Saturday, June 20, 2015

The “yes” of Berlusconi to his: ritentiamo the way of the Nazarene – BBC

Milan , June 20, 2015 – 07:15


Perhaps without conviction, certainly no passion. But given the insistence of Confalonieri and Letta, Berlusconi decided to remake a try Renzi. Nazareth is like a phoenix, is how certain stories that do not end. So, in the name and on behalf of its leader, the blue Romans met fellow Zanda, and through democratic leader has told the prime minister like Berlusconi is prepared to renew the covenant he made history and scandal. No more the emphasis of the past, of course, no longer matches conviviali in which the two ended to speak of calcium. No more time, in some ways the time seems already expired. However the offer came at Palazzo Chigi: Forza Italy is ready to dialogue (again) with the majority and to make a contribution on the most important measures. Provided, however, that reforms the leader of the Democratic Party to change, to reintroduce the Senate elective and guarantees to change the Italicum, assigning (again) the award to the coalition and not more to the list.

According to Berlusconi it is an act of generosity, since ‘Renzi is hated in his party, where I have the impression that they are working to make it fall. ” According to Renzi is an act of contrition, since ‘Berlusconi he realized he had made a serious mistake, “moving away from the Nazarene. Both tell a piece of truth, both remain wary, both are struggling with political problems. But with very different situations. While the secretary dem was defeated in local elections, it is equally true that the president of the Blues could not insist the result.

The victory of the moderate mayors marked fact overcoming the leadership of Berlusconi. It is not by chance that the triumph of civic lists coincided with the decline of Forza Italy. In Sicily, for example, the symbol was presented only in Bronte, because everywhere was asked to strengthen the local bands. How far are the roaring twenties where the candidates lined up at Arcore for photography with the leader, to later use in campaign posters. Now the opposite is true, and Venice was the most striking case. Gracefully the newly elected mayor Brugnaro has revealed to Salvatore Merlo for the Sheet : “I am indebted to the generosity of Forza Italy, which has become a little ‘aside’.

It is not just a problem of political marketing, the first to know it is Berlusconi, using the pretext as an excuse and deep thinking to look for a new name. In recent days he was passionate about the logo “The other Italian,” he dropped when polls noted that gave “an idea divisive and not inclusive.” Better luck with the next name, even if every test is similar to the canvas of Penelope, from packing and unpacking to take time. But time wears out those who do not have it. And it is time that steals ideas to Berlusconi, for he had decided to renew and innovate with the civic lists.

The point is that those lists today do not belong. Project, policy and objectives, Brugnaro is a different story than Berlusconi. The Municipal are always the place of the trial for the moderate area. Besides twenty-two years ago – in the aftermath of the Christian Democrats – the center-anticipated his victory Policies with the candidacy of Fini to the Capitol. And when the time comes to Rome also Marchini, who seems to be the “chosen”, ask you to ‘innovate’ ‘parties – warns – will have to take a step back. “

There’s a reason So if the former prime minister is a victim of its own operation: the breakdown which was aimed struck fact only the area once dominated by the PDL. With their ups and downs the other parties remain rather structured, Forza Italy is sinking into the abyss opened by Berlusconi himself. The proof is in the survey with which yesterday Ixe ‘has revealed for the first time in the history of his party below the psychological threshold of 10%, compared to a League ascent up to 16%: the negative trend testifies so that the drop does not It was due to the agreement with Renzi. Perhaps for this reason, without passion nor conviction, Berlusconi knocked back to Nazareth. Without telling Salvini.

June 20, 2015 | 07:15



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