of new school facilities, maintenance and upgrading of existing ones and to support interventions that improve the employability ‘of the students, and’ granted to individuals well ‘to non-commercial organizations and the holders of business income, provided that 10 percent themselves are destined to educational institutions that are recipients of donations below the national average.

ROOF IN TAX CREDIT. Expenses for donations are allowed as a deduction within the limit of the maximum amount of EUR 100,000 for each tax year.

INSTITUTES MUSICAL EX trimmed In support of all institutions of higher musical ex trimmed (no more ‘ only those in serious difficulty ‘financial) and’ been increased authorize spending for 2015 (1 to 2.9 million euro) and from 2016 (from 3 to 5 million euro).

PROXY 0-6 Coverage of places for children. The Government is given the mandate to define the essential levels of performance in kindergarten and educational services for children. It is expected, among other things, cover the posts of the kindergarten for the implementation of the action plan for the integrated system also making use of the list to exhaustion for the same level of education as at the date of entry into force of this law.

STUDENT CARD. It is expected the strengthening of the student card in order to certify through the same status in question and give access to programs relating to goods and services of a cultural nature, to services for the mobility ‘national and international aids to nature technology for the study and for the purchase of school supplies as well as’ a chance ‘to associate functionality’ additional payment instruments through electronic wallet.


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