Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Ruby ter case, investigations closed: for pm Berlusconi would corrupt … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published June 30, 2015 at 12:29.

Silvio Berlusconi would corrupt Ruby with about 7 million euro, including cash and money used by the girl to open international operations, such as a restaurant in Mexico. The amount for which the former partner of the young Moroccan, Luca Risso, could respond recycling. In all the money paid by the Knight to Olgettina who attended parties at Arcore to buy their silence and lie in the processes Ruby and Ruby bis would amount to 10 million. It is the hypothesis of the Milan prosecutors today that it closed the investigations investigations against Silvio Berlusconi and 33 other people charged in various capacities of corruption and perjury in the investigation dubbed “Ruby ter”.

The notice of the closing of the investigation, the act that usually precedes the request for trial, has already been served on all the people involved in the investigation conducted by prosecutors Tiziana Siciliano and Luca Gaglio and coordinated the deputy prosecutor Pietro Forno. Carved out the location of 11 people, including lawyers ‘historical’ former prime minister, Niccolo Ghedini and Piero Longo.

On the position of Risso, a new survey, the pm Siciliano said: “This money comes to him suddenly and Risso was able to re-employ this money in foreign assets.” The reference is to the magistrate ‘Restaurante house Sofia’ initiated by the former boyfriend of Ruby in Playa del Carmen, Mexico’s Yucatan coast resort.
sprout new details on the role of Luke Giuliante, the lawyer who had defended Ruby as soon as the scandal broke on evenings Arcore. According to prosecutors, his role in this affair has been to “a sort of director who ran money transfers from Silvio Berlusconi to Ruby.”



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